07-17-2011, 09:09 PM

07-18-2011, 03:40 AM
did you check out the PM link that I have on the Disney ride thread? There are two sections of narration, one with Vincent Price, and the French one with Gerard Chevalier!


07-19-2011, 01:10 AM

---------- Post added at 06:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:28 PM ----------

did you check out the PM link that I have on the Disney ride thread? There are two sections of narration, one with Vincent Price, and the French one with Gerard Chevalier!

Your version is from soundofmagic site. the quality is too bad !

07-22-2011, 05:42 AM
Thanks :)

07-22-2011, 08:32 PM
Your version is from soundofmagic site. the quality is too bad !

"dexterriley" is a SPY for Disney! Got to be very carefull about what you post!


07-25-2011, 09:09 AM
i created this cover, the font too. i'm french, i work at PM since 3 years

07-25-2011, 10:05 AM
Merci beaucoup Jackson!!! :D

08-21-2011, 08:58 PM
Where did you get the remastered "Stretch Room" track from? The beginning of the track fades in from "The Foyer" and the end fades into "Portrait Hall". The reason I ask is because it sounds like it's from a longer, instrumental track that's much higher quality than any of the other instrumental tracks on the album.

The Phantom Manor soundtrack is frustrating, because the multiple versions I've found are all of wildly different quality and there doesn't seem to be a full soundtrack of consistent quality out there. It's either low quality recording sessions or a few random remastered tracks, and even in those cases, sometimes the instrumental track is better, while other times the vocal track is. Even the 30th anniversary CD released by Disney itself is mixed poorly, with Vincent Price's voice whistling and peaking. Of the tracks that are remastered here, did you find them that way or did you remaster them yourself? Do you know of any single set of recordings that are high quality?

Thanks for everything you've uploaded though. Even if this is all we ever get, it's still far superior to other versions out there.

08-22-2011, 04:12 PM
Actually, Dave O'Neal, who was behind "Extinct Attractions", and was subsequently taken to court by Disney, used to pull all of his tracks from internet sources like "The Sounds of Magic", "" and "". They are MOSTLY low quality. Though he advertised them as being "from the Disney Vault", no source material ever originated there. He has a LONG rap sheet for cons and even domestic violence and about 5 aliases. There is a thread devoted to him on "" if you're curious to know more.

08-22-2011, 04:47 PM
"dexterriley" is a SPY for Disney! Got to be very carefull about what you post!


08-23-2011, 09:20 AM
I don't know where to begin with all the misinformation in your post. First, the Disneyland Forever system, as it was officially known, was operated by RedDotNet. I don't know who "Supertracks" is. The system was designed by WDI. Unfortunately what Imagineering DIDN'T have was CLEARANCE for the music that they were selling. In many cases, they did not have the rights to SELL the music, only to USE the music. Randy saw the writing on the wall, knowing that the musician's unions would come down hard on Disney for selling music for which they had no clearance. In an attempt to pursue a LEGAL kiosk system, he suggested selling Walt Disney Records product in the same for which the company DID own the rights. That was introduced to the parks as the Wonderland Music Store. This same material ultimately went to both Amazon and iTunes. Much of it was released digitally for the first time thanks to Randy Thornton.

Randy is also responsible for the 1964 New York World's Fair set (in honor of Bruce Gordon), the Official Albums for both WDW and Disneyland, the recent Haunted Mansion boxed set with both the storyteller album and the Haunted Mansion update, the Disneyland 50th 6 disc set, and all of the classic soundtracks. Your notion that Randy has removed all of the content is just plain wrong. If it weren't for Randy Thornton, we would never have even SEEN most of the park music released on disc.

As for Randy "controlling" or "out and out running" any website, it's laughable. He barely has time to visit them. I will forward your post to him for I know he will get a huge kick out of it. If ONLY he had the power that you attribute to him., by the way, isn't run by Randy, it's run by a jackass named, "Jay".

Lastly, Dave O'Neal settled with Disney a long time ago. The settlement requires that he NEVER resume his illegal operation under penalty of 1 million dollars. This is all publicly available information. I know it's not as interesting as conspiracy theories, but a little research would have made that abundantly clear. Dave never had a contract with Roy to sell bootleg Disney tracks. Any arrangement he had with Roy likely revolved around his home movie compilations.

As for the allegations against him, his aliases and his previous run ins with the law, it's also a matter of record...not heresay from a website. Not unlike some others who sold pirated material, eh, cargosupplyhq?

08-23-2011, 03:27 PM
"dexterriley" is a SPY for Disney! Got to be very carefull about what you post!


08-23-2011, 05:20 PM
I referred you to before because "Jay" posted all the court documents. As the thread has 20 pages, you might want to go to the final page (The Wonderful World of David Oneal - Magic Music Forums - Page 20 ( to read the final terms. It's a bit dry. If you want more background on what Dave did in the past, including the restraining order against him, you can go back and read the entire thread.

My motivation in being here is to enjoy the forums like everyone else. It just happens that I'm a Disney music collector and know Randy Thornton and some of the background in the Dave O'Neal case. I assume that people want to know the facts and not heresay.

08-23-2011, 10:47 PM
"dexterriley" is a SPY for Disney! Got to be very carefull about what you post!


08-24-2011, 12:15 AM
So what you gleaned from all of that was that Dave was a fine, upstanding individual?! Wow. Perhaps if you were married to him you would be less charitable.

As for misinformation, you are the gift that just keeps on giving. The kiosks first appeared on May 22, 1998. You can read ALL ABOUT it on MousePlanet | All About Merchandise (

As for "Jay", I am well aware of who he is, but I think publishing his personal information on a public forum is pretty tacky. In fairness, he didn't refer to you in glowing terms on the forum, so I can understand why you'd be bitter, but still...

Not everyone loved Dave's product as you seem to misinterpret. Many of us actually DISLIKED the low quality and the fact that he would take the tracks available on the internet, NOT EVEN CHANGE THE TITLE, and try to pass them off as "source", "master", or "direct from the Disney Vault". You may be right...he may be a great guy...but when someone has as many run-ins with the law as Dave has, you have to wonder how he's being so horribly misunderstood. It's probably that evil, all-powerful, Randy Thornton at it again. Is there no end to his evil?!

As for your friend, "John", I'm glad he was able to provide you with all the tracks you wanted. (You can actually get them in lossless FLAC format over at where they were compiled from an actual Disneyland Forever hard drive.) Perhaps some criminal will download them and start selling them once again.

I've heard that cargosupplyhq has been banned from eBay. I don't know if he "ran into some trouble with the IRS" or if he violated the Disney trademark, but for whatever reason, he's apparently gone from eBay. But I hear he lives on...peddling sub-par Disney tracks to the gullible.

08-24-2011, 01:00 AM
"dexterriley" is a SPY for Disney! Got to be very carefull about what you post!


08-24-2011, 05:26 AM
Well, if by "source" or "master" you mean 32 kbps or RealAudio, I'm afraid I don't have anything that would satisfy you.

Since you PERSONALLY went to Disneyland...although it sounds like Tomorrowland!...and bought a CD from a machine that was 2-3 years in the future, and have a tax-evading friend who set you up with all of his tracks, and bought liberally from St. David of the Appropriation, I doubt that there is anything I could post which would not pale in comparison.

No doubt Randy is quaking in his boots knowing that Disney fans are out for blood. I hear there is a pack of baby kittens that wants him dead too.

I'm not Randy, but I'm starting to wonder if you're Dave O'Neal.

Darth Neo
08-24-2011, 06:57 AM
Thank you so much GuillaumeMJackson for this. Very happy with it :)
Just too bad that Williamtaylor1969 hyjacks this tread as well with one of his egotrips....

08-24-2011, 03:25 PM
Well, Darth, I was wondering when you were going to pipe in and slam someone (or ME) again! With a handle of "Darthneo", I knew that it would only be a matter of time......

"dexterriley" is a SPY for Disney! Got to be very carefull about what you post!

William (Leaving for another "Ego" trip)

Darth Neo
08-24-2011, 04:59 PM
Well, Darth, I was wondering when you were going to pipe in and slam someone (or ME) again! With a handle of "Darthneo", I knew that it would only be a matter of time......
Well, I think you have that backwards. Last time here, I got slammed by your wonderfull presence, when all I wanted was to share some rare out-of-print stuff.
I never slammed anyone here, so your comments are null and void.
Your egotrips are just an observation. You have "fun" with it. I just know BS when I see it.
Your recent action of deleting your posts and saying dexterrily is a spy to replace them just augments this observation.
Good thing I saved this page to my HDD so I can read your SuperSecret info again and laugh some more.
And in case you are right and dexterrily IS a spy for Disney then I think they have every right to look after their property.
Just know that not everyone here is charmed and can see right through your blablabla.

08-24-2011, 09:58 PM
Wow. I hadn't even noticed he removed the posts. I guess that's the thing about posts with no don't really miss them when they're gone. Thanks, Darth, for the context. As a newbie here, I didn't know Williamtaylor1969 or his M.O. But a little Googling taught me that he's been (detail removed by request) and, oddly enough, (detail removed by request)...hence the love for Dave O'Neal, no doubt. I could tell from what was posted in this thread that he has lost his grip on reality. I hope he has a good caregiver...someone who can make him a new tin foil hat when his current one gives out. While I'm not a spy for Disney, I DID learn that he's been on their radar for months now...something I'm sure he'll wear as a badge of honor.

And to Williamtaylor1969, if you're still reading. Up your meds! It's time. Trust me.

08-27-2011, 05:52 AM
I delete the link

Bair Sitarski
06-28-2013, 03:15 AM
Welcome Foolish Mortals

Disney's Phantom Manor


---------- Post added at 02:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:06 PM ----------

If anyone has another song from Phantom Manor, i want !!! french foyer, french stretchroom and french hall of portraits spiels from Gerard Chevalier !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Give me that tracks, please. If you have it, of course. Thanks!