06-15-2011, 11:38 AM 16fae79872fea46g.jpg

Back on January 1st I promised to make a Hitoshi Sakimoto megathread with all the music of his I can get my hands on, including rips of games otherwise unavailable on the forum. Sorry to say, I've made virtually no progress on making that happen. I have most of his soundtracks in listenable form currently, but need to make little adjustments to nearly all of them. Trying to make everything perfect can get tedious and drains a lot of will, and I don't want to post without everything being as close to perfect as I can do. So I offer this as my apology for the delay and I will try to get the thread made sometime in the summer.

This is all of the music from Stella Deus: The Gate of Eternity, both Japanese and English versions. I looped all the tracks on the Original Soundtrack CD that should loop and extracted everything from the game that wasn't included (lucky for me this was the easiest game in the world to rip or else I couldn't have done it). There's not a whole lot of music that was unreleased, but it does include an English version of "Holy Spirit", and the inexplicably excluded music from the title screen and ending, which is an instrumental version of that song which I'm calling "Spirit's Theme". There's also two short pieces of music from cutscenes, an alternate version of "Alchemy (Man's Theme)" that loops and has a different piece of music before the repeat, and the level up fanfare. Just as important is that now the whole soundtrack loops as it would were it released on two discs like it should have been.

Full disclosure: I have no log for this rip because it was the first thing I ever ripped with EAC and I didn't know people wanted those things. You'll just have to trust me it was done accurately. Bit-compare the tracks that don't loop that I did nothing to like "Alchemy", "Mission Clear", "Game Over" and "Holy Spirit" to Accurate Ripped ones and you'll find they're the same. I ripped the disc right after buying it new, so I assure you there were no problems.

I also uploaded the ADX files ripped from the game (playable with vgmstream ( for Winamp or foobar2000) all named and put in order. The tracks ripped from movies were in SS2 format, which is just repacked WAV, so they're converted to FLAC to save space. If you're a nerd interested in different masterings like I am, you should grab that set too, because it's different in many places. ADX is a lossy format, but a few tracks are less dynamic range compressed, so they may be preferable to some. Happily, most on the CD aren't really altered from the game much at all and have no added compression, though volume adjustments were made. Don't worry, even with some tracks having some compression, it is not a brickwalled CD.

All archives have a 5% recovery record and the FLAC and ADX have SFVs to ensure you have the same files I have on my hard drive.

[EDIT: Dead and I don't have it anymore. Will redo in the future.]

06-15-2011, 12:41 PM
Thanks for your effort! ;)

06-15-2011, 04:58 PM
Awesome! I'm looking forward to your next ups! Hitoshi Sakimoto FTW.

06-17-2011, 07:39 AM
Really loved the ost thanks for upploading!

06-17-2011, 03:02 PM
uploading is down, every other host is fine. thank you

06-17-2011, 04:27 PM
Thanks so much for your work!!!!

09-09-2011, 06:26 AM
Wow, I didn't know that there was an English version of "Holy Spirit". I really love it along with Small Two of Pieces. They are phenomenal vocal tracks.
I appreciate your hard work to complete this album. I'll enjoy it for years.

04-13-2013, 06:32 PM
Can't download it. Need reupload FLAC Part 1 and FLAC Part 2 on another site.

04-17-2013, 07:42 PM
If a re-up of the MP3 version is possible, I'd like to request that.

04-20-2013, 09:41 AM
re up plz!

11-17-2014, 08:52 PM
was there a re-up of this?
i really like it... would love if someone had it, and would take the time to upload again. thanks