03-24-2003, 04:03 AM
Yeah, as the title reads I have a new pic. She's pretty cool looking its my second water color so be kind... She kinda creepy looking because she has no face. But I like that sort of thing! :D So tell me what you think...ciao

03-26-2003, 03:08 AM
Cygnus-I love it!!:D its great! she may look slightly creepy but she is really great!

Oh and for all the ppl that looked, but did not comment-My God whats wrong with you ppl?! This is a really good peice of art work and yet all you can do is look at it. Why not try commenting on it. Or is it to great and breath taking that, you just can't reach the keys for your limbs have become numb from the greatness that you see before you!! Yes I know she may look creepy because she has no face, but if your going to look at it at least have the decency to comment on it.

03-26-2003, 03:15 AM
Thanks Bella, I really apreciate it. And I agree with you I think there is some weird selecting that people do; its really just a popularity contest if they dont know you they wont give your work a second glance. It's kinda upsetting, for all I know it could have some serious flaws like with one of my pics I drew the hand backwards on this one chick and I didnt know and no one told me until like a week later :(.