06-29-2011, 03:02 AM
What's everyone's take on the new color timing?

06-29-2011, 05:37 AM
I don't think it's a big deal. The screenshots looked pretty bad, but on disc, it's all relative. I wouldn't even have noticed any tinting if I didn't know to look for it, and even keeping that in mind, I hardly ever noticed it in watching the first half of the film. I personally think the transfer looks beautiful. The "controversy" is several orders of magnitude out-of-proportion to the reality.

07-01-2011, 06:00 PM
There was a part at the beginning The Two Towers involving Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli hiding from an approaching army. Well, anyway the only color timing issues I noticed in despite all the lush green landscape, there was a green tint to it that looked completely odd. The faces all had kind of a weird green tinge to them that did not seem to match the rest of the shots. Color inconsistency in some shots tended to be a problem for me, too. But I still enjoyed the discs so I won't raise a big fuss about it.

07-02-2011, 04:33 AM
I may never heard of such concerns about the color timing on the Blu-Ray releases of The Lord Of the Rings Extended Trilogy, but I've mainly heard that the overall Lord Of the Rings Extended Trilogy on Blu-Ray look and sound great and stunning to boot, even in HD.

07-02-2011, 08:34 AM
There was a part at the beginning The Two Towers involving Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli hiding from an approaching army. Well, anyway the only color timing issues I noticed in despite all the lush green landscape, there was a green tint to it that looked completely odd. The faces all had kind of a weird green tinge to them that did not seem to match the rest of the shots. Color inconsistency in some shots tended to be a problem for me, too. But I still enjoyed the discs so I won't raise a big fuss about it.

That's odd. I had thought only Fellowship had changes to the tinting and the other two were simply straight-forward remasters.

That said, having watched through Two Towers, I did notice colors similar to the "new" timings in Fellowship, and it did seem somewhat inconsistent at times, even occasionally within the same scene. However, it was never displeasing to the point where it bothered me; I simply noticed it since the discussions of these transfers in other forums has fostered a critical eye. I'm still extremely pleased with the discs and looking forward to ROTK on the morrow.

Glad to know you're enjoying your discs. :)

07-02-2011, 07:42 PM
Just to have the extended editions in crystal clear HD quality is worth the occasional color timing inconsistencies. When (and if) Warner gets enough complaints and decide to do a replacement program then I'll worry about it. Right now, I'm certainly not complaining. Remastered from the original 2k masters resulting in significant gains in fine detail and overall contrast. The image is delicately textured and refined. You can actually see the very light grain structure of the image, which results in a far less digital and far more film-like presentation. I have yet to review the theatrical Blurays but then again I never was too crazy about those versions. Upon my third viewing of the extended editions, I do enjoy the extended and new scenes but at times the new scenes (it's worse in The Two Towers where most additional scenes featuring Gimli are usually comic relief extensions that ultimately are pretty funny but largely unneeded.) do tend to make an already long scene much longer and occasionally a bit more boring. I prefer these versions more though (even with the off-beat pacing) because they seem to tell a more complete story even if the new scenes are kinda useless., except for Saruman's death in RotK.

07-23-2011, 04:04 AM
In terms of color timing, Fellowship is the worst of the bunch. Unnatural green shadows on peoples' faces, rosy pink or jaundice yellow skin tone resembling poop colors throughout the movies. By the time i reached Return of the King, they have tone down the ungodly tint quite a bit and it's hardly noticeable anymore.

07-23-2011, 04:23 AM
In terms of color timing, Fellowship is the worst of the bunch.

Well, Fellowship was always my favorite. Guess i will stick with the extended DVD's for the time being.
How's the features? They are the same as the extended DVDs or is there something new to watch?

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
08-05-2011, 03:17 AM
what is all this... "color timing"? :confused:

08-19-2011, 07:16 AM
How's the features? They are the same as the extended DVDs or is there something new to watch?

The Blu-rays also include the Costa Botes documentaries originally included on the DVD Limited Editions, but other than that they are the same. The Appendices discs are identical to those from the DVD sets.

Personally, I think the color timing issue was blown way out of proportion. For 99% of people, it won't be a problem. If you really like the movies and want them in HD, I think you'll be pleased. If you're worried, you can always borrow first to give it a try.