Chocolate Misu
07-09-2011, 02:11 AM
Ah Courage the Cowardly Dog! Some love it, some hate it. But one thing you can't deny....... the show had an amazing soundtrack! That spooky, ambient, kooky, and crazy music has forever ingrained itself into our minds. The music composed by Jody Gray and Andy Ezrin was truly memorable and with this idea of making a cst, THEY WILL get full credit. They deserve it!

Ok, I know a lot of people out there want better quality versions of the music from the show than what they find on youtube..... I'm one of those people. With the release of the Cartoon Network's Hall of Fame Courage season 1 box, we just might be a teense bit closer to that dream.

SERIOUSLY, people, go buy that box! It's frikin' worth it! -> Courage the Cowardly Dog: Season One (Cartoon Network Hall of Fame): Thea White, Marty Grabstein, Simon Prebble, Lionel G. Wilson, Billie Lou Watt, Paul Schoeffler, Arthur Anderson: Movies & TV (

I have this box! And I really want to make a custom ost for it........ but the problem is that I'm way too much of a novice at cst's to do it right. I've done audio editing and stuff before but nothing to this degree. I've been able to extract the audio as an AC3 but the audio is stereo and I've come to an impasse on what to do from there. I don't have the knowledge on how to remove sfx from the tracks. I've tried doing that before and I couldn't find a method to work for me. And I know it may be a long shot of even accomplishing but it's all we have to try with :(

So I come to you, the community of the Shrine, would there be ANY interest at all to make this a group/community effort to do this soundtrack right?

I know a team effort sounds daunting because all the work usually ends up on one person. I'm going to try my darndest to not let that happen. I have the ability to cut tracks and I would even take the time to sit and tag everything. It's just the entire technical aspect that I don't know how to do.

I've got another project to work on this month so getting started with this doesn't have to be immediate. If anyone has interest in helping out with this just say so and I'll upload the files. Please, any and all help will be appreciated.

---------- Post added at 09:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:50 PM ----------

And for anyone interested, here's Jody Gray's website to look at -> Jody Gray Portfolio (

08-21-2011, 08:55 PM
How could anyone hate it? And yes, I will one day buy that. But I have had no luck finding the soundtrack, I asked Jody Gray via e-mail if there was anyway for him to release the soundtrack, whether it be online, or just send the tracks to me or something, but I haven't received a response! I know they were planning on releasing the soundtrack a while ago, and Jody wanted to, but Courage-related stuff fell apart. It makes me sad, that is probably my favorite show ever!

Natural Gropius
10-01-2018, 12:13 AM
How could anyone hate it? And yes, I will one day buy that. But I have had no luck finding the soundtrack, I asked Jody Gray via e-mail if there was anyway for him to release the soundtrack, whether it be online, or just send the tracks to me or something, but I haven't received a response! I know they were planning on releasing the soundtrack a while ago, and Jody wanted to, but Courage-related stuff fell apart. It makes me sad, that is probably my favorite show ever!

Did he never reply back?

10-03-2018, 01:48 PM
Now that creepy music that plays in the episode when Muriel turns into a were-rabbit comes to mind

Natural Gropius
05-19-2019, 01:16 AM
Still hoping for a full soundtrack release someday.