03-23-2003, 10:07 AM
A/N: Splitting the DNA is a working title and is tentative to change...


The rain slowed down to a drip, the soft serenade of the drops on the leaves came to a halt, as nature played it's part in life. Down in the dense and humid jungle, a different sound rung in the ears of human men, the sound of gunfire in every corner, for humankind played out it's role in the art of warfare...

"Alpha 6, give me a stat report..." A figure yelled into a radio, trying to get his message across over the sound of semi-automatic gunfire. He was young looking, extremely young looking, he must have only been around 14. "...Alpha 6! Give me a stat report!"

There was still no answer, just the repeptetive sound of static over the COM link. The teenage soldier shook the radio and held it up to his mouth again.

"ALPHA 6! THIS IS YU OF BRAVO TEAM! DO YOU COPY!?" Screams now filled his ear, "Shit!"

He jerked upwards and dropped the radio to the ground, fleeing from the incoming fire. The ground was muddy and the conditions much less than desirable, this was the harsh reality of warfare. Yu flew through the trees and vines, quickly slashing down anything that blocked his path with a sharp machete. He leaped through an opening in the vines before falling to the ground and sliding downwards for cover.

"FUUUUUUUUUCK!" He screamed as he covered his eyes, several rounds of fire flying above his head.

He flung his hands to his sides and pulled out two Uzi's, flying up into the air and sidestepping to dodge the fire of the enemy. He quickly pulled down on both the triggers, sending off a round before reloading quickly, blood spray all over his face and body as he mowed down the unit with ease. Yu wiped the blood off his face and leant down to a dying soldier.

"I'll be needing these..." Yu muttered as he took the soldier's AK-47 and radio.

"Alpha 6... This is Yu Hakirusho of Bravo team... Do you read...?" Yu once again tried to contact Alpha 6, with little success. Gunfire sounded in the air once again, this time accompanied by the screams of men and laughing of others.

Yu jumped up and ran towards the sounds, when he arrived, he found nothing but the bloody remains of... Alpha 6; led by his friend Akina.

"Akina..." Sweat dripped down Yu's face as he leant over the mangled corpse of his best friend, the sound of a rail gun filled his ears the infamous ringing sound...

Neo Xzhan
03-23-2003, 10:29 AM
I really like the scenery you are painting with your words. The story so far is good. I really am looking forward to the rest of this story.

03-23-2003, 11:00 AM
It's a good start. I like the setting you have written in there. It's refreshing to see something not so much like a fantasy for once.

03-24-2003, 02:24 AM
It sounds pretty good from what I've read so far, RS. I like reading short Prologues that have fair enough details. Keep on writing your story and post here. I'd hate it if you gave up on this one.