03-24-2003, 01:25 AM
Since i've been feeling pixelly and I always feel old skool, I came up with this great idea. Why not create a pixelly wallpaper series that is about the game that started it all.

So thats what I did... I created the FF1 Baddie series.

For my first wallpaper to share, I give you all the firey and sexy Kary.. Fiend of fire..

Sexier than ever.. (

03-24-2003, 01:42 AM
i like it. the only thing that i dont like is that its hard to make out the chick on the left. but its good. pixel work is hard, and you made it look simple....

04-03-2003, 02:13 AM
Well, I believe that simple is good. And I try to make simple look good. No need to get complicated with it.

Thanks for the comment. :)