07-28-2011, 06:09 PM
Was this supposed to be a nod to the title of the show, how it starts with a Y.

Is that the reason they put the letter "Y" on her chest?.

09-30-2013, 12:57 AM
First things first, I want to apologize in advance to the forum administrators if I've violated any unwritten policies about zombie threads.

Now to the point: hammerbug - and anybody else reading this - I don't want to come off sounding like a Internet troll, but PLEASE tell me you're kidding. You're how old, and you're telling everyone on this forum that you don't know a cleavage line when you see one?

As far as fans of the original Yugi-Oh are concerned, Mai clearly uses her, ahem, "assets" to distract her opponent during a duel - the viewers oughta be lucky that this little piece of fanservice got past the network censors!

Where cartoon character designs are concerned, don't over-think it - you'll only give yourself a headache.