08-13-2011, 11:31 PM
Okay I was debating whether to post this here or in GD. I might post another one there because the thing is, I'm pretty sure this is actually a famous piece rather than something invented for a game, and so I could be more bound to find someone there who would know it (I might try in both anyway).

But I've been trying to find it ever since elementary school, it's actually from "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego" (The game, obviously, not the show). And I know for a fact that a lot of the tunes used in that game are famous pieces, with a few exceptions.

Sooo there was this one piano piece used at a certain point which I've been trying to hunt down since 4th grade (before the internet was as omnipotent as it is now), and I'm pretty sure it's something famous because I've definitely heard it someplace else, but even just a couple years I still couldn't find ANYTHING of that game, not even youtube. But now it finally is on youtube... well, sort of, in a walkthrough video, so there's a lot of dialogue in the background, but I feel like someone musically inclined would know it a second.

So here it is. Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego: Messup in Menlo Park - YouTube ( the Edison case, starts at 0:45. Played mostly throughout the whole video while in the lab (Right before "WOW! Epic time traveling!"). Yeah a little hard to hear because of all the dialogue, but still audible clearly.

Yeah, brings back memories... so anyone know this piece? It's possible it was invented for the game but I'm 98% sure it was not.

08-14-2011, 07:31 AM
Sounds like a Joplin rag, but not one I recognize. It may be a Joplin rag knock-off.

If no one knows it, you should check the credits and see who the composer was. If you can get an email through a Google search, they'd probably be happy to tell you.

08-14-2011, 09:07 AM
heh thanks arthur, and that's a genius idea, but unfortunately I don't have my hands on the game as of now. Can't seem to find the game's credits in a google search either :/