02-28-2003, 10:35 PM
The swirling vortex rushes past me, images swirling as wind blows my hair back and causes me to blink rapidly as I try to see... images of mother yelling at me... images of my brother laughing as we play some stupid video game... the images rush past, flickering like bad TV stations, and I can't seem to focus on any one, I can only stare ahead as they rush past and I see them out of the corner of my eyes... My mother and father fighting... plates breaking against the wall... I see my dog lying dead on the ground, the syringe still in her, but with the wrong poison as she dies a slow painful death...

I can't reach forward, my arms are actually held behid me as my shirt billows out around me... I'm crying, but the wind pushes the tears off my face in a flash, and my eyes are dry... then the images shift... the memories are past, but the bad TVs are still soaring by, except now every Tv shows a cage. A cage sitting on darkness. Inside that cage, I can barely make out two small eyes peering out of the darkness, and as the wind burns me... I see children. Children are in the cage, and I'm standing right in the center, looking back at myself...

The vortex rushes past, and I'm awake again, with only a few more seconds until I finally hit the pavement below... I'm no longer crying... I'm flying... I'm free... Darkness...


There's this metallic smell in the air... it reeks with the stench of dying dreams... I stare out the window, the glassbreaker in my hand dripping the crimson flow of life as I narrow my eyes, looking out towards the sunrise... but I see no light. I will never see light again... for me, it will forever be dark, for I walk amongst dreams and with dreams, and therefore, I am always asleep. I turn away from the window, to look at the small pool washing over the tile, already somewhat thin, thin enough for me to see that the tile's pattern looks alot prettier when it is red. I smile, but is it really a smile anymore?

I walk out into the hall, my boots making loud squishing noises in the blood as I walk out, my short sword tapping against the walls... tap tap tap... as though I'm waking people up... maybe I'm waking myself up. I step past the woman's body in the hallway, and stoop, to look down into her face.. her wild red hair is now all the prettier with all that blood to enhance the color. I grin, and kiss her dark brown eyes, so dark... just like the night. She stares up at me in silence, and I vaguely wonder if she is now asleep forever, or forever awake... it makes no difference. I frown slightly, considering wiping my blade on her already bloody t-shirt, but change my mind, walking down the hall, away from the body as I lick my blade. I step past a sword on the ground in the hall that looks exactly like mine, thrown by the woman when she knew she was fading away... I can't even remember why I threw it. I don't care. I walk away from my corpse and into the shadows of life.


"Fly to your dreams..." she whispers softly in my ear, as my glossing eyes stare blankly up at the sky which I can no longer see. "Fly to your dreams..." she says again, her voice like poison, cutting through the dull chill slowly crawling through my mind. I can feel my heart slowing... I can hear every thump... Her face is over mine then as she looks down at me... I can't help but smile slightly at just how hideous she is sometimes... though my smile alone causes a faint pain to run through my face... my jaw must be broken... My hands slowly are stained red in my own blood as I sigh, maybe my last breath, maybe not... I manage another breath, each breath so far long and drawn out, as though breathing out is just slowly releasing my soul... her face blurs... life blurs... and I'm falling away from the nightmare...

I awake in a cold sweat, sitting upright in my bed, staring at the large anime poster stretched across the wall opposite me. Gasping for air, I look around for the girl.. I can't even tell if I'm dreaming, or if I'm dead... I pinch myself... "Ouch... well.. I must be..." I start to say awake.. but then I remember the pain of that smile, and I sit there, wondering if I was ever awake... and for some reason, I start to cry. And before I know it, tears are streaming down my face as I turn and bury my face in the pillow, sobbing and not even knowing why... I clutch the pillow as though it's reality, crying into it... Life isn't just a dream, is it?

02-28-2003, 11:38 PM
Amazing story Princess-Toadstool. It's described very well and it makes for a great read. Keep up the great work!