08-10-2011, 04:48 PM

Lossless encoded by: iTunes 10.4 (64bit) Apple Lossless m4a format (PNG booklet included)

1. 不思議を見つめて
2. 未開の回路
3. 危機
4. 時空戦線
5. ゾーン
6. ゲランの丘~レクイエム
7. 疑惑
15. 機械誤解
18. そんな時のためのワルツ
19. からっぽがいっぱい
20. 恋のうしろ指
21. 不可能な予測
22. あやかしの様式
23. 光が運ぶ夢

Mac DMG Image AES-

08-11-2011, 02:28 AM
Thanks Reupload.(●�ω`●)

08-11-2011, 04:11 AM

08-13-2011, 03:00 AM
Thanks very much for this. I would really like the password to this so I can enjoy this hard to find music that I've searched a long time for. Please accept my friend request so I can pm you for that password. ^^

08-13-2011, 03:08 AM

08-13-2011, 05:43 AM
So, is it my understanding that even if you do own a mac, you can't open the archives until the end of the month because you won't give out the password till then?

Also, taking a shot at people in the UK about the riots isn't a very good thing to be doing, i have friends that live in the areas the riots happened in.

I'm starting to think i let you off a bit too easily in the lossless anime thread, if i had seen this post before then, my response would have gone a little differently.

08-13-2011, 06:01 AM

08-13-2011, 06:18 AM
Ok, cool.

So now could i ask that maybe take a different approach to ripping this music? Instead of an image file, you rip the tracks individually and upload them individually also? I'm sure the people would be ok with downloading the files individually over not being able to download them at all. I see you use rapidshare, which is a great site, love it myself, so it wouldn't be too much effort to create a new folder on rapidshare and upload everything from the rip to the folder and share the folder link with everyone.

I'm not trying to tell you how to rip your music, but is there really a point in sharing something that the vast majority of people can't enjoy?

08-13-2011, 06:32 AM

08-13-2011, 06:37 AM
I'm not talking about rar files, i read the whole rar problem you're having. I meant upload the M4A and scan files separately to a new folder on rapidshare and share the link to that folder. It's actually less trouble for you to do it this way. No need to create a DMG file at all, just straight upload after ripping and scanning.

08-13-2011, 06:54 AM

08-13-2011, 07:00 AM
solaris, you're an asshole. Plain and simple. And if this remark gets me banned, then so be it. As far as I'm concerned, you're a troll.

08-13-2011, 07:03 AM
Ok, i understand that DMG comes first now. But is there a way to rip it to a standard DMG file without the AES-256bit password encryption? There are at least tools for pc users that can open standard DMG files.

08-13-2011, 07:17 AM

08-13-2011, 07:25 AM
Dear Jessie, I can realize that you are reasonable guy. But I would not like to go further on this topic.
The encryption key was originally used for other purposes actually to restrict the local administration access. Not for restricting for the Web downloaders. But for now, Obviously it is quite suitable for denying the access to those their mouths kept speaking dirty words all the days in here. Do you agree?

I see you in next year.

Or maybe, just maybe, "those their mouths kept speaking dirty words" as you so call us, dislike elitism?

To be quite honest, if anything, i didn't want your downloads, but your attitude, the way you treat people, that is why i dislike you, and is why i agree with noriko.

08-13-2011, 07:58 AM
Or maybe, just maybe, "those their mouths kept speaking dirty words" as you so call us, dislike elitism?

To be quite honest, if anything, i didn't want your downloads, but your attitude, the way you treat people, that is why i dislike you, and is why i agree with noriko.

I don't dislike elitism. I dislike moronic assholes. that's different. ;)

On a side note, that's it. i've done it. I've been rude on FFS. crap.

Oh, and Sol ? I'm 28, so not a bloody teenager. not a nerdy mac user who answers every remark with nerdspeak. >.<

08-13-2011, 08:44 AM
I don't dislike elitism. I dislike moronic assholes. that's different. ;)

On a side note, that's it. i've done it. I've been rude on FFS. crap.

Oh, and Sol ? I'm 28, so not a bloody teenager. not a nerdy mac user who answers every remark with nerdspeak. >.<

It depends on what you consider elitism, elitism by definition is the act and belief that you are better than someone, or you are superior in some way to others, this can also be attributed to things such as video game preferentials or in this case, an utter lack of care for the members base of the site, it seems he originally had no intention of releasing the password until a specific date, and only to a specific few, in my eyes, that is elitism, that being said yes, he is an asshole.
I am not fond of talking bad about anyone without speaking to their face directly about it, but in this case, it's 100% true and i cannot deny it.

Also, your 28 eh?
Only a year older than me.

08-13-2011, 01:11 PM
It depends on what you consider elitism, elitism by definition is the act and belief that you are better than someone, or you are superior in some way to others, this can also be attributed to things such as video game preferentials or in this case, an utter lack of care for the members base of the site, it seems he originally had no intention of releasing the password until a specific date, and only to a specific few, in my eyes, that is elitism, that being said yes, he is an asshole.
I am not fond of talking bad about anyone without speaking to their face directly about it, but in this case, it's 100% true and i cannot deny it.

Also, your 28 eh?
Only a year older than me.

I hadn't completely woken up when I answered.:D. what I meant is that I can understand using some private forums or websites or whatever, which work on invitation only. This kind of thing has been around for ages, as in the Great Britain Gentlemen club system. Hell i'm even a member of a few "closed" forums like that. What Herr Sol here does, is not elitism in the sense I meant. He didn't create a little corner on the internet, working on invite only, for Gentlemen using Macs. He barged in an open forum with a "holier-than-thou" attitude, mocking most of the users. Elitism is one thing, sheer bloody stupidity is another.

Nobody has ever proved me that macs were indeed better than PCs (they are just different, and in some areas even less proficient. Most games are not all that mac friendly.). His conduct is just the same as if I would come on the main square of my little city and proclaim myself a superior being because I have a bloody big hard drive filled to the rim with soundtracks. People would only thin that either i'm plain crazy, stupid, or just ridiculous.

And I even miscalculated my own age (he, I had awoken 3 minutes prior to writing that and my body was still caffeine free). I'm 29, so 2 years older. ;)

08-13-2011, 06:08 PM
I hadn't completely woken up when I answered.:D. what I meant is that I can understand using some private forums or websites or whatever, which work on invitation only. This kind of thing has been around for ages, as in the Great Britain Gentlemen club system. Hell i'm even a member of a few "closed" forums like that. What Herr Sol here does, is not elitism in the sense I meant. He didn't create a little corner on the internet, working on invite only, for Gentlemen using Macs. He barged in an open forum with a "holier-than-thou" attitude, mocking most of the users. Elitism is one thing, sheer bloody stupidity is another.

Nobody has ever proved me that macs were indeed better than PCs (they are just different, and in some areas even less proficient. Most games are not all that mac friendly.). His conduct is just the same as if I would come on the main square of my little city and proclaim myself a superior being because I have a bloody big hard drive filled to the rim with soundtracks. People would only thin that either i'm plain crazy, stupid, or just ridiculous.

And I even miscalculated my own age (he, I had awoken 3 minutes prior to writing that and my body was still caffeine free). I'm 29, so 2 years older. ;)

Again, it's one of those things that depend on your interpretation of the word, in the end i'd say we're both right, but in different ways.

In the case of macs, macs generally are more user friendly and have more user friendly editing software(though the disaster that was final cut pro X might change that), but tecnically that doesn't make it "better" than windows, as windows still have a higher level of customization ability and access to far more programs, and of course the fact that if you want to play games on a computer, windows is pretty much the only one worth bothering with.
I personally like linux over osx personally, in fact if linux had game support and more programs, i'd probably use linux over windows, but for the time being, windows is definitely the superior product to osx and linux .

08-13-2011, 06:26 PM
Matter of fact, I've never done a lot of video editing and even if I sometimes use photoshop, I don't often do more than basic stuff (I'm a linguist/historian as far as qualification go), and I'm perfectly happy with my dear little laptop. add to that that the only time I used a mac, it took me only 7 mn to make the thing bug and beg for no more, and the fact that i've been literaly raised in Windows :I use this little critter since version 3.1 and I even fiddled a little with MS DOS 20 odd years ago (Can't believe it was that long ago !). Ah, I'm feeling all melancholic now. :)

08-13-2011, 06:38 PM
Well that's one thing i can definitely agree with you on, mac's suck.

If you need OSX, make a hackintosh.
I never got into dos, i didn't get a pc until around 2006, but i do need to expand my horizons so i may try an learn command line soon.

08-13-2011, 07:05 PM
Actually, a hackintosh is a great idea. Got an old unused computer, When I'll have time I'll have to set this up. thx for the idea, dude !

08-13-2011, 09:44 PM
Actually, sorry to say this, I love Mackintosh more then Windows. It is easy for me to work on both, but maybe because I was a part of the responsible group of teachers of the Computer Room in my old school (like 9 years ago), I learned to work in both Operative Systems, and I must say the easier OS of MAC s the Tutti-Frutti edition, but that is just my opinion. But, I have no grudge on windows users or mac users. Please, having a war because of which computer is the best is non-senseless. About Windows, I am still in LOVE with Windows'98 and NT, and those for me, are the perfect OS of windows. Of course this matter is very subjective, because my opinion and your opinions about this is a variable for what you may or not may do with those OS of windows or mac. Our opinions will always be based on the good thing that makes us more comfortable. I am Much more Comfortable working in Windows98 and NT, as well that Mackintosh edition I spoke. OK, they are rivals, but I do not really care about that.

For you Solaris, I must say that you may speak of "reasonable" and "maturity", but you are not showing any. If you already know that everyone in this forum is windows user, why are you keeping posting these "Mac Users Only" stuff? :/
That is what I am failing to understand. And this DMG thing is not making sense to me at all. You have shared your first soundtracks of Leina and Borgman in m4a before, why not now share in that way? I already understood your explanations, but your explanations, with all due respect and not offensive, are not convincing anyone. If you really are getting the attitude about the "Windows users sucks" then you are not Mature enough to compare yourself to us. I know some users may have "exploded" with you, but I can also but myself in their places and sense that you are not making any sense either sharing these or any other explanation you might have.

08-13-2011, 10:30 PM
Matter of fact, there's no war anymore (except a little barb here and there). But the guy's spamming the forum isn't helping in calming anyone. Also, I too remember his first share. they were (for some at least) in rar. so his speech on not being able to use other compression method is, at best, a real bad excuse. at worse, it is the biggest troll to ever hit the forum.

08-14-2011, 02:41 AM

Okay, and that does what for me? I can't PM you because you won't accept my friend listing so I can send you one. I asked you nicely here for the password to unlock the dmg file. I'll politely ask again; what is the password for this Orguss 02 dmg? It would be nice to enjoy this anime soundtrack rarity.

08-14-2011, 02:45 AM

08-15-2011, 03:50 AM
Having fun now?

08-15-2011, 03:53 AM
check PM

08-15-2011, 03:58 AM
Big enough for your eyes?

08-15-2011, 03:59 AM

08-15-2011, 04:10 AM
Oh, so sorry. Here you go. --;;

08-15-2011, 04:18 AM
Well Done.