07-30-2011, 09:55 PM
This is from a series considered by some to be the worst modern anime series ever made. Criticism after criticism for everything Dragonaut: The Resonance attempted to do or featured can be found on the Internet with a couple of button presses. Hell, just Google "Dragonaut review" and see what pops up. However, for all of the abuse the anime gets, it gets praise for three things: 1. The Japanese voice-acting, 2. the English voice-acting, and 3. the musical score, composed by then-unknown Kousuke Yamashita, who has since moved on to the more famous (in Japan anyway) Digimon: Xros Wars. However, in Xros Wars Yamashita has no budget, while here . . . well, this is what he can do on a budget.

And the score is amazing indeed. Gentle piano and woodwind melodies backbone much of the soundtrack, adding soul, sentimentality, and tragedy. Eventually, we also get strings swells and cello solos to add more dramatic and lonelier emotions to the melancholy. Rock guitars swirl with tormented synths and strings for most of the battle scores. And when the battles grow intense, horns and live snare drums roar to life, helping your imagination to soar into the sky. It's enough to make you think this is a score to a really good anime instead of an OST tragically wasted on lackluster animation and writing that have caused some to nickname this show "Boobonaut".

The composer is Kousuke Yamashita, though you'd be forgiven if you thought this was Toshihiko Sahashi, as this OST has a lot of similarities to the GUNDAM SEED soundtracks.

Dragonaut: The Resonance Original Soundtrack 2-Disc 320 KBPs/325 MB
Orchestral/Choral/Rock Guitar/Electronic/Uplifting/Majestic/Melancholy

MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (

This was also previously posted on the orchestral thread and I'm moving it here.

10-07-2011, 02:16 AM
Thanks for the share!

10-20-2012, 09:13 PM
Hmm, it's been deleted (as have every other Megaupload link). :laugh:

12-27-2014, 10:54 PM
Could somebody please reupload this?