07-22-2011, 04:39 PM
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) - Alan Silvestri


01-Main titles (0:56)
02-Frozen wasteland (1:53)
03-Schmidt's treasure (3:01)
04-Farewell to Bucky (2:50)
05-Hydra lab (1:54)
06-Training the supersoldier (1:08)
07-Schmidt's story (1:59)
08-Vitarays (4:25)
09-Captain America 'we did it' (1:59)
10-Kruger chase (2:55)
11-Hostage on the pier (2:46)
12-General's resign (2:18)
13-Unauthorized night flight (3:13)
14-Troop liberation (5:06)
15-Factory inferno (5:06)
16-Triumphant return (2:16)
17-Invader's montage (2:16)
18-Hydra train (3:27)
19-'Rain fire upon them' (1:39)
20-Motorcycle Mayhem (3:05)
21-Invasion (5:09)
22-Fight on the flight deck (3:30)
23-'This is my choice' (3:26)
24-Passage of time (1:35)
25-Captain America (1:08)
26-Star spangled man (performed by Star Spangled Singers) (2:53)

Total time: 1:11:53

Lossless version
cue + log included


Password: MiNT



Password: MiNT

07-22-2011, 05:00 PM
awesome!! i didn't expect to see this in FLAC that soon!...thanks a lot Piano!! :D


hope to see the iTunes bonus in Loss Less too, soon! :D

07-22-2011, 06:42 PM
hope to see the iTunes bonus in Loss Less too, soon! :D

i dont think that one is exactly possible... unless apple goes to alac as a primary codec

07-22-2011, 06:53 PM
i just referred to it as it was known first as the iTunes bonus (track 27 to be exact) :) well it's possible a physical cd non Apple in particular might have the track 27 & such a rip of flac or from any other sources where a FLAC rip is possible or whatever maybe made.

07-22-2011, 07:27 PM
Dude, your avatar is scaring me...

07-22-2011, 07:34 PM
Actually it's kinda tricky to me. the ALAC is under the m4a format. Yet when u buy music from iTunes Store, it's also m4a but the bitrate is 256, therfore it isn't lossless. If u have the physical CD, u can just rip it in lossless & just have the iTunes Bonus Track as it is cuz people can't expect everything to be in lossless. I thought track 27 was the iTunes bonus????

07-22-2011, 11:25 PM
Thank you so much Piano :D

07-22-2011, 11:57 PM
m4a is just a container. There might be lossy audio (AAC) inside it, or lossless audio (ALAC). iTunes do not sell lossless audio - so all of their M4A downloads will be lossy AAC - albeit excellent quality. AAC at VBR ~256kbps is so close to perceptually transparent that it really isn't worth the bother.

Unless the bonus track ends up on a CD - and let's be honest; it won't, nor does it deserve to - it will never be available losslessly. It's a two minute pastiche of Superman. It's nice and fun, but it's not worth getting your knickers in a twist about. :)

07-23-2011, 02:43 AM
It's the end credits suite, I think it's a terrific capper to the film (which was great) and am kind of amazed that they picked that to be an iTunes-only track. YMMV.

07-23-2011, 02:46 AM
I have listened to the march again, and still..meh. Although, I can see how it may fit the Cap character, overly patriotic, a bit old fashioned....I still need to listen to the album itself though.

07-23-2011, 02:51 AM
Thanks for the lossless score. I'm a little disappointed by the slow rhythm of the music. I'd expected a lot more from Alan Silvestri.

07-23-2011, 02:54 AM
Yea, but that would depend on the film's style and pace. As a stand alone score, I agree. But, it has to work for the film first, and I can't judge THAT until I see it, and that may be a while. I often like a score better after having seen the film. That's why I have not deleted Thor, Green Lantern, X-Men First Class, and Cap here. I am not thrilled with any of them, but that COULD change..

07-23-2011, 03:02 AM
Yea, but that would depend on the film's style and pace. As a stand alone score, I agree. But, it has to work for the film first, and I can't judge THAT until I see it, and that may be a while. I often like a score better after having seen the film. That's why I have not deleted Thor, Green Lantern, X-Men First Class, and Cap here. I am not thrilled with any of them, but that COULD change..
I'm actually quite impressed by Patrick Doyle's Thor score. It can be very exciting and grand at times. Then again I've seen the film first before listening to the soundtrack. Green lantern and X-Men: First Class can sound pretty generic at times. I got the same feeling while listening to the Captain America score.

07-23-2011, 03:08 AM
I think this whole practice of having "exclusives" is a bane to music distribution. If it's in the movie and you can it fit it on the CD, there's no excuse not to have it on the flippin' CD! The only thing exclusivity does is give Apple a tiny blip in their already large market dominance. It screws over the fans who want to hear that piece of music they liked during the end credits, only to find that it's not included on the CD or their digital copy. While it really is a minor issue, it just irritates me. Fortunately, there's the internet.

---------- Post added at 10:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:05 PM ----------

"Unca' Bob? Okay..."

07-23-2011, 03:09 AM
I saw the film today and the soundtrack works very well within the parameters of the film, I rather like it overall.

07-23-2011, 04:12 AM
@ tangotreats -Unless the bonus track ends up on a CD - and let's be honest; it won't, nor does it deserve to - it will never be available losslessly. It's a two minute pastiche of Superman. It's nice and fun, but it's not worth getting your knickers in a twist about

I don't need a feel to rationalize things i just wan't the soundtrack to be complete for my personal collection & in whether its a summary or less than classy version of the JW Superman march to you or any other peoples opinion, I really don't care. I have express it in an indirect manner & my intent is of high regards to whoever may or may not respond to that statement "hope to see the iTunes bonus in Loss Less too, soon!" :)

07-23-2011, 04:25 AM
Hey, just cause I don't think it's all that, should not at all take away from you enjoying it. I am glad you do. As for the bonus showing up lossless, on disc, I doubt that.Unless some sort of deluxe edition gets released. But, that could take a while. Who knows these days.?

07-23-2011, 08:13 AM
Yea, but that would depend on the film's style and pace. As a stand alone score, I agree. But, it has to work for the film first, and I can't judge THAT until I see it, and that may be a while. I often like a score better after having seen the film. That's why I have not deleted Thor, Green Lantern, X-Men First Class, and Cap here. I am not thrilled with any of them, but that COULD change..

I don't agree about Henry Jackman's X-Men. The tracks with a recurring theme which I later found was Magneto's made me even more curious about the film. Sometimes it's the OST that serves as a "preview" of the film's atmosphere or makes you seek out the film (see La Herencia Valdemar).

07-23-2011, 12:07 PM
@ tangotreats -Unless the bonus track ends up on a CD - and let's be honest; it won't, nor does it deserve to - it will never be available losslessly. It's a two minute pastiche of Superman. It's nice and fun, but it's not worth getting your knickers in a twist about

I don't need a feel to rationalize things i just wan't the soundtrack to be complete for my personal collection & in weather its a summary or less than classy version of the JW Superman march to you or any other peoples opinion, I really don't care. I have express it in an indirect manner & my intent is of high regards to whoever may or may not respond to that statement "hope to see the iTunes bonus in Loss Less too, soon!" :)

Matey, I wasn't having a go at you. I want the soundtrack to be complete too, and I think it's disgusting that they'll deliberately leave off arguably important tracks in order to lure people into spending yet more money. I say again - it is a fun march, it's a wonderful thing to hear in a contemporary blockbuster score - but it's not worth losing any sleep over. When all is said and done, it's two minutes out of a seventy minute score - and it's available.

My post was only intended to clarify why it is unlikely we will ever see it losslessly (simple because if it remains an iTunes exclusive, the only source will ever be the lossy M4A) and remind the good folk here that the iTunes release represents the pinnacle of lossy quality... so it could've been much, much worse.

You don't have to rationalise anything - neither do I have to constantly apologise for having an opinion that doesn't precisely coincide with yours. :)

07-23-2011, 01:09 PM
... neither do I have to constantly apologise for having an opinion that doesn't precisely coincide with yours. :)

I'm glad I've caught this post of yours ! Hahaha ! (At last!).

Well, let's give - finally - a try to that music everybody is buzzing about since two weeks... Hoping it's not a f*cked up album recording as usual.

Thanks to Mr uploader of course.

---------- Post added at 06:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:58 AM ----------

I wasn't looking for a review but just stumbled across that one:

Perhaps my biggest let down. I'm a fan of Alan Silvestri but I didn't think he had a track record that would make sense for this film and it seems as though I was proven right. Nothing stood out to me at all in the score and instead, it sounded like what could have been the soundtrack to a video game or TV film. I'm fond of the scores that give me one strong theme at the very least that I can hum when I leave the theatre and I can't even tell you if there was a running theme at all in this. If you find intricate scores distracting, you'll be fine with this generic layout they have, but if you're like me and you think the music is particularly important (possibly vital for every scene), you may be just as disappointed. One aspect, however, that was nailed on the head was the "Star Spangled Man" song. It is so perfectly cheesy and awful that they really knocked that out of the park.

... Wich comes with a whole review of the movie by a fan of the comics here (http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/Superceptive/news/?a=42531).

07-23-2011, 02:23 PM

You don't have to rationalise anything - neither do I have to constantly apologise for having an opinion that doesn't precisely coincide with yours. :)

no need to apologize either nor would I be asking for it anyway, as you have said it's your opinion & i respect that now if it came too strong well then it's certainly not what i would have intended it to be. :)

@ Arial made a post about a certain fan review about this score & so to be fair here's another Fan Review & it's From a perspective of a comic book fan & this time it's in the affirmative, to gave way to whats on the other end after all that's the thing for ensuring a fair play & balance views.

Music Review: Captain America: The First Avenger Soundtrack...

"It doesn’t get said enough, but I honestly believe that Alan Silvestri is one of our best modern composers. For the scores he composed for the movies I mentioned in the previous paragraph he should be counted among the greats like John Williams, Jerry Goldsmith, and Danny Elfman. I also think that the better a movie the greater its soundtrack will be, something that’s always been true in Silvestri’s case. From what I’ve seen so far Captain America looks to be one of the best movies of the summer and could possibly go in the top 5 best superhero movies of all time. So when I listen to Silvestri’s music my hopes rise even more. This is the music score of a true cinematic adventure; even without the movie to put the music in proper context I can still paint a vivid picture of the epic action that director Joe Johnston has brought to the big screen."

You can read the full review here (http://geeksofdoom.com/2011/07/19/music-review-captain-america-the-first-avenger-soundtrack/)

It's the author's opinion of course. :)

07-23-2011, 02:34 PM
... Wich comes with a whole review of the movie by a fan of the comics here (http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/Superceptive/news/?a=42531).

That review is terrible. I hate it when someone divides their criticism into sections like "PLOT" and "VILLAIN" and "VERDICT". That's elementary school stuff, man. Also, his web site started blasting noise into my speakers. Must be some gibberish he had embedded into his HTML or something.

Anyway, I don't know how he could have missed the theme. Richard Roeper described the music as "one of the most obvious and pounding scores" he's heard in recent times.

07-23-2011, 02:46 PM
it's not really a big surprise to me that Arial made that post. i wouldn't even put out whatever his purpose was (but it seems rather obvious though just looking at his previous posts with regards to this movie or for the score where he's coming at, just look over the threads with the good ol' Cap in the banner) :)

but when it's about fair play "you have to hear/read the contrasting sides or opinion" to give an equal footing.

07-23-2011, 04:53 PM

John Powell
07-23-2011, 05:09 PM
Thanks for this score. Does the theme remind anybody else of the theme to "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow" by Edward Shearmur.

07-23-2011, 06:01 PM
Thank you for this version!

I had posted this in the other same thread but for the people wanting to see this film this could be a good sign as the movie has shown a positive turn out at the box office for its 1st and 2nd day showing. Here it is what Im talking about (http://collider.com/friday-box-office-usa-captain-america-the-first-avenger-takes-down-harry-potter-on-first-friday/104523/) if you like.

07-23-2011, 09:42 PM
... As I suspected, and as always, it's quite a f*cked up quality album (I'm not speaking of the music wich doesn't interest me here in the end.). Trashed.

07-23-2011, 11:01 PM
Merci beaucoup pour ce score, vivement que le film sorte en salles !
(Thanks a lot for this score)

07-24-2011, 11:14 AM
... As I suspected, and as always, it's quite a f*cked up quality album (I'm not speaking of the music wich doesn't interest me here in the end.). Trashed.


07-24-2011, 11:31 AM
Thanks Piano!

07-24-2011, 11:42 AM

Oooops sorry. I forgot for a minute most of "fans" don't care of the quality of recording/mastering.
Wrong forum (and definitely wrong thread).

But if you need an answer this one smells saturation and loudness, and is quite clipped. Not mentionning the lack of precision in the sound itself.
You can hardly recognize what is played if you don't know what an orchestra is made of. (just exagerating a little bit)

You can keep the picture in memory of that day you've become more aware of what you get from this big industrial machinery. ;)
Ok, rant over. I don't mean to spoil your pleasure... or ... satisfaction.

07-24-2011, 11:52 AM
Oooops sorry. I forgot for a minute most of "fans" don't care of the quality of recording/mastering.
Wrong forum (and definitely wrong thread).

But if you need an answer this one smells saturation and loudness, and is quite clipped. Not mentionning the lack of precision in the sound itself.
You can hardly recognize what is played if you don't know what an orchestra is made of. (just exagerating a little bit)

You can keep the picture in memory of that day you've become more aware of what you get from this big industrial machinery. ;)
Ok, rant over. I don't mean to spoil your pleasure... or ... satisfaction.

Thank you for the expert opinion on the mastering of the soundtrack. The releasing company would surely learn a lot from a Re mastering expert like you.


Even the Bat gang is applauding it :D

07-24-2011, 12:32 PM
Actually they could learn from their own teams... But they don't want: that would make too expensive for them something they estimate doesn't worth it.
And I'm all but an expert (really don't need to be to spot the deal here). You can gif me all you want... lol !

07-24-2011, 12:38 PM
And I'm all but an expert. You can gif me all you want... lol !

I think Ill pass. I was even looking for the discussion you had with Mr.Ghostface if I remember it right, and I learn a lot from that! Its about "The Remastering thing" the only trouble is I cant find it anymore.I just love it when people who thinks so highly of themselves got what they deserve every once in awhile.

07-24-2011, 01:26 PM
Haha ! I see.

The discussion you refer to was mainly a vocabulary difference about "mastering" when I was actually speaking about sound enginering. But you're right: I got what I deserved especially when I'm still able to learn and to see when I'm wrong. I think it was in the Inception 5CD thread so you can check, and I gave up the discussion without giving the real detail about what I was precisely speaking of (ie: minimizing the number of digital processing / managing noise etc...) when it was obvious nobody cared anyway. The 1st person I was talking to there could have learn much from that discussion for his projects as for his specialized "how to" thread on FFS if he wanted me to share my thoughts.

Everyone on these board is not English, so you understand. Also you may be amazed what I could do "without" being an expert with a messed up recording like the one here. Well, maybe check my last started thread and get the originals to compare. ;)

Anyway, I was most sincere in my above posts. Sorry again if I spoiled the 'good' mood.

... when people who thinks so highly of themselves...

Woa, not again !... Keep that for yourself until you really know something about me please.

07-24-2011, 01:52 PM
Arial, I'm absolutely against the loudness war and against modern mastering trends... but really, this album is one of the least affected in quite a few years. I'm not saying it's perfect by any means, but it's important to recognise that it is not terrible - it has unusually high dynamic range. In fact, I don't remember the last time I heard a non-classical orchestral recording that was this dynamically wide - let alone a modern Hollywood blockbuster score. Even in the voluminous action tracks, there is definition and space.

As I say, it's not perfect, but hell, it's a step in the right direction. Recording technology has regressed so far in recent years, it's going to take a little longer for it to get back to where it should be - and I think we should be applauding any movement in that direction... :)

07-24-2011, 01:54 PM
[QUOTE=Arial;1737015]Haha ! I see.

The discussion you refer to was mainly a vocabulary difference about "mastering" when I was actually speaking about sound enginering. But you're right: I got what I deserved especially when I'm still able to learn and to see when I'm wrong. I think it was in the Inception 5CD thread so you can check, and I gave up the discussion without giving the real detail about what I was precisely speaking of (ie: minimizing the number of digital processing / managing noise etc...) when it was obvious nobody cared anyway. The 1st person I was talking to there could have learn much from that discussion for his projects as for his specialized "how to" thread on FFS if he wanted me to share my thoughts.

Instead of having to explain yourself much which only exudes how arrogance resides in your tone perhaps just learn a thing or two about humility first.

Dont get it personal though as you have been so vocally open about speaking your thoughts on a lot of things. I am just doing the same.

07-24-2011, 02:33 PM
Instead of having to explain yourself much which only exudes how arrogance resides in your tone perhaps just learn a thing or two about humility first.

I have no problem with that. You're just fooling yourself about me & my tone for whatever reason, surely due to your desagreement. I can listen to you if you have something to say about this OST. I don't know you, and only hearing you about the perception you have of me, notably accusing me of arrogance, is only willing orientating this discussion onto useless personal issues (whatever you say the contrary).

"The wise shows the moon, the idiot looks at the finger". ;) ... So let's stay on topic.


@ Tango: ... What leads me to admit I haven't compared this score so close to what is usually done. It's been some times now that I gave up with ost releases due to my preference of promos & leaks most of the time in better shape. But yeah, I found it really didn't sound fantastic after hearing three cues randomly selected (they were not quiet ones). So I'm still disappointed. The patriotic american tone throughout the score is definitely not helping for I give another try. :)

07-24-2011, 02:49 PM
[QUOTE=Arial;1737031]I have no problem with that. You're just fooling yourself about me & my tone for whatever reason, surely due to your desagreement. I can listen to you if you have something to say about this OST. I don't know you, and only hearing you about the perception you have of me, notably accusing me of arrogance, is only willing orientating this discussion onto useless personal issues (whatever you say the contrary).

"The wise shows the moon, the idiot looks at the finger". ;)

Moot and Academic.

“The truest characters of ignorance are vanity, and pride and arrogance.”
---Samuel Butler

Peace Out. :)

07-24-2011, 03:13 PM
Samuel Butler is totally right. So, you're insisting with that though. Just breath some fresh air, watch yourself in the miror and see what you're trying to do here. You may reevaluate the idea of your "justice" you are trying to force here... Now maybe stay on topic rather than focusing on the finger wich pointed at a recording at the origin ?... (I'm nobody on these boards man, so let go).

07-24-2011, 03:18 PM
Samuel Butler is totally right. So, you're insisting with that though. Just breath some fresh air, watch yourself in the miror and see what you're trying to do here. You may reevaluate the idea of your "justice" you are trying to force here... Now maybe stay on topic rather than focusing on the finger wich pointed at a recording at the origin ?... (I'm nobody on these boards man, so let go).

Geez, Ive already decide to move on since its more like talking to a wall.

In the most polite way possible.


07-24-2011, 03:24 PM
Arial, I'm absolutely against the loudness war and against modern mastering trends... but really, this album is one of the least affected in quite a few years. I'm not saying it's perfect by any means, but it's important to recognise that it is not terrible - it has unusually high dynamic range. In fact, I don't remember the last time I heard a non-classical orchestral recording that was this dynamically wide - let alone a modern Hollywood blockbuster score. Even in the voluminous action tracks, there is definition and space.

As I say, it's not perfect, but hell, it's a step in the right direction. Recording technology has regressed so far in recent years, it's going to take a little longer for it to get back to where it should be - and I think we should be applauding any movement in that direction... :)

Quoting, as it seems the most interesting and informative point for outsiders lately. (Wich contradicts a little my first statement and my disappointed tone, to notice). There are still people able to learn from each others in this world. :D

07-24-2011, 04:47 PM
We all have our buttons that people like to push, I guess.

07-24-2011, 05:25 PM
were talking here of a big crowd coming from differing cultures, background & nationalities. there would naturally be conflicts of interest & ideas. opinions vary from one person to another and when we are critical of something or anything and we are passionately speaking of it. be sport & ready to get the favor back sooner or later.it shouldn't be a question of who is an outsider or a veteran member after all we all started being a newcomer or an outsider. :)

07-24-2011, 08:52 PM
Thank you for the flac, but the only problem here is that there's no "Captain America March" and yes..i've been to the other thread that's got that track. unfortunately, it sounded like a 128k mp3, even the itunes store preview and someone's youtube upload of that track sounded better.

07-25-2011, 02:39 AM
Thank you for the flac, but the only problem here is that there's no "Captain America March" and yes..

i already made that sorta request & somehow gained a lot "friendly" heat because of it. it will eventually come sooner than it maybe expected if we're in luck. :)

07-25-2011, 02:57 AM
Arial, don't you think the "patriotic American tone is completely appropriate for this character? I think I'd fell disappointed if it weren't so patriotic sounding.

07-25-2011, 03:56 AM
Arial, don't you think the "patriotic American tone is completely appropriate for this character? I think I'd fell disappointed if it weren't so patriotic sounding.
Yes and yes. It's certainly not my favorite "type" (genre, even?) of music, but this IS Captain America. It's surely not unfitting.

07-25-2011, 03:58 AM
@babydoll: Yeah. Totally agree. Captain AMERICA. He IS patriotic. Therefore, he needs that kind of tone/sound. He is appropriate for him.

07-25-2011, 05:01 AM
Is There an edition for a i-pod

07-25-2011, 06:43 AM
Is There an edition for a i-pod

On the first page, there is a link in the original post for flac, or 320. Download the 320, that is mp3, and will work fine on an ipod.

07-25-2011, 11:33 AM
Merci beaucoup.

07-27-2011, 09:32 AM
definitely one of the best comic book movie adaptation in years! now as a Cap fanboy, i could say it's worth the price i paid for watching it on 3D & the long wait...i even appreciate the Silvestri score more after seeing how it suits the film well IMO. :D

07-27-2011, 05:04 PM
@Bugz: I agree. I wasn't really keen on the 3D idea. But that's only because I feel 3D & IMAX or IMAX 3D, which I wouldn't do a whole lot as it's too pricey, would be best served for movies that are known for the special effects like Dark City, BTTF, LOTR or T2 for examples. IMAX 3D would be done by me for those films though. But IMAX for The Crow. E.T. or Batman. 3D for those with Superman added. Ah, I don't know actually. I've had to think about that. Anyways, my friends talked me into 3D & for a movie that isn't known for its special effects, it wasn't bad. And yes, the score helped & I do like it more now seeing how well it fits with the film. Knowing I feel the same about scores to The Crow, Dark City, BTTF, E.T., Star Wars, T2, LOTR, Superman & Batman films, that says a lot about the Cap score.

Off topic: Instead of all these remakes & stupid movies that are coming out, IMO they should focus on re-releasing classic films in theaters. If for no other reason, at least for the current generation of theater-goers just so they could see the films we loved back then. And they should release them in 3D, IMAX & IMAX 3D so people have options aside from the regular screen as those other formats are popular & make certain films even better. I started thinking this when I saw Toy Story 1 & 2 and the original BTTF in theaters last year. I even took a picture with the actual De-Lorean that was outside in the parking lot behind the theater! I'd love it even more to do the same with the original Batmobile if the original Batman gets re-released. I hate that Tumbler tank from Begins.

07-27-2011, 05:16 PM
oh the 3D? i wasn't really planning to watch it on 3D but when we arrived on the shopping mall, the regular cinema playing Cap had already started & since we have a few extra to spare & that since we all are Cap fan boys we decided to take the 3D instead, that's what actually happened. And it's not even a bad experience at all as it has also been made to be enjoy in 3D.

Off topic: re releasing classic films in theater wouldn't be a bad idea for the fans to enjoy, the question is will it be profitable enough for the movie moguls to take into consideration...the batman batmobile looks more kick ass than the Tumbler tank of Begins, IMO.

07-27-2011, 05:36 PM
"Off topic: re releasing classic films in theater wouldn't be a bad idea for the fans to enjoy, the question is will it be profitable enough for the movie moguls to take into consideration"

I believe so. BTTF & Toy Story did pretty well during their limited re-release. The theaters were PACKED went I went to see them. Aside from Nolan's Batman & a handful of other superhero/non superhero films, I really don't enjoy too many movies hence why I hardly or barely go to theaters to pay anymore. A lot of films these days suck really bad & don't do that good at the Box Office. Aside from Nolan's Batman, I enjoyed (recently):

Superhero: Off the top of my head - Cap, First Class, Iron Man though not as much as the first 2. I'm positive there's others.

Non Superhero: Off the top of my head - Lovely bones (especially from a visual standpoint. Ending sucked though), LOTR trilogy. I'm positive there's others.

In my lifetime: Off the top of my head - Burton's Batman, Christopher Reeve era of Superman, T2, The Crow, Dark City, first Mortal Kombat, Nightmare Before Christmas, Corpse Bride, BTTF 1 & 2, E.T, Batman: Mask Of The Phantasm (Batman TAS movie, recommended). I'm positive there's others. Some of these were re-released for a limited time so I was able to go see them. I'm sure some, if not all of these would benefit for a limited time. Fans know via internet & discussions that most of these are legendary & I believe they'd pay to see these over the films of today.

I'm also pissed that stupid movies have a blu ray release while a legendary classic like E.T. (my favorite film as a child) hasn't gotten one yet. A film like that would look STUNNING if not better in blu ray IMO. I say the same for certain tv shows like Batman TAS & the original Knight Rider (among many others) which is why I didn't endorse a dvd release is blu ray was close to being out if not out already. I only got them for the sake of having them. If these ever get blu ray releases, I'll do what I did with Burton's Bat films & the BTTF trilogy. Sell the dvds, get the blurays.

07-27-2011, 10:33 PM
Thank you for the lossless version of the score. Looking forward to the movie in the theatre.

07-28-2011, 05:04 AM
Thanks for the lossless. Pretty good score, I think. Fit the film well. Not his best, but still enjoyable.

07-29-2011, 01:56 AM
I still think one of his best is BTTF 2. Matter of fact out of all his work I've heard, I like BTTF 2 the best!

07-29-2011, 02:49 AM
I thing BTTF is better than II, II is overlong (the complete score) with boring underscore, and quoted action cues from BTTF (either the original sessions on disc 2 of the Intrada set, or the revised sessions heard in the film on Disc 1 of the Intrada set), and the sound is very, very frustratingly dry.

07-29-2011, 03:41 AM
"I thing BTTF is better than II, II is overlong (the complete score) with boring underscore"

Totally & respectfully disagree. II was a much better & more popular film than I. And part of that is because of the score. Silvestri worked on both so I'm not sure of it's possible for someone to rip off their work. If someone else did I or II, then maybe it'd be ripping off. Like of someone else composed II, they'd rip off Silvestri's score to I or if someone else did !, Silvestri may have ripped off their work. I do like the score to I. But as great as that was, II just took that to a whole new level. As far as I is, I think we agree that is was a great score, one of his best. But when it comes to II, we will have to respectfully disagree which is fine with me.

07-29-2011, 03:47 AM
What I am saying about the "ripping off" is that its basically the same cue with slightly altered orchestration for example: "Burning the Book" is just a portion of "The Clocktower" taken out of context and re-recorded and pasted into that scene, same with "Western Union" its a mix of "85' Lone Pine Mall" and "The Clocktower"

Plus, BTTF has a sense of Nostalgia, wonder and passion, that BTTFII does not. its almost like Star Wars compared to ESB.

07-29-2011, 03:51 AM
okay so i don't want to get caught in the middle here but perhaps a more subtle term such as "re use in part or portion off" is more appropriate as we are talking of the same composer doing his own work. just saying...

07-29-2011, 03:55 AM
Actually, "reprise" would be more appropriate, I think?

07-29-2011, 06:08 AM
"Plus, BTTF has a sense of Nostalgia, wonder and passion, that BTTFII does not. its almost like Star Wars compared to ESB."

Again, respectfully disagree. The first 2 BTTF films, The Star Wars Trilogy (A New Hope - ROTJ) are all nostalgic in their own right. I think most will prefer BTTF 2 over 1. It was more popular. BTTF 2 in the same decade as E.T. which is not only classic, but nostalgic as well. I don't wanna turn this into an argument here. In the end, we'll likely disagree most of the time on this. But if we can do it respectfully, then it's ok. I think it's best to end the topic, which I probably shouldn't have started in a Cap thread lol (sorry for that), before we fight. pointlessly.

"perhaps a more subtle term such as "re use in part or portion off" is more appropriate as we are talking of the same composer doing his own work."

That is a more appropriate term, yes as is "reprise".

07-29-2011, 08:12 AM
I saw the film today and the soundtrack works very well within the parameters of the film, I rather like it overall.


thanks for posting this!!!

07-29-2011, 09:10 AM
"I saw the film today and the soundtrack works very well within the parameters of the film, I rather like it overall."


So do I.

Howling Mad
07-30-2011, 11:34 PM
Thanks! Still have yet to see the movie.

07-31-2011, 03:50 AM
@Howling: You should. I recommend it. The score & the film go together hand in hand. The score is PERFECT for a film like this. Without a doubt, Silvestri's BEST work since the BTTF series.

Howling Mad
07-31-2011, 04:14 AM
@Howling: You should. I recommend it. The score & the film go together hand in hand. The score is PERFECT for a film like this. Without a doubt, Silvestri's BEST work since the BTTF series.

It's a lead-up to The Avengers, so of course I'll see it. But I still haven't seen Transformers or Harry Potter yet. Got some catching up to do.

07-31-2011, 09:39 AM
"It's a lead-up to The Avengers, so of course I'll see it. But I still haven't seen Transformers or Harry Potter yet. Got some catching up to do."

I must admit that I'm not a big fan of the recent Transformers film series. I mean, is it just me or are The Autobots & Decepticons too similar, making it hard at times to know who's really who? Plus, I'm not crazy about Michael Bay. I'm not stopping you fro seeing the third one. I actually liked it. Harry Potter, I have some catching up to do there. Have to see Deathly Hollows 1. I def recommend you see Cap last after the other 2. I always save the best for last. I also recommend X-Men: First Class if you haven't seen it yet. :)

08-02-2011, 07:13 AM
haven't seen the X-men:First Class yet, planning to catch Harry Potter tomorrow or Captain America again depending on what my friend would ultimately chose in the end. :)

08-02-2011, 09:32 AM
A friend of mine returned from seeing Captain America yesterday, and complained at great length about the "dated, bland, and over-insistent" score. Oddly enough, my estimation of this score has just shot up yet again. Say what you like, it's not perfect, it could be better... but I keep playing this, and I haven't done that for a contemporary score for years and years and years.

As for "best since BTTF" I wouldn't agree with that... I would have to put Judge Dredd, The Mummy Returns, The Polar Express, and even A Christmas Carol below Captain America, certainly.

Regards the BTTF 2 score issues... There really isn't a lot of original material. I could surmise that this is because the movie by definition is a deliberate revisitation of the original BTTF; going back to the same locations, events, and even time periods and looking at them from different angles, and so forth. It's a very skillful adaptation though - I do enjoy listening to 2, although I will admit that I have been playing it less often since the score for the first movie became available...

08-02-2011, 09:52 AM
I haven't seen a movie all year. So. But, I have a ton of scores (including Bourne **cough**) that i have yet to listen to. Because when I have the time, I drift towards old favorites. The "old style, insistent" stuff is what i want....

08-02-2011, 10:13 AM
Van Helsing is still my favorite of Silvestri's. Tons of great, bombastic themes, and overall just a very nice score. Van Helsing also got slogged with the same "loudest score of the year" branding. I wonder if Roeper actually knew they were the same composer.

08-05-2011, 10:07 AM
Someone asked about the track title #12. General's Resign (Perhaps it's about Red Skull forcefully resigning the Generals or Officers sent by Hitler to inquire About Schmidts current projects about world domination) could also be titled as Red said "I Have Harness the Power of Thought" well that is just me. lol

I think there's a cue with the part where Howard Stark accidentally blew up his experiments that is not included in the Soundtrack album. After the track 24. Passage of time, the track Captain America has not been used. It looks to be an added track for bonus before the Captain America march or end title roll.

08-06-2011, 04:24 PM
where is the bonus track for captain america? is it available for download?

08-06-2011, 05:14 PM

08-07-2011, 09:44 PM
Thank you!!! Now I'm even more pumped to go see the movie!

08-11-2011, 02:24 AM
Thank you!!! Now I'm even more pumped to go see the movie!

you should, cause i just watch it again last sat. for the 2nd time! :D

08-13-2011, 02:35 PM
okay this is just a bump, but interesting enough is that this film was formerly assumed by many to be overly patriotic would shy away foreign markets taste, but contrary to that is the current results of the film doing great even overseas..."Captain America" surprisingly loved by the world, here's the article i read (http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/captain-america-surprisingly-loved-by-222690) and what i'm talking about. :)

08-13-2011, 10:12 PM
Yeah, it's actually doing better in South America than Thor did (though that isn't all that surprising).

08-19-2011, 11:25 PM
Thank You!

10-17-2011, 02:36 AM
Might someone post the bonus track again? The link is down... Thanks for uploading the album!

10-17-2011, 06:54 AM
I really wish this wasn't done in FLAC. Had to dl crap in order to play it.

10-17-2011, 09:01 AM
I really wish this wasn't done in FLAC. Had to dl crap in order to play it.

but you had a choice for a lossy 320 right below the dl for FLAC?

apparently there's a cue not included in the album right after the Star Spangled Man played on the credit, more like a credit suite. Hope a recording sessions or a complete version exists and somehow made it's way here as well... :)

10-17-2011, 12:35 PM
i actually didnt like the score at all.
ALAN is good , but he didn't fit so well, IMO.

10-17-2011, 12:46 PM
Thanks !

10-18-2011, 02:56 AM
Thanks upload.

10-23-2011, 07:54 PM
Cheers for this...

12-02-2011, 07:43 PM
awesome, thanks!

07-23-2013, 01:09 PM
can you reupload the flac version? multiupload link diverts to that crap ILIVID.

07-27-2013, 04:46 PM
Any chance of a re-up? Thanks!

07-27-2013, 05:21 PM
Here's two re-upload links I've found:
Download file CAmericaSessions.zip (http://rapidgator.net/file/23563745)

07-27-2013, 07:07 PM
Thanks DingDongSenior, however, I'm looking for just the soundtrack, not the recording sessions or complete score.

07-28-2013, 03:54 AM
Yeah my bad. I fast fingers got ahead of me.
Here are the soundtrack links:
MaZiKaNY.CoM-Captain.America-The.First.Avenger-OST - Download - 4shared (http://www.4shared.com/get/Qex5Ls6E/MaZiKaNYCoM-CaptainAmerica-The.html)
captain america - the first avenger ost - Download - 4shared - NexOevil (http://www.4shared.com/file/WveRLtjU/captain_america_-_the_first_av.htm)

07-29-2013, 10:56 PM
Thank you very much!

08-29-2013, 12:54 AM
any chance for a re-up in FLAC?
thanks in advance :)