01-12-2002, 04:26 AM
1. How old is Vincent, really?
2. Aeris is how many parts Ancient?
3. Name all of Red XIII's limit breaks.
4. Name all of Yuffies' limit breaks.
5. How old is Sephiroth?
6. What materia does Cloud have in the flashback in Kalm?
7. Name all the bosses in the first disc in order.
8. What is Safer Sephiroth's best attack?

Try and answer. This is just for fun. If you don't want to try, but want to know the answers, PM me.

01-12-2002, 07:54 AM
1. How old is Vincent, really?

I've figured this out a while ago, around 43ish.

2. Aeris is how many parts Ancient?

Half Ancient.

3. Name all of Red XIII's limit breaks.

Bah. I forgot. :(

4. Name all of Yuffies' limit breaks.

Haven;t gottent hem all.

5. How old is Sephiroth?

Technically Vince's son, so I'd say 24ish.

6. What materia does Cloud have in the flashback in Kalm?

Black materia

7. Name all the bosses in the first disc in order.

Scorpion Robot, Hover Robot, Rufus/Panther thing, the elevator robots, Big flamethrower highway dude, Giant Cobra, Wall monster, red dragon, uh that's it I think.

8. What is Safer Sephiroth's best attack?

Super Nova or Cold Hearted Angel

01-12-2002, 11:19 AM
Nup. No people keep doing these wrong. What you're supposed to do with a quiz is put the questions here, then get people to PM you with the answers. That way no-one can cheat. See right now, i could just put down the same answers as the previous post, just changed a little and say that it's my answers. just a suggestion for future quizzes.

01-12-2002, 02:37 PM
Hey, el stupido!!

I remember who PMs me, okay? If they post and try and answer the questions, I won't count it!

01-14-2002, 06:25 AM
Well, you didn't exactly say "PM me the answers. Don't post them here" did you. You gotta think ahead. People who are new to quizzes or forums (i don't like the word Newbie) won't know to PM you. They'll think they can post em here.

And don't call me stupid.

01-14-2002, 08:12 AM
...come on you two....don't start getting into it here..this is supposed to just be something people enjoy...you know?..posting...answering questions...but don't just TELL people to do things..with their topic Cloud....make suggestions...it can be much easier on the poster..that way...and Enigma...you COULD...say if you wanted the answers pm'd to you if you wanted them to...but if not..just tell them to list their own answers..and not cheat...because cheating is degrading to others when they try hard to...produce an answer and..someone just goes and copies it...

01-14-2002, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by Cloud
And don't call me stupid.



seriously though, if you don't want people to call you names, don't criticize what they do and say that what they're doing is wrong.

anyways....I don't have the damnedest idea on most of these and i'm not gonna bother to look them up, so i guess i'll just pm enigma and ask for the answers.

one thing though, I didn't think that they ever said how old vincent was. is there some clue that i just never picked up on?

Dark Messenger
01-14-2002, 09:23 PM
Omnislasher, Do you not comprende the words "Do not post in the thread"!! (I pretty sure it means you got to PM Constant Enigma with the answers!)

Anima Relic
01-16-2002, 01:25 AM
Vincent: somewhere in the forties
Aeris: half
Red's limits: Sled Fang, Lunatic Moon, Blood Fang, Stardust Ray, The "berserk" one, forgot this one, Cosmo Memory
Yuff's Limits: All Creation is her ultimate, and i can't remember her normal ones... i don't use her too much
Sephiroth: twenties
Materia in Kalm: black i think
bosses: Guard Scorpion, Air Buster, Aps, Rude, Heli-Gunner, Rufus, Bottomswell, Jenova Birth, Dyne, Rude/Elena/Reno, Gi Nattak, Materia Hunter, Palmer, Rapps (Wutai optional), Jenova Life... I thinkt hat's all of them...
Sephiroth: Pale Horse (most effective that is)

01-16-2002, 02:13 AM
Ok, i'm gonna ignore that last post and say this: Constant Enigma- The first post i did were suggestions. You didn't have to get all pissed off about it. I was gonna give suggestions on the next post but no, you called me stupid. And then you did it again aswell. So i'm TELLING you to tell other people to PM you the answers. It's common sense, i shouldn't even need to say it.

01-16-2002, 11:41 PM
Sorry, I'm snappy.
We can still be friends, can't we?:PuppyDog:

01-17-2002, 01:27 AM

<font face="lucida calligraphy" size="2">Let's use this trivia thread for any future questions, umkay?