07-16-2011, 07:54 PM
Hi There Good People of FFS.

I have decided to rip and share my own rips from my favorite games - I started to rip music from games a little while back but stopped for no apparent reason other than that of time issues!
I shall be concentrating more on PC games and PS3 games, simply because that is what i have most of.

About My Rips
My rips will be of the Line-In variety whereby i will be playing the game, recording the music and tagging/naming accordingly. - I shall also be sharing both MP3 (Generally 320k) and Wav (Lossless)

About Requesting
I shall be drafting up a list of what i have gamewise for all consoles i have whereupon you can make requests - You can of course request rips from me from stuff that i do not have - However there is a catch! - For requesting games i do not have, i will of course somehow need to acquire the Original game (as there is no way i am putting a downloaded copy from a torrent that can risk a virus on my computer for the sake of a couple of quid)

About Requesting Stuff I Don't Have
So a word to the requestees of stuff i do not have, i need to be able to get the game at a reasonable price, or the game that you wish me to rip needs to be bought and sent to me in order for me to do the honours! - I do tend to buy most of the new releases unless i hate the game, which is becoming vary rare!

My Intended Rips
I intend to start rips of the following games, just to get started like!
Batman - Arkham Asylum
Crysis 2
Star Wars III: Clone Wars
Alice - Madness Returns

Rules - (Kinda)
Pretty much there is no rules, per se, other than what has already been stated thus far about requesting, which is more guidelines than rules! The only bugbear i have that i wish to nip i the bud right now is sharing the links to my rips or my rips in general on other sites - So please, the only rule, as sad as this will sound, is not to share the links or my rips on other sites other than this - Think of them as exclusive to FFS and we will all get along swimmingly!

Despite my list not being avail at the moment, pelase feel free to request away anyway! just bare in mind that Line In Rips are not as quick as you first may seems, so bare with me whilst i play/rip them!

On A Side Note
I am not doing this intentionally to rial the backs up of the VGM Legacy, in fact its quite the opposite, i download most of what they do and enjoy listening to their efforts (Big thumbs up guys) - So why am i doing this you ask! Simply said, i like to have a generic structure to the music i listen to, again that isnt to suggest in any way shape or form that the VGM legacy do not do that - Just i prefer to listen to music in chronological order and named according to the scenario in question! Its just my preference - A preference some here share and some here don't - So again, i guess to look upom this as *OPTIONS*

Please feel free to ask any questions and above all else, please comment on the rips, be it good or bad points of view - Its good to know that i am hitting the right notes and not f*cking up etc! So comments on the sound, the tagging the ripping in general!

And with that - i have upload the start of a rip i am presently doing - BULLETSTORM! -

Here is the link, so please download and again, please comment (of course tagging has not been started as of yet but naming has) and the music is heard in chronological order!


Bulletstorm -

07-16-2011, 11:06 PM
Hey great scoreman. :)

I would be looking forward if you could do a buzz quiz world rip. :)

07-16-2011, 11:57 PM
Hey OC..

I neither have the game nor the buzzers (although not sure they are needed to play the game) but guessing they are... Have found the game on amazon for �20 and the buzzers for �18, so will have to wait awhile till i get that game! but will endeavour to do so!

07-17-2011, 12:01 AM
Don't think you need the buzzers innit.

07-17-2011, 01:19 AM
Hey Scoreman, great thread! I can see a lot of potential in the structured-rip method. ;)

May I request Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots? Much of the music by Gregson-Williams and the other members of the MGS4 music team never got released officially. Unfortunately, the audio format hasn't been cracked yet, so there hasn't been any software rip yet. Another downer is that the game doesn't have audio options, or at least it doesn't during the cutscenes. I think I recall you saying one time that you've been in contact with HGW before; perhaps you might be able to get some cues that were in the game with SFX and share them, if you are allowed to, of course. Either way, I'd really appreciate it if you could do a rip of the game. Big thanks in advance! :)

07-17-2011, 01:31 AM
Hey Pie!

i have MGS4: GotP but from what you are saying; with regards to the audio options, i am not sure i am going to be able to do a line in rip without the ear canals being monotoned to death and sound raped by sound effects.
on an aside, the HGW score for the game was so minute to the point i think it only consisted of the main theme and about 4 or 5 more tracks (although i could be very much mistaken and would hate to be rogered severely for the pleasure lol)
I shall, of course, see what i can do on a visceral level and hope for the best :)

07-17-2011, 01:40 AM
Thanks! Your efforts won't go unappreciated. :)

I'm not actually completely certain about the audio options; I don't have the game and I haven't been able to verify it myself, but since MGS3 had SFX mixed in with the music it's highly likely 4 also does. If it doesn't have sound options, don't break your back over filtering SFX. ;)

And about HGW's contribution, the official soundtrack credits list 14 tracks solely by him, and there probably are more ingame. ;) Perhaps he used ghost writers, and that's why you recall so little cues by him?

Edit: Another source of clean cues is some downloadable songs from the MGS4 network. Dubbed the "Another Side" album, it has 17 extra tracks, according to Hope that helps!