02-25-2003, 05:51 PM
is there anything good to steal from Raijin and Fujin in the battle in Balamb, im just coming up to that bit now, plus any hints on the battle?

02-26-2003, 12:10 AM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">You can mug some Str Ups from Raijin, although I think he drops some after battle if you don't anyway. You can mug a Megalixir from Fujin, although on rare occasions, you may get a Hero instead.

The battle comes in two stages. First, you fight just Raijin outside the hotel. He's not hard at all at this point, so just do what you want to him. Just don't use any Thunder magic as he'll absorb it. Then you go into the hotel and fight both of them together. At this point, Fujin will be using Tornado and Aero a lot. However, if you draw GF Pandemona from her, she won't be able to use these any more, and will resort to physical attacks instead. You can draw Protect from Raijin and Cura from Fujin if you're having any problems in the battle. Again, use whatever attacks you want apart from lightning or wind elemental. Decide between limit breaks, physical attacks or GF's, depending on how powerful your physical attacks are, it's up to you. :)

02-26-2003, 02:17 AM
cheers Melti....

i recieved the megaelixir and some str up's.. that'll come in useful

02-28-2003, 01:40 AM
At this point, Fujin will be using Tornado and Aero a lot. However, if you draw GF Pandemona from her, she won't be able to use these any more, and will resort to physical attacks instead.

I don't think this is necessary true. She still uses Tornado and Aero on me even after I draw Pandemona from her. An easy strategy is to bring two girls to fight against them and take out Fujin first.

02-28-2003, 02:35 AM
i took your advie comrie89
"An easy strategy is to bring two girls to fight against them and take out Fujin first."

i got my grandma round and my auntie....they werent much help though....

02-28-2003, 05:32 AM
i got my grandma round and my auntie....they werent much help though....
::: chuckles loudly ::: I suppose I shouldn't find that too funny, but it just is.