07-14-2011, 05:24 PM
Lumumba (Jean-Claude Petit) @320

1. Lumumba (g�n�rique) (01:37)
voce solista / voice Julia Sarr
2. Les traces du crime (03:06)
(Lokua Kanza - Jean-Claude Petit) voce solista / voice Julia Sarr
3. La r�pression (03:12)
(Lokua Kanza - Jean-Claude Petit) coro/chorus
4. Le pressentiment (02:33)
(Lokua Kanza - Jean-Claude Petit) voce solista / voice Julia Sarr
5. Le discours (03:10)
(Lokua Kanza - Jean-Claude Petit) coro/chorus
6. Ind�pendance Cha Cha (02:50)
(Tshamala Kabaselle - Tshamala Kabaselle�Ardmore Beechwood Belgique) interpretato da/performed by Lumumbashi Stars
7. Table ronde (03:37)
(Kabasele Yampanya � Esperance) interpretato da/performed by Lumumbashi Stars
8. La peur des Belges (03:29)
9. La guerre (02:47)
10. L'ambassadeur U.S. (02:57)
11. Le putsch (01:29)
12. Mobutu (02:25)
13. La d�cision (00:53)
14. Final (06:08)
(Lokua Kanza - Jean-Claude Petit) voce solista / voice Julia Sarr

Total Duration: 00:40:13


07-15-2011, 04:01 AM
Thank you. :)

I don't know a thing about it and I'm interested in exploring.

04-29-2013, 08:57 PM
Hello, could you re-up?
I re-discover this composer and would like to hear this one (seems rare)
Thanks in advance

Isaias Caetano
04-29-2013, 11:29 PM
Please Re Upload

Brasil 2014

05-07-2013, 09:55 PM
Please Re Upload

Brasil 2014

New link added.

Isaias Caetano
05-08-2013, 06:21 AM
Lumumba (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack by Jean-Claude Petit) 2000
Label: CAM Creazioni Artistiche Musicali C.A.M. S.r.l. una societ� del gruppo Sugar

New link added.

Thank you very much
by the kindness and quickness
my dear wdp4ever!!!

LUMUMBA by Raoul Peck (Written in French)

Raoul Peck – La R�publique D�mocratique du Congo – 2000

Patrice Lumumba, h�ros de l'ind�pendance congolaise, n'a pas trente ans lorsque les premiers soubresauts d'une d�colonisation b�cl�e le propulsent sur le devant de la sc�ne politique internationale. De fonctionaire indig�ne au bureau de poste de Stanleyville, en passant par plusieurs s�jours en prison pour vol ou pour incitation au d�sordre, il deviendra en l'espace de quelques ann�es (1957-1960) l'homme le plus vilipend� de cette p�riode intensive de la guerre froide. P�riode qui a men� le monde au bord d'un conflit mondial. Devenu premier ministre de l'un des pays les plus riches d'Afrique, son destin de h�ros tragique �tait tout trac�, son assassinat d�s lors programm�. Il ne restera que trois mois au pouvoir. Janvier 1961, ses assassins n?avaient plus alors qu'� faire dispara�tre son corps.

�Il y eu d'abord un film documentaire, Lumumba, la mort d'un proph�te, qui a �t� pour moi une tentative de faire le point sur une partie de ma vie et d'inscrire une m�moire personelle dans la trame de l'�v�nement historique. Le film de "fiction" Lumumba se veut une approche moderne d'un h�ros historique contemporain, o� le romanesque, le politique, la grande histoire comme la petite, l'intime, le quotidien, s'entrelacent et correspondent pour �clairer � la fois un destin individuel exceptionnel et une p�riode importante de notre temps. Lumumba se doit de d�ranger. Il se doit de questionner notre �poque sur ses tares pass�s et pr�sentes, qui lui restent sur le visage comme d?affreuses verrues. Le H�ros tragique est celui que chacun peut trahir impun�ment.

Je viens de passer dix huit mois comme Ministre de la Culture de mon pays Ha�ti. Un choix d'abord, bien �videment mais aussi une urgence incontournable. A cause de mes films, � cause de mon engagement, � cause d'un pays qui a su g�n�ration apr�s g�n�ration, br�ler ses ressources humaines.

Dix-huit mois d'une lutte politique dure et impitoyable, dans un pays qui h�site encore entre populisme h�g�monique, donc simpliste et d�mocratie transparente donc compliqu�e par une tradition qui fait cruellement d�faut. Une exp�rience personnellement douloureuse et l'apprentissage des limites de l'action politique.

C'est avec cet h�ritage aussi riche que conflictuel que je d�cide de revenir � ce projet ambitieux que constitue Lumumba. Histoire de faire le point � la lumi�re de mon propre parcours sur un destin politique biais� et compris � la base. Histoire de revenir sur un terrain dont je domine mieux les contours. Histoire de remettre 37 ans apr�s les pendules � l'heure au sujet d'un meurtre-sacrifice. Histoire de transcender mes propres douleurs, mes regrets, ma col�re intacte. Histoire tout court.� Par Raoul Peck

Plot Summary for Lumumba (2000) ~ IMDb

The true story of the rise to power and brutal assassination of the formerly vilified and later redeemed leader of the independent Congo, Patrice Lumumba. Using newly discovered historical evidence, Haitian-born and later Congo-raised writer and director Raoul Peck renders an emotional and tautly woven account of the mail clerk and beer salesman with a flair for oratory and an uncompromising belief in the capacity of his homeland to build a prosperous nation independent of its former Belgium overlords. Lumumba emerges here as the heroic sacrificial lamb dubiously portrayed by the international media and led to slaughter by commercial and political interests in Belgium, the United States, the international community, and Lumumba's own administration; a true story of political intrigue and murder where political entities, captains of commerce, and the military dovetail in their quest for economic and political hegemony. Written by L. J. Allen-2



Lumumba, Written and Directed by Raoul Peck, the Former Haitian Minister of Culture, Depicts Lumumba's Role and his Fate in the 1961 Struggle of the Republic of Congo to Gain Independence from Belgium. The Film's Score was Composed by Jean-marie Petit, a Graduate of Paris' National Conservatory of Music. The Music is Symphonic and Lush, Accented by Beautiful African Tribal Percussion which Underscore of the Film's Tense Scenes and Emotional Content. ~ Amazon

Important Film by Jonathan Feldman

If you want to understand neo-Colonialism, it might help to see this film that is a well structured and highly informative piece of work.


Lumumba is a 1999 French film, according to the booklet's brief synopsis, "the history of Patrice Lumumba, leading figure in the Congo's process of independence from Belgian colonialism. His rise, from simple post office clerk to prime minister of his country; the few months as government leader and then his removal. Betrayed by his companions, he is tortured, executed and his body is eliminated in the savannah on night of January 1961. It is the story of a man who became a legend." The film seems to have been very well received at Cannes this year, but so far seems to have avoided being eliminated from any British multiplex or arthouse. The music is by Jean-Claude Petit, probably best known here for Cyrano de Bergerac (1990), The Horseman on the Roof (1995), and Ken Russell's Lady Chatterley's Lover (1992) TV mini-series.

There are 14 tracks on the album, of which 12 are score, the disc being divided by two lightweight and attractive afro-pop songs, 'Independence Cha Cha' by Tshamala Kabaselle and 'Table Ronde' by Kabasele Yampanya, both performed by Lumumbashi Stars. These 6� minutes of music rather break the continuity of the score and would have been more effectively placed at the end of the album. This is a minor complaint about what is otherwise an excellent disc. Petit has composed a classically elegant and often understated score which, on occasion, bursts vibrantly into uninhibited life. It is a big score, with a big, warm-hearted, thrilling main theme, which can sound either haunting or elating, and appears in various guises from instrumental arrangements to the solo vocal of Julia Sarr to the full choir of the Bulgarian Symphony. It is a score very reminiscent of some of the work of John Williams, and none the worse for that; certain atmospheric passages, and the wordless choir introducing the 'Final', evoke Williams marvellous Empire of the Sun (1987), while the big tune - and this is a BIG tune - is uncannily close to Williams terribly under-rated African choral from Amistad (1997). This is not to suggest any plagiarism, probably Petit has never heard Williams score, for if he had I suspect he would have taken pains to write something rather more dissimilar, but it may be that both composers drew on the same traditional African traditional material for inspiration: both films, though set in different centuries, are about the struggle of black Africans for freedom from white slavery or oppression. Whatever the providence, with the choir in full flight and the excellent surround sound filling the room, it would take a cold heart not to be both deeply moved and utterly thrilled by this music.

Apart from the splendid theme Petit has crafted a strong and varied under-score which is sometimes spare, sometimes dramatic, using percussion imaginatively but keeping to the point and never assaulting the listener in a strained attempt at effect. This is the work of a composer who knows how to use his orchestrations wisely, and in the often low key approach has something in common with Tan Dun's music for Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000), which I also review this month. Lumumba is a 'grower' of a score, and for that reason, combined with the fact that few will probably ever see the film in this country, it is unlikely to gather the praise and attention it thoroughly deserves. Take a chance, ignore the big names for once and buy this instead. It's a fine score from a composer who should be much better known. ~ by Gary S. Dalkin

05-13-2013, 01:55 PM
Thank you!!!

05-13-2013, 02:48 PM
very interesting !!!
Thank !!!

12-18-2014, 03:20 AM
Thank you!

12-18-2014, 02:21 PM
Unfortunatley the link seems to be dead!!!

12-20-2014, 01:48 PM
thank you very much

02-22-2015, 04:38 PM
thanks :)

02-28-2015, 12:19 AM
Thank you!!

05-14-2016, 02:02 PM
could someone reup this, please?

10-26-2016, 12:50 PM
Or someone could send me the link?