03-08-2003, 12:54 PM
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Book One: The Spiritual Stones</center>

A/N: This is a novelisation of the LoZ Manga, I completed it awhile back...

Lightning cracked as a young Elven woman strode across the vast Hyrule Field on her horse� Cradled in her arms was a young baby with short blonde hair, resembling his mother�s shining blonde hair� He was crying as thunder and lightning struck around them and he looked back as his dying father�


The bright sun glistened over Kokiri Forest and a loud snoring noise could easily be heard coming from a small tree top house in the tiny forest village. This was no normal village and was filled with the Kokiri a race of elves that never aged and stayed as children forever; every Kokiri had his or her own faerie� Except for one who�s name was� Link�

Chapter One: The Deku Tree�s Crisis</center>

Link slid down the rocky bank and leaped swiftly into the air with a loud �WEE!� he landed on a small bird, leant down to say sorry and ran off again in an obvious hurry� Meanwhile a group of Kokiri where sitting in front of a towering tree, not an ordinary tree but the Great Deku Tree, guardian of the forest.
�Once upon a time, Hyrule didn�t have any clear shape and it is said that three goddesses descended upon this Earth, One was Din who created the red earth with her fiery hands. Another was Nayru whose wisdom gave law to the world, and the last goddess was�� The Deku tree started but was interrupted as Link slid down towards the tree. But before Link could sit down and also enjoy the wise Deku Tree�s legends Mido the town �protector� appeared in front of him.
�Whoa hold on! You can�t go beyond here!� Mido yelled as his friends grouped up behind him.
�Whatever Mido� I can go wherever I want!� Link returned sneaking in a quick poke of his tongue.
�Look, I�m the boss of Kokiri Forest. Kay? A Half-Person like you is way too childish to hear the Great Deku Tree�s story!� He confidently argued.
�That has nothing to do with it! Out of my way!� Link growled obviously getting tired of Mido�s unco-operative personality.
�If you wanna pass you gotta get a faerie first!� Mido replied in a childish tone poking his tongue out. Suddenly Link pounced onto Mido and started a fight, Link pinned Mido to the ground and growled at him.
�HA! The next time you call me a Half-Person�� Link was about to finish off as a faerie came flying through the air and hit him right in his forehead sending him hurtling back into a pool of water.
�See-ya Half-Person!� Mido and his gang laughed waving at the now soaking wet Link.
�Hmf! That�s not fair!� Link remarked as his wiped the mud off his face.
�What�s unfair about it? Faeries are a part of the Kokiri! She�s equal to myself!� Mido remarked looking quite tall to Link as he lay in the pool of water below him.
�What are you doing�?� Came a loud booming voice, all of a sudden they knew who the voice belonged to.
�Oh no! We�ve been seen!� Mido cried as he ran away from Link and the Deku Tree, his gang following not too far behind him. Mido soon turned around though, pulling his mouth apart and poking out his tongue as he shouted a quick
�HMPH! FAERIE-LESS!� and ran off again.

�Cheer up Link, don�t mind what Mido says.� The Deku Tree�s comforting remark made Link feel a bit better but he was still upset.
�Great Deku Tree, how come I�m the only one who�s different from everyone else?� Link asked curiously.
�When the time comes, I will tell you�� The Deku Tree reassured Link.
�I know�� Link replied with a sigh.
�LINK!� A high-pitched voice came from the distance, Link turned right away as he knew who it was.
�Saria!� He replied with a happy tone in his voice.
�What good timing I have something I want to show you!� Link told her quickly, he was very obviously quite excited and had forgotten all about Mido�s remarks.
�What is it?� Saria questioned.

�TA-DAH!� Link yelled smiling as he held out a small slingshot crafted out of pine wood and with a rubber band as the sling.
�I made it!� Link remarked with confidence.
��But why�d you make it?� Saria questioned, obviously quite confused.
�Well� So I can knock down the fruit in trees I can�t reach!� Link laughed as he aimed his slingshot into a tree and shot down a piece of fruit.
�WOW! Cool! Let me try next!� Saria said whilst jumping up and down.
�Hmph! That little punk! Bein� all lovey dovey with Saria!� Mido whispered to his gang as the spied at the two friends through a bush. Suddenly Saria�s off target shot went hurdling through the air and hit Mido in his forehead, knocking him to the ground.
�You�re amazing thinking of these things Link!� Saria commented as Link tightened the sling.
�Maybe that�s why no faerie will come to me� Hmm� I guess it�s cause I�m strange after all�� Link sighed.
�That�s not true. Even if you don�t have a faerie you�re still my best friend!� Saria said trying to cheer him up.
�Thanks.� Link replied with a smile. Saria pulled out her Ocarina and began to play a song.
�Let�s dance!� Link laughed jumping up and down and dancing around.
�Saria� I�ve been having strange dreams lately�� Link said seriously as Saria stopped playing the Ocarina.
�The sky becomes pitch black and lightning and thunder strike everywhere� I�m standing infront of a huge house with a peaked roof�� Link told Saria.
�Hmm� Could that be a Castle?� Saria said to Link.
�Castle? What�s that? Is it something deep in the forest?� Link asked.
�Why do things I don�t know about appear in my dreams�� Link asked himself in his head.
�Well, as the Great Deku Tree has told us, they exist far away from the forest and beyond the plains� It�s said that the world is very big, and there are many different lands in it�� Saria told Link.
��The world?� Link said curiously.
�What is this� world?� Link asked himself as he looked into the sky, the sun had gone down and the stars were shining in the dark night sky.

At this time eerie black clouds began to eat away at the beautiful Kokiri night sky, but Link didn�t notice, as he was still deep in thought� Link decided it was time to go home and get some sleep so he made his way back to his house and climbed up the wooden ladder. He changed into some pyjamas and slipped into bed.
�I wonder if the Deku Tree would forgive me if I asked to go outside the forest�� Link pondered as he tried to go to sleep.
�I guess I better not�� He said as he drifted off to sleep� Meanwhile a large insect like creature crept through the dark forest towards the Deku Tree, it�s one large eye shining in the darkness like a large light bulb�

�Who are you!?� The Deku tree boomed at his unexpected visitor. The creature gave no answer, it just opened it�s eye wider and leaped onto the tree.
�Heh Heh Heh� Deku Tree� A tree cannot move, what a sad being�� The creature laughed, as it burrowed through the Deku Tree�s wooden trunk. Just as it broke through a small faerie cam out from behind a tree and went toward the Deku Tree.
�Great Deku Tree?� She asked with a tiny high-pitched voice.
�Navi� Is it you? Just now an evil creature has entered inside me� I�m losing my freedom�� The Deku Tree moaned.
�Deku Tree! What should I do?!� Navi asked quickly.
�The forest is in danger� Nay the whole of Hyrule is in danger! Go now to the Link and bring him here, the whole of Hyrule depends on it!� The Deku Tree replied as Navi flew off into the morning sky.

Meanwhile Link still slept, his snoring easily heard from anywhere in the forest. Below his house Mido crept up the side of the tree supporting Link�s home and held up a Kokiri Saw laughing.
�I�m gonna use this to saw a hole beside Link�s bed!� He told his gang.
�So when he gets up in the morning�� He laughed as he pictured Link falling through the hole onto the hard ground. Meanwhile up in Link�s house Navi tried desperately to awake Link from his slumber.
�LINK! LINK! �How can the fate of Hyrule depend on such a lazy boy?� Navi commented. Link awoke suddenly and sat up shocked.
�Huh?� He said rubbing his eyes.
�I�m Navi, the Great Deku Tree has sent me.� She told him.
�A� A faerie?� Link gasped.
�F� FINALLY! Finally a faerie has come to me!� Link yelled out grabbing for Navi.
�NO! Don�t catch me!� Navi cried as Link�s hand grabbed at her.
�Alright! I�m gonna go boast to Mido!� Link laughed getting up and stamping outside only to fall through a large hole next to his bed and plummet not to the hard Kokiri ground but onto a sniggering Mido.
�Hmm� Mido what are you doing here?� Link asked as Mido lay underneath him crushed underneath Link�s weight.
�Very� Important business�� Mido managed to say as he gasped for breath. Link got up and rubbed his back.
�The grass is withering�� Link commented as he got up.
�The trees are too! This sorta thing has never happened before!� Mido yelled.
�It�s because something evil has entered the forest!� Navi butted in.
�The Deku Tree is in trouble! Link hurry up and go to him!� She instructed him�
Link stood up and looked towards the now black horizon and the withering Deku Tree as Mido quivered behind him and the creature laid waiting inside the Deku Tree�