01-12-2002, 04:53 AM
ok, **takes a deep breath** here we go....

As you know, the forums were erased. That means that my country of USSBC was destroyed with the Shrine. The Super Smash Bros. Club was in fact destroyed on the day that Super Smash Bros. Melee was released. And now, about a month later, I own Melee. I am going to rebuild that club, and with it create that battle system. It will take time, and it will take effort. It will take the consent of Corazon Azul and a new club section. It will take Chronos with me, who is apparently no-where to be found currently, though I have remained contact with him.

For all you new people, forget all of that said above. Who owns Melee? Its an amazing game.

I have now, 23 out of 25 of the characters, and I am working at it every chance I get. My best character is Link, then Shiek, but I have a loooooong way to go to get them mastered. Especially with the new air dodge and other stuff.

Who is your fav. new char.?

01-12-2002, 06:02 AM
My favorite characters are Fox, Link, Zelda, Roy, and Marth. All five of them are really strong which is probably why they are so popular among SSBM gamers. Fox has the insane speed and decent power(I feel guilty using him). Link has good attack, both long range and short range. Zelda and Shiek combined is a whole package, with speed and power wrapped in one bag. Roy has the most powerful attack in the game, the shield breaker. Marth's attacks aren't as powerful as Roy's but they are certainly faster. His shield breaker takes less time to charge to reach maximum power.

Well, that's my "FAB FIVE"(fabulous five).

Yuffie Strife
01-12-2002, 01:22 PM
My favorite character combination is the Zelda characters. Just put Zelda/Sheik, Link, young Link, and Gannondorf in one of the Zelda stages and play away! I'm always Zelda/Sheik.

SSBM is a great game. Practically the only reason why I got a GC, even. *hugs game*

01-14-2002, 06:58 AM
Wow, air dodge. I really want that game. Not long to wait now heh heh. My fave characters are Kirby and Mario.

Rabid Monkey
01-14-2002, 05:20 PM
I've never played Melee because no one I know has the GameCube or plans on getting it, but I've played the first one.

Personally I think Kirby is the cheapest character in the game...I mean I know he can fly in his own games and all, but it is just an unfair advantage for him to be able to fly back on.

As for my best character...I got pretty good with all the characters except Kirby because I hate him in that game so much, but I would have to say that either Fox or DK were my best characters.

01-15-2002, 02:20 AM
I like Marth, but Ganondorf is by far the cheapest... but no one can stop MR GAME AND WATCH!!!! ALL BOW TO MR GAME AND WATCH!!!!!

01-15-2002, 10:26 AM
I love the Melee game !!!!!!!! :D
it looks so good, and all the play modes are so much better then SSB on the n64
It's a shame that they made Kirby somewhat weaker then last time, He was my pink puffed ball fighting machine :)

01-15-2002, 01:28 PM
I am gay lol

01-16-2002, 09:39 AM
I havent played melee but on the first one I like using Samus...mainly because I like dragon Ball z and I like samus's charge blast!

01-17-2002, 10:50 PM
I've only recently played the original SSB. But it's pretty sweet. Especially as a multiplayer game. I like Kirby, Samus and Mario. I'm probly best with Kirby but thats not saying much.

SSBM looks nice...probly wont ever play it. No one I know is getting a gamecube and I'm strapped for cash.

Tidus 540
01-18-2002, 08:25 AM
I like Link, Samus, Zelda, Ganondorf Kirby, Roy, Mewtwo and Mr.Game&Watch.

But Link and Samus are my two favs and best.

01-19-2002, 01:56 AM
I just played Super Smash Bros. for the first time on GameCube today!
So far my favorite new character is Dr. Mario!!!!
His sound effects are awesome.

Tidus 540
01-22-2002, 07:33 AM
I like Young Link's stage because I love hearing that lil tune they play for that village in LofZ: Oranica of Time :D

01-22-2002, 09:35 PM
i wish i had more time to play the game...

I am expecting everyone who has played melee or the original that has posted, to join the SSB club coming soon to a Club forum near you (;) )

01-25-2002, 10:43 PM
Indeed, I am back, hello Link, old members? Oh yes Ihave melee, I like Ganondwarf, don't know why, but I just do. I also like Samus. Young link is cool too. I have currently unlocked only young link, ganondwarf luigi and pichu.
Anyways, yes, hello hello

01-26-2002, 06:23 AM
I was Ness/Link in SSB, but now that Melee came out...Ness really kinda sucks, and Link's --> (A) Smash move just bugs i've resorted to Capton Falcon, hes quite nice.

01-27-2002, 11:38 AM
I want ZELDA!!;)

01-31-2002, 07:53 AM
Originally posted by Cyan Garamonde
I like Marth, but Ganondorf is by far the cheapest... but no one can stop MR GAME AND WATCH!!!! ALL BOW TO MR GAME AND WATCH!!!!!

Why do you think Ganondorf is the cheapest? I thought it took some time to master the character, he is basicaly a slower and i assume more powerful version of Captain Falcon, how cheap?

01-31-2002, 08:09 PM
i like Link,Zelda,Fox and Kirbby

01-31-2002, 11:19 PM
yay!! i have finally gotten all characters. one level to go, final destination. i beat the two master hands, its really easy with ganondorf. just do his smash up+a a bunch of times (10 at most if you charge any) and they are dead. dodging is a necessity though. i have beat all the events except 51 and 36. i cant seem to beat 36 because i suck with ness and i cant beat falco. i always get up to him and die. I HATE IT!!!!!

Link is still my best character, though i have been experimenting with Young Link. My skills with Shiek have not improved, possibly gotten worse.:mad:

In other news Mr. Game and Watch rules.

02-05-2002, 07:17 PM
heh, how old are you? because I played SSB a couple times and it seemed like a little kid game to me. I enjoyed playing it but It just seemed more fit for like and 8-11 year old. I dunno... Maybe it just came off to me like that.

02-06-2002, 03:41 AM
ok, what's wrong with you? I am 15, and I know plenty of people in college and up who love the game. Ever read a review of Melee in any magazine or website? EGM rated it all 9.5's and game of the month. IGN gave it a 9.6 (I think) and rates it best game on gamecube to date. They are (mostly) all in there 20's.


i still got that 1 event to go, but over midwinter break i should get a chance to play it.....

02-06-2002, 03:56 AM
I loved the original, but don't have a gamecube. My favorite characters were

Kirby: He could steal others powers, which was good, but he had some incredible moves of his own. His flight made it great to get back on, but it still didn't make him unbeatable.

Capt Falcon: His Falcon Kick has a huge range, and his Falcon Punch is one of the best attacks in the game.

02-06-2002, 04:57 PM

02-06-2002, 09:53 PM
my best characters are Roy, Falco, and Ice Climbers. i love that game man.

02-09-2002, 10:59 AM
Ahhhhhhhh, it's not for kids. SSB is not for kids whoever said that crap remark!

02-09-2002, 01:57 PM
Its just a fun game to take the strain off people who like this type of game and are totally stressed out...and it is a type of fighting game for kids because it has very little violence...

02-10-2002, 12:58 AM
haha, neo, you are back haha. haha i finally am at the event 51 i am haha. use jigglypuff (down+b) to take out giga bowser haha!

02-10-2002, 01:14 AM
Thank you. I'll remember that if i ever get to play the game.

02-15-2002, 01:14 PM
heh, yeah i beat em all! but now i got a new project: Sonic Adventure 2 Battle :D

02-17-2002, 06:36 PM
I like Sonic Adventure 2 for Dream Cast so go ahead! :D

02-21-2002, 05:46 AM
You guys are posting weird. But Super Smash Brother Melee seriously is the most fun game ever because it just is. I love using Mario with that huge downward fist attack, I love it, and Fox kicks cause he's super quick with all the martial arts stuff, and Link is awesome cause he's got so mch crap to use, and Roy and Marth are good yeah, and HOLY CRAP DONKEY KONG RULES IN THE GAME! In the old one he blew fat ones so bad, the graphics on him inthe last one made me want to spew all over myself, but in this one he looks awesome and he's quicker and he's just cool, man. Way too cool for my tastes. Luigi pisses me off, he always does he rocket thing, so Luigi can go eat poop. PLus, I hate Ganondorf cause he's a jerk and he kept me from winning Event 51 for like a year cause he would always do his stupi djump and grab attack on me while I was using donkey koing but then man I used DK's big punch and I smash his rib cage in real nice yeah and Giga Bowser felt my fist many a time right in his gut baby, dude I need sleep, oooooh, I don't do drugs, but serioulsy Pikachu kicks it hard and he's good too, but man Pichu sucks and why did they put him in the game? Why did they put Jigglypuff in the game? Have they gone mental? How about putting TOAD in the game? Or how about KID ICARUS? Or how about a cooler pokemon? Like Wayne? No, they had to be sellouts, we could have been using WARIO to whoipp ass, but they had to jump on the pokebandwagon. Crap. It's just crap.

02-21-2002, 09:37 PM
SSBM was kind of a kiddy like game, but I didn't care. The game was seriously fun, and was a blast to play on multiplayer. I never seem to get tired of the awsome fighting game.

02-21-2002, 10:02 PM
I said Ganondorf is the cheapest because his --->(A) move in the air is totally different than captain falcons, and hits people farther than many smash moves do.

02-21-2002, 10:56 PM
^ heehee thats why i use hijm, i use roy and ness too, i love his little absorber shield, i use it all the time against my cuz when he picks samus

03-16-2002, 03:56 AM
there is to be a melee tournament at my school in a couple of weeks. I begin my training tomorrow.......

03-16-2002, 01:10 PM
You'll prolly win man. Melee comes out here May 17th!!!

03-16-2002, 03:47 PM
LOL melee training. I play so much of that game with my friends that training isn't needed lol. I'm soo addicted to that game, its just soo fun, and the action seems to never stop. Can't get enough of that SSBM, and good luck at the tornament.:)

03-21-2002, 04:05 AM
I like Roy/Marth and Link. I'm trying to unlock the last two characters all I know is that Mr. Game and Watch is one of them but I just can't seem to figure out, oh well. And yes Melee is an awesome game :D

04-03-2002, 03:52 AM
Originally posted by Cloud:
You'll prolly win man.
nah, i doubt it but thanks for the support. my guess is ill make it to the finals and lose there, there is one really really good player in the tournament, at least from what ive heard. he trains a lot too. I hope i make it to the finals at least, unless i screw up which is highly possible....

04-05-2002, 03:52 PM
Kirby is my personal best character. i know he weak but hes so quick and he can fly. Plus he can steal techniques. Sweeeeeet!I also like to use Roy every once in a while and Mario is good too.

04-06-2002, 03:33 AM
SSB owned enough as it is, but Melee totally ownz the Gamecube. My most favorite new character is young lLink. Isn't he awesome? :p Also, I think the idea of Dr.mario is, Dr.Mario ownz....

04-06-2002, 03:44 AM
Fox MCcloud all the way I'm awsome with him no one can beat me when I'm using him they should of put Wolf 'O'Donnel in SSBM instead of Falco

04-06-2002, 02:28 PM
I like both Samus and Mr Game & Watch! Sometimes I use Fox though...

But MR GAME AND WATCH!!! He rules!!!

04-06-2002, 04:39 PM

04-06-2002, 04:41 PM

07-04-2002, 07:08 AM
GOD ITS BEEN A LONG TIME!!!! jeez......

well, in case you havent found out yet, that tournament that was 3 months ago, i lost it. terribly. i got nervous and screwed up. figures eh? ohhhhhhhh well

i miss this place...... yet i dont post? why? i wish we had a club forum :( and more importantly a zelda one. sighhhhhhh

07-04-2002, 07:50 AM
Hmm.... something tells me that was better off closed....

As for a club forum... we MIGHT bring it back after we formulate some new rules. The last time we had one, it got too spammy and we decided to suspend it for awhile.

So yeah....

******* src="" quality=high bgcolor=white WIDTH=200 HEIGHT=200 TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE="">

07-04-2002, 11:21 AM
Kirby is my faivo !!!

07-04-2002, 05:55 PM
Falco. Yeah, falco. Ever check out that cheap little D-stick that has all the smash moves? His over-smash is extraordinarily powerful. Also, his Up-B move is fun to ram into people with.

And he's fast.

And he squawks when he dies.

So I win either way!

07-06-2002, 05:36 AM
how dare you say "that was better off closed" i want to kill you now!!!! GRRRRRRRR

i loved that place. it was my life. you want my life closed. you want to kill me. GRRRR

ok...... umm i miss the old shrine, who else does? i miss it sooooooo much. specially since i (sorta) have time now.

ok thats it for now.... bye heh

07-06-2002, 06:11 AM
Once you can beat 3 other people, playing normally, when you're playing with Mr. Game and Watch (and when you select him, you MUST deselect then select then deselect then select so that it sounds like "Mr. Game, Mr. Game, Mr. Game and Watch")...

You know you've arrived. Somewhere, anyway.

07-06-2002, 03:31 PM
Dude, it's not like Game & Watch is a bad character... not the best but definately not the worst. Personally I think he who learns to kick ass with Bowser is probably as good as you can get, cuz man Bowser SUCKS royally.

07-06-2002, 08:51 PM
hehneat trick......

when are we gonna get the clubs forum back?!?!?!?! i want my ssb club!!!!!! I WANT IT!!! GRRRR

heh sigh.....

im such a complainer.... but i think i have reason to complain.....

07-11-2002, 04:17 AM
Ganondwarf is an amazing character! i used to liek link, but now Ganondwarf...heh...i still need to unlock all teh levels:eye: damn event matches...damn mr game and watch:eye: o_O

07-11-2002, 04:35 AM
i havent played melee in a while..... i need a worthy opponent....

i have everything except that (#&$($#@ counter thingy...

07-11-2002, 07:35 PM
Mr game and watch?! How can you use him? If you master him is he actually good?

07-11-2002, 07:40 PM
hey!!!! mr. game and watch is cool. sure hes kinda annoying.... but hes cool, hes oldschool nintendo. best character is Link, no question. anyone who thinks otherwise SUCKS!!!!! S-U-C-K-S SUCKS!!!!!

the worst character in the game is probably.... bowser:rolleyes: hes so slow and hes terrible at jumping:eye:

08-05-2002, 09:25 PM
Marth and Mewtwo are my favorites they are both real strong when their attacks are fully charged.

08-06-2002, 03:37 AM
Believe it or favourite character is Link! ^_^ I like his attacks plus he's pretty agile. I also got my first First Place because of him.

08-07-2002, 01:04 PM
Ok, now that i have Melee, and have all that is has to offer, my fave chars are Kirby and Marth. But i've soon got bored of Melee for some reason. Maybe my expectations were too high...

08-08-2002, 03:11 AM
I was really really really good with samus and luigi...but my fav would be Captain Falcon...gotta love the Falcon punch and kick :D

08-08-2002, 07:29 PM
Great, great, great game, I never tire of playing it against friends. My favorite character is bastard link (for those of you wondering bastard link is young link in his black colors) He's pretty quick and just really fun to use.

08-09-2002, 04:39 AM
young link is good, but it seems like he doesnt have any good clinchers so to speak. meaning, all his attacks are good at gaining % but they dont knock the people off. hes not strong enough. hes fast though :D

08-09-2002, 05:09 AM
Originally posted by Link
young link is good, but it seems like he doesnt have any good clinchers so to speak. meaning, all his attacks are good at gaining % but they dont knock the people off. hes not strong enough. hes fast though :D

So true, i mean i was using him the other day, and i tried everything, but every one of his attacks seem to be "multi hit" like up+a is a whole bunch of swipes that take hp, but no big hits:o

10-06-2002, 03:25 AM
heh heh there is a god o_O

ok umm lets do something here now, its kinda been -_- lately...

chronos come up with something :p

edit: this stuff should be for the super smash bros. club in the clubs forum

10-06-2002, 03:36 AM
Since I haven't posted here yet....I'm a SSBM vet,got the first one the day it came out,My favorite chracter is Marth,My top fve are Marth,Samus,Zelda,Mario and Link in that order, but I like more, and Hate DK and Yoshi.Moving on, I bought the game te day it came out,I got every thing in a week, except every trophy,(I don't own Pikmin)......I think the first was a little better in some ways,my best record on SSB1(the original) .......I killed three level9 DKs that were on a team aganst me, five items were on, without getting hit,and I have witnesses........o_o........I did it with link....

10-11-2002, 03:26 AM

dammmmmnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn without getting hit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! whoa..... i dont wanna play you :p

10-11-2002, 06:47 AM
Over 14 hours a day of playing with friends.......the good old days....I guess you could say we were a little obsessed,but competition makes you better.

10-13-2002, 06:10 AM
hahaha a lil obsessed? damn i wish i had that kinda time!!! i take it you are in college? ;) i never even got like... 30 hours? i dunno im probably lying..... i love the game though, its the best

10-13-2002, 04:57 PM
No,we only played about 4 to 5 hours on weekdays,over 14 hours during summer and weekends.We were all still in highschool back then.

10-20-2002, 06:30 AM
im still in high school now, i cant even come close to getting that amount of time to play, id be close to heaven.... just close, ive been there tonight, believe me (thats another story ;))

10-24-2002, 06:29 PM
I played this game soo much with my friends and brother, and we have mastered the cheapest techniques in the game. We have mastered snatching items from the air, reflecting projectiles, and most importantly of all, edge camping, the real game winner. Marth is the master of edge camping because his sword does more damage and knocks his enemies farther the closer they are to the tip of the sword (Roy's is opposite). So you wait at the edge, and hit them with a smash move at the very edge of your range when they try to jump back from a prior attack.(C-Stick works best). I can beat my brother4 times out of five, but he plays as Dr. Mario, and is quite cheap...also, Marth's counterattack (Down+B) is a real lifesaver!

10-25-2002, 09:12 PM
from smash bros melee my fav characters are bowser and samus, but i haven't tried them all yet

10-25-2002, 10:37 PM
once again, i will say

this stuff should be for the super smash bros. club in the clubs forum

the purpose of this thread was to tie me over so i dont go insane (ahh i already WAS insane MWAHAHAHA)

11-10-2002, 06:41 PM
Ooo.. I love SSB!! ^-^ My top five characters are: Roy, Marth, Young Link, Peach, and Zelda. I haven't been playing it lately.. just because I'm playing Kingdom Hearts and Legend of Zelda: Ocrania(I can't spell!! T-T) of Time.

11-11-2002, 04:32 AM
argh!!!! if you love ssb then go here:

and join!!!! >:O!!!!!!:mad:

11-11-2002, 10:48 PM
Um... the link doesn't work for me... :uh?: .... and when I go to the club forum... I don't see it... :eye:

11-14-2002, 02:07 AM
ahh it wasnt showing up before but here we go this should work...

tell me if it doesnt...

join :D