03-03-2003, 07:16 AM
I've started writing a few scripts which will eventually be a (Hopefully) series of movie length scripts. It takes place in the 41st Millenia (Millenium) Here I'll link you to the web-page where I will post all the parts of the scripts and also post up upadates and some terms you will need to read. So first up I'll post up the main story...

It is the dawn of the 41st Millenium. All is not well within the universe as a strange race has emerged from the darkness, we call them "Chaos". The Imperium leads the humane races of the universe with a Power Fist, and the Emperor; G�haven has supreme power and none may argue his beliefs. His laws are upheld by Inquisitors, Men of extreme power and extreme beliefs, many of which differ, this sometimes leads to confrontation...

Inquisitor: 1. An inquisitive person; one fond of asking questions.

2. (Law) One whose official duty it is to examine and inquire, as coroners, sheriffs, etc.

Power Fist/Power Armor/Power Knife: Used by the space marines these are extremely powerful items. Power armor is gigantic armor that usually covers everything but the head. Power Fists are attatched to the armor and are gigantic claws used for close combat, Power Knives are attatched to the Fist and are more powerful than the regular knife...

[Some bits of this story are inspired by the tabletop miniture battle game "Warhammer"]

More updates and a URL soon.