Darth Revan
07-03-2011, 04:51 AM
With all the games coming out in the next 6 months+, the trailers for them are looking spectacular. Which game trailers have you seen which have you excited?

For me:

Saints Row The Third Gameplay Trailer (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eN2-WSyRuO0) : I like this series for being over the top, ridiculous and insane. From what I saw in this vid, not gonna be disappointed.

Mass Effect 3 "Fall of the Earth" trailer (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ViG6hV1ehU) : Love the rest of the series and this looks damn good so far. Should be a great ending to the trilogy.

Dragon's Dogma Trailer (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYbH25f36Qg) : This reminds me of the old AD&D novels I used to read ages ago, and amid all the modern/futuristic games around, some fantasy and good old hack N slash is needed.

Ace Combat Assault Horizon (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GYewO9zA78) : After enjoying the 6th installment... this look amazing. Always like air combat games, and this is appealing to me.

impudent urinal
07-03-2011, 10:18 AM
YouTube - ‪The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Official Trailer‬‏ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPPF9eO5_6U)
Loved Oblivion except the wonky leveling, but come on; Fight Fucking Dragons! Dragons make anything exciting.

YouTube - ‪Street Fighter x Tekken: Character Reveal Trailer (E3 2011)‬‏ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_fSM3HTN3E&feature=related)
Haven't played a Street Fighter game since 2 championship on the snes, but I do play Tekken.
That combined with the rockin song in that trailer gets me excited.

07-03-2011, 10:29 PM
Game trailers hardly excite me. The last one that did was, don't quote me on this, but I think one of the Devil May Cry ones. I'm more interested in gameplay footage because trailers only show what the developers want you to see. It may look cool, but most of the time the game ends up sucking more dick than a 5 dollar whore. With gameplay footage, I can at least get a hint as to what to expect. But nothing beats playing the game yourself. Then you'll know if it's really a pile of crap or a pile of gold.

07-04-2011, 07:13 AM
TES skyrim. huge fan since morrowind.
RE ORC, though having already played re4, do they really expect me to believe leon (the target) was killed back in RC?

07-04-2011, 08:06 AM
YouTube - ‪Deus Ex Human Revolution - Revenge Trailer in HD‬‏ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcsn6usl678)

YouTube - ‪The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings - Launch Trailer (PC, PS3, Xbox 360)‬‏ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HedLjjlSy3Y&feature=related)

Square Enix might have forgotten how to make games, but they sure haven't forgotten how to sell them.

07-04-2011, 08:13 AM
Deus Ex Human Revolution is an awesome game.

07-04-2011, 10:11 AM
I certainly hope so. But I'm gonna have to wait to find out.

07-06-2011, 10:04 PM
The Second Skyrim trailer blew my mind, The Faultline episodes for BF3 were epic, and the AC Revelation trailer was probably the best pure CG trailer I have seen in a while.

07-06-2011, 11:16 PM
i totally forgot, but cod8's trailer blew my mind.
world war 3? FUCK YEAH

07-07-2011, 06:57 PM
I still cant wrap my head around how Russia is pwning all of the NATO forces at one time. But I hope you get to play as a German Infantryman in Berlin, that would bring it full circle.

07-08-2011, 04:01 AM
for all we know, china and north korea could be helping russia.

07-10-2011, 09:19 AM
Bio Shock Infinite is what I'm most looking forward too.

07-23-2011, 03:21 AM
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Here's a perfect example of how excited I am:
Skyrim Orgasm- YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9eGtyqz4gY)