02-25-2003, 06:56 PM
can anyone tell me what this actually does?

are the numbers to do with % extra? or HP extra....i can only seem to get about 130 at most....is this normal etc?

and if the boost number is only the extra HP added then 130 is pretty crap no?

Bahamut ZERO
02-25-2003, 07:22 PM
(Hopes he's remembering the right thing.)

Boost increases the maximum damage that GFs do. A GF with no boost does less damage than one with a boost of 130. And it can reset itself if you tap when the finger is covered with a red cross.

The boost maxs out at 250 - but this is impossible to achieve with some of the lower level GFs. Some of the higher levelled ones however, well, you'll find out. Nevertheless, boost is one of the most handy skills for your GF to learn.

02-25-2003, 08:14 PM
i see..thats cool

what do the #'s actually dictate though???

02-26-2003, 12:02 AM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">Each number doesn't really mean anything in particular, it's just the higher the number, the more damage it will do. The lowest number is 75, and I thinka t 150 it was either double damage or half as much damage again, I'm not sure exactly. But a full 250 boost gives you a huge increase in attack power. It is really worth using.

02-26-2003, 02:23 AM

thanks guys...i got boost with most of my GF's now

it does noticably help :d

02-26-2003, 08:02 AM
Some GF like cataur and diablo have no boost.
I don't think the numbers have any significant meaning. A higher number means a stronger attack.

02-27-2003, 04:08 PM
it seems to be linked to compatability as well

i noticed that in my most compatable GF's i can get a boost of about 170+!

02-28-2003, 08:48 AM
It all depends on button bashing and your ability to react whilst button bashing :B
and I believe that compatability helps as well since evne when the Ifrit movie isn't that long you can get the boost quite high when you summon him of a regular basis. xD

03-14-2003, 04:01 PM
i heard somwhere that its a percentage so when you start boost you take off less and then bring it higher so if you bring it down to 75 you will take off less than if you never did the boost

Vivi FF
03-15-2003, 07:32 PM
Yeah, I think that when you get to 75, you'd do less damage. I think I encountered this problem before... :)

It could be possible that the number that you get boosted could be the percentage of the originl attack. The best way to find out is get a 100+ number like 113 then record the damage and divide it by 113 and then times that answer with 100 and if the answer is kinda like the defualt damage you do w/o boost, then that means Boost does have something to do with the percentage of the attack...

03-15-2003, 10:52 PM
i have always thought the number that you got while boosting adds that much damage on, but i guess i was way wrong

04-27-2003, 06:58 AM
One thing about Diablo is that he can only do a certin ammount of damage with his attack, the 3 GF's without boots are Diablos Cerebus Cactuar, which totally stinks, but u want to learn boost so u can do over 9999 damage with Eden

Vivi FF
04-27-2003, 05:53 PM
Carby doesn't have boost either...

The only reasons why those 4 don't have Boost are...

Carbuncle/Cerebus: They don't attack, just cast Reflect/Double+Triple
Diablos: His attack is Gravity basedish...
Cactaur: He does damage according to his level...

So they don't need Boost, otherwise it wouldn't make a difference...

auron's pet
05-17-2003, 12:36 PM
Originally posted by Bahamut ZERO
(Hopes he's remembering the right thing.)

The boost maxs out at 250 - but this is impossible to achieve with some of the lower level GFs. Some of the higher levelled ones however, well, you'll find out. Nevertheless, boost is one of the most handy skills for your GF to learn.

thats not true....if u have a turbo controller u can get any gf to have 250...and it's attack increases alot :D