07-19-2011, 01:23 AM
I know there's a complete version of Alan Silvestri's score to "Practical Magic."

Does anyone have this?

07-19-2011, 02:54 AM
I only have the 38 track. I have ever only seen the 38 track. But, it is 320 and fx free. Where did you see the longer set? And, was it a rip? Or, could it be the 38 track score combined with the OST songs?

07-19-2011, 03:06 AM
The 38 track is all I'm coming across, too.

Download Practical Magic Soundtrack (Complete Score) - Download Free Movie (Film) Soundtrack (http://download-movie-soundtracks.com/download-practical-magic-soundtrack-complete-score/)

Not just there, but other sites too. I think the 38 track is it.

07-19-2011, 04:08 AM
I thought it would be 54 tracks due to Scorebase.
Scorebase - Practical Magic (http://www.majestyx.com/scoredb/popup.php?Active=majestyx&&ID=41)

I think I had the nameless 54 track version years ago but lost it somehow.

Thanks so much. :D You guys rule all!

07-19-2011, 02:51 PM
I did find this. It's not the 54 track complete score that you found, Pooptart19, but it's still something.

Ска�‡а�‚�Œ са�ƒнд�‚�€ек �Ÿ�€ак�‚и�‡еская �œагия (Practical Magic) -complete- - 1998 м�ƒз�‹ка из �„ил�Œма иг�€�‹ м�ƒл�Œ�‚�„ил�Œма пе�€еда�‡и score ost (http://originalsoundtrack.ru/songs/2406)

We should still continue the search for you 54 track version though. (Sorry about the link)

07-19-2011, 06:10 PM
TheGreatShoutOuts, that's not Alan Silvestri's score; it's Michael Nyman's rejected score.

07-19-2011, 06:45 PM
Oh really. Well then that must be a complete rejected score. This is what I've found:

-Ска�‡а�‚�Œ са�ƒнд�‚�€ек �Ÿ�€ак�‚и�‡еская �œагия (Practical Magic) -rejected score- - 1998 м�ƒз�‹ка из �„ил�Œма иг�€�‹ м�ƒл�Œ�‚�„ил�Œма пе�€еда�‡и score ost (http://originalsoundtrack.ru/songs/2655)
-Ска�‡а�‚�Œ са�ƒнд�‚�€ек �Ÿ�€ак�‚и�‡еская �œагия (Practical Magic) -complete- - 1998 м�ƒз�‹ка из �„ил�Œма иг�€�‹ м�ƒл�Œ�‚�„ил�Œма пе�€еда�‡и score ost (http://originalsoundtrack.ru/songs/2406)
-Ска�‡а�‚�Œ са�ƒнд�‚�€ек �Ÿ�€ак�‚и�‡еская �œагия (Practical Magic) - 1998 м�ƒз�‹ка из �„ил�Œма иг�€�‹ м�ƒл�Œ�‚�„ил�Œма пе�€еда�‡и score ost (http://originalsoundtrack.ru/songs/1852)

The link in the middle is the one that I've posted above.

07-20-2011, 03:06 AM
I have the 54 track version. http://www.multiupload.com/C232BIS5J6

07-20-2011, 05:12 AM
I have the 54 track version. I'll post ASAP.

Thanks, codyap09. :D

11-20-2011, 02:56 PM
anyone could reUP this 54 tracks version please ?

11-20-2011, 03:15 PM
There is no need to re-up. Cody's link in post 8 is healthy and fine. Err, well, the Megaupload link is.

11-20-2011, 03:28 PM
There is no need to re-up. Cody's link in post 8 is healthy and fine. Err, well, the Megaupload link is.

Actually, everything but the Rapidshare, Zshare, Uploading, Fileserve, and Filesonic links still work.

11-21-2011, 11:47 AM
Thanks anyway ;-)