03-07-2003, 07:27 AM
A/N: A story based very loosely on Romance of Three Kingdoms it uses some characters and settings but other than that, nothing. Also, this contains excessive, over-the-top violence... beware...


A figure strode through the quiet halls, a small tap the only indication of his presence. Darkness covered the Citadel, a roaring thunder on the horizon, still, the figure silently walked through the darkness. The screech of the metal sword being unsheathed was too slight a sound to be heard, and the figure held the sword out in the air. He crouchec down and thrust the sword through the thick air.

"UGH!" Came the gurgling of another man, older, as he threw his body up from sleep. Blood dripped down his chin, staining his skin a dark red.

Light soon filled the Citadel as a storm started up and lightning flashed through the corridors. Another light, however, also filled the Citadel. A unit of bodyguards rushed through the corridors, bearing lanterns, their hands on their sword hilts. They slid around the corner, only to see the old man, dead.

"The Emperor is dead! Alert all units! This could only be L� B�'s doing..." Yelled the commandeer of the unit, he bore classical samurai armour, with an eleborate headdress.

L� B� sprinted down the corridors, his Katana out and ready to defend him from any attacks. Soon enough, he was out in the gardens, rain pelting down hard and soaking his clothing. Four arrows sped through the air, hitting the ground, just missing L�.

"I need light..." L� muttered as he contemplated his desicions, while dodging incoming projectiles.

His eyes moved towards the various lanterns inside, glowing through the paper-like walls. He sprinted through the doorway and grabbed one of the stick-esque lanterns, back in the gardens he placed the fire onto the damp grass, it set the beautiful gardens alight in a flurry of flames.

The back-up unit finally arrived, what must have been at least three dozen men surrounded L�. Fire ravaged around them as L� readyed his Katana, and the soldiers did the same. L� attacked first, he ran up to a group and quickly sliced through their thick armour, blood splashed across his vision, drops falling onto his eyes. He could easily take out five odd men at a time, but each five he killed seemed to be replaced by another ten.

L� kicked another soldier in the gut, sending him into the burning flames. The soldier emerged from the flames, screaming and crying both at the same time. But not for long at all, as he soon fell to the ground, his skin a gruesome mess. An arrow sliced through the air and whirled into L�'s shoulder.

"AHHHH!" L� screamed, the arrow was attatched to a rope, L� tugged on the rope, pulling the bowman to the ground, from the roof high above.

A scream could be heard as he fell, but it was ended with a crunch as he hit the ground, his limbs bent around, and his spine twisted.

"L� B�! Your time ends now!" Came the warcry of the comander of the units. L� B� slowly pulled out the arrow from his shoulder, a splash of blood splashing onto his face.

He slowly moved towards the comander, as projectiles landed around him, and men charged behind him...

03-07-2003, 07:52 AM
Awsome stuff, RS! I look forward to reading more of this grand epic of yours. :)

ultima weapon
03-07-2003, 07:54 AM
Well atleast you can write better then me. I liked the parts where people died. :p

Its fun watching people die.......o_o IN VIDEO GAMES not in real life.



yeah :erm:

03-07-2003, 10:32 AM
A/N: I forgot to mention that this isn't a history lesson, while some people are real, none of this EVER happened... EVER...


L� muttered to himself, the last words of a doomed man as the army surrounded him. He quickly dashed fowards in a flurry of power and energy, his Katana flew upwards, cutting through the commander's flesh, a burning sensation shot through the commander. Blood covered L� B�, and within moments the commander lay dead on the ground, decapitated... The army however was now closing in on L�, he was almost ready to give up hope...

"Move fowards! L� B� should have been out of there now!" Screamed a man on a horse, the horse reared up and ran fowards, a whole unit appearing from within the forests surrounding the Citadel...

"L� B� moves to the south with his army, they are powerful, I must give them that much, but they can be defeated... and I will be the one to do it..." Came the voice of General Zhou Yu as he leaned over the tactical map.

"Sir, we have an intruder in the camp, the guards detained him. Shall I bring him in?" Came a voice from outside the tent, it was a young male, he sounded nervous around the General.

"Too many interruptions!" Zhou Yu smashed his fist down on the table and yelled. "BRING HIM IN!"

E/N: Yes these chapters are quite short... but oh well, torture scenes next chapter... goody...

Bahamut ZERO
03-08-2003, 12:31 AM
Short, to the point chapters, that make for speedy reading and a quick, fast paced, action packed story. Nice stuff RS, keep it up my friend, keep it up.

(Waits for the next chapter to be posted.)

03-08-2003, 12:52 AM
A/N: This chapter is very detailed and explicit with it's torture scenes... not for the squeemish.


Zhou Yu sat down and put his head in his hand. A guard outside called to him.

"The prisoner is here, shall I bring him in?"

"Yes..." Zhou Yu impatiently muttered, his temper was short today.

The prisoner was pushed into the tent, he was bound by thick ropes and had been stripped of all armour and weaponary. Zhou Yu stood up slowly, his black hair masking his face slightly. He moved hypnotically towards the prisoner, as he shook in fear. Zhou Yu stood a mere centimetre away from his captive and muttered into his ear...

"You dare oppose me?"

The prisoner shook in pure fear for his life, Zhou Yu was impatient and got straight to the questioning.

"Who sent you? Was it L� B�!?"

"I... I..." The prisoner's voice was shaky.

Zhou Yu wasn't ready to wait, he flicked his writst and sent a dagger flying into the captive's stomach.

"AGHHHH!" The captive screamed in pain as blood dripped down the sharp steel dagger and onto Zhou Yu's hand.

"Now...?" Zhou Yu smiled as he left the dagger in the man's stomach.

"I... no... I can't..."

Zhou Yu was angry now, he spun the dagger around 360 degrees in the mans stomach, ripping through the skin, blood covering him.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" The captive screamed, Zhou Yu finally tugged out the dagger, blood seeped through the hole in the man's stomach.

"TELL ME!" Zhou Yu yelled in the man's ear.

"I can't!"

"Fine then, guards, bring this man a seat." Zhou Yu grinned as he sat down the captive. "Bring me some water, boiling, preferably."

The guards rushed back with a steaming pot of water.

"Place it down..." Zhou Yu ordered them as he motioned to the ground.

The guards left the tent and Zhou Yu stood up. He moved to the pot and heaved it up slowly, moving the rim towards the captive. With a quick movement the boiling water was all over the captive.

"AGH!" He screamed as the water burnt through his skin, blistering it almost instantly.

Zhou Yu smiled and moved to the prisoner, he put his hand on the man's right arm, and began peeling off th blistering skin with his fingers and dagger. Blood dripped down his arm, as Zhou Yu used his dagger to cut off pieces of it. He peeled off a large peice of skin.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" The prisoner screamed and moved around jerkingly.

"NOW!?" Zhou Yu screamed.

"YES! L� B� sent me! Just... stop it!"


Zhou Yu used his dagger to scrape in messages to L� on the man's arms and chest. Blood trailed down the skin, Zhou Yu's face and arms were also drenched in the red liquid.

"Guards! Get on your horses, take this sad excuse for a warrior to L� B�'s camp, drop him off at the gates..."

03-08-2003, 06:06 AM
What can I say? I'm glad I'm not that prisner!:eek:
Awsome story telling, RS. Really well done.:D

03-10-2003, 09:30 AM
A storm approaches,
the march of many men closing in,
on the horizon,
the storm of fury.
The rain of arrows,
upon mortal men and women,
children alike.
In a time of war,
one cannot make mistakes,
for the storm will run through his ranks,
like a cyclone of betrayl and power.
The storm is nearly upon us,
and our time is nigh...</center>