02-28-2003, 10:01 PM
As I fly through space an leave this planet behind,
I find it's still with me, it won't leave my mind,
As I soar past the clouds and away to the sun,
I can't seem to escape from that which I run.

I look back, and I narrow my eyes,
turn to glare as I soar away from those skies,
I try to pretend like it doesn't exist,
like I never loved, like I'm not missed.

I wake up now though, and I feel my own tears,
as I look at my life's blood I hold dear,
I see the razor, still resting on the floor,
and damnit, my friend's standing at the door.

The doctor's rush in, and they take me away,
to put me in this hospital in which I lay,
and I think of all the stars I saw, and the hellish sun,
And I wonder where I would be, if I continued to run.

I close my eyes as I softly sigh,
the tears still raining as I cry,
I pull my salvation from my wrist,
as with death I tango and softly kiss.

And I'm flying again, amongst the stars,
past flying ships and airborne cars,
away from what's real, away from what's not,
towards that flaming sun that burns so hot.

I feel a tug on my leg as they pull me back,
I'm pulled back into life with a godawful smack,
I open my eyes, and at the angels I shriek,
but I'm losing it now, I feel so weak...

A nurse wipes elixir from the floor...
Another slips on it outside the door,
The doctor, determined, works on in fear,
and there stands my friend, always near.

Why won't he just let me pass away?
How many more times must I run away?
I want him to go, and not to care...
but I know he'll always be there...

02-28-2003, 11:44 PM
Good poem Princess-Toadstool. The theme is gloomy and depressing but you write on the topic so well. Maybe you should make a thread to post all your poems instead of a thread for each poem because it's spammy and one thread for all your poems would be more suitable.

Just a suggestion.. Feel free to make your own decision.

03-01-2003, 12:21 AM
You're right, I think I'll do just that