08-06-2011, 08:30 PM
Any Tekken fans here? What's your favourite in the series? Favourite character? I've just reviewed the latest in the series for my site, you can read it here: Johnny Mercyside: Game Review: Tekken 6 ( :)

08-06-2011, 09:15 PM
My favorite in the series was Tekken Tag Tournament (pretty excited about the next one too). As for my favorite character, I have two. Jin and Hwoarang. It seems that Tekken 6 made Hwoarang extremely easy to use compared to the other games he was in. I remember playing it for the first time over XBL and received hate mail after my first match.

I don't own the game and that was actually my last time playing it, but I wouldn't mind getting it...after Mortal Kombat.

08-07-2011, 08:40 AM
I thought Tekken 6 was pretty good, unlike most other people who played it apparently. It wasn't as good as the previous ones but it was still good. Favorite game: Tekken 3. Favorite character: Hwoarang. I know Tae-kwon-do as well so I always felt right at home using Hwoarang :D

08-07-2011, 10:02 AM
That's my view Smarty, I don't think there's been a bad Tekken game, (the worst IMO is Tekken 4) but it's just not been great since TTT. My favourite character is Bryan and Devil Jin (the moveset of the old Jin). :)

08-07-2011, 07:29 PM
I thought Tekken 6 was pretty good, unlike most other people who played it apparently. It wasn't as good as the previous ones but it was still good. Favorite game: Tekken 3. Favorite character: Hwoarang. I know Tae-kwon-do as well so I always felt right at home using Hwoarang :D

He was actually the reason why I decided to give tae-kwon-do a try. And after taking sambo for 5 years I thought it would be pretty easy. It turned out to be both lame and pretty useless in a street fight considering most end up on the ground and I didn't learn any ground moves. My brother gave it a try as well and we both quit after he challenged our third degree blackbelt instructor and won after throwing him on the ground (where the instructor was more like flapping around trying to get away than do something) and putting him in a headlock. I've heard from others that it's best used in official competitions and stuff but otherwise you're better off learning karate or something else and from what I've learned and witnessed; I think they were probably right.

08-17-2011, 08:05 PM
Law and Yoshimitsu were always my favourite characters. Tekken 2 favourite game as well. Infact, Tekken 2 was the reason I got a Playstation, so it's easily my favourite Tekken game

08-17-2011, 08:12 PM
the story mode in tekken 6 was laughable, completely pathetic.

08-17-2011, 08:31 PM
the story mode in tekken 6 was laughable, completely pathetic.

It's been one of my biggest peevs about Tekken recently, there's too much focus on the story aspect of the game, I just want to fucking beat someone up! :p

Captain Crunch
08-18-2011, 12:26 AM
I am too lazy to learn how to wavedash and 100 plus moves per character but at least it isn't as complicated as Virtua Fighter.

This isn't a bad thing, I am just really, really lazy.

impudent urinal
08-18-2011, 06:49 AM
Not a fan of auto blocking, but it did get the desired result of making the overall game more aggressive. I preferred TTT. Hoping the second is just as good.

08-24-2011, 07:30 AM
Definitely Tekken 3. Jin was so BA when I was 7 and 8 mashing buttons to that in the arcade. As I kid I always played Eddie and Law. Now-a-days my favorite is Lili. I literally hadn't played Tekken since Tekken 3 and so when I first got my PSP, Dark Ressurection was one of my first purchases. Lili was the bomb, her and her Katamari hat, and she's pretty much all I played in DR and then into 6.

As far as 6 goes, unless you put out for the DR DLC for 5, it has the only good online play. The story is indeed laughable, but I applaud the effort. The simple fact that they try to make story a main point in any fighting game is laughable (outside of BlazBlue which is just ridiculous). Actually, I enjoyed the opening recap of all the previous Tekken's "story" cause i really had no idea lol.

In terms of characters, 6 easily has the best newcomers. I get all my wins now with Bob and Lars and Alisa and that Egyptian chick are fun to play as well. Miguel and the he-err, she-err, he kinda feel tacked on tho.

08-24-2011, 01:49 PM
I thought Tekken 6's online play was quite poor. It lagged badly at times and frustratingly, you can only do single battles. I always wanted to play a Team Battle online with my 8 favourite fighters against someone elses. I was so gutted when I found out they didn't put it on.