03-08-2003, 10:32 AM
This is alike to the 3-Word Story but you have to type more than three words, at least more than one paragraph infact. Also the story should be kept, so no changing the main character abruptly and making the other dissapear... Try to use proper grammar and formatting also, and with that, I start it off...

Falcorn moved slowly through the void, no walls surrounded him, nor a floor below him. He was floating in emptiness, the screams of mortal men tormenting him. He knew not where he was going, nor where he came from. He just pushed fowards, he didn't even know if he was getting anywhere, like a mouse on a wheel. A light shone through the darkness, like a looking glass, it showed a worn down citadel, surrounded by a raging storm, Falcorn was sucked into the light, dissapearing from the void...

He emerged in the citadel, standing nearby were two guards, not humans, but Dark Elves; Drow. Falcorn reached for his bow and readyed an arrow. However, before he could fire a shot in, he was grabbed from behind and stabbed repeatedly by a darkness enchanted Frostbourne...

Marth leapt out of his bed as his alarm clock beeped off wildly, he took of his Dreamscape headset and wiped the sweat off his forehead, his long black hair swaying infront of his eyes...

Okay, Dreamscape is a VR game that people play whilst sleeping, it lets you control the people in your dreams, so basically what the game is depends on what you did during the day. Say if you watched NGE, it would be full of EVAs and Angels aswell as NERV and the EVA Pilots. This particular one was influenced by a hard day of playing Baldur's Gate ^_~ The main character; Marth is a 16 year old male, he has long black hair and a slim build. Now, continue on...