06-12-2011, 12:06 AM
Hey guys!

A while back I posted my fan soundtrack to Castlevania: The Bloodstained Symphony (Thread 75422) in the download section. It was quite well received, and I was amazed by the positive response. Thank you so much for listening to that!

The reason why I'm back here is because I was started a new Castlevania fan soundtrack project. I'm composing and producing the soundtrack to the non-existent 1999 Julius game. Ambitious? Yes. Impossible? least I hope not. There's a lot of energy and excitement in this project, and I'm really looking to gain support and have it listened to by a larger audience.

I started a tumblr as a place to post new compositions and track my progress. I'll also make updates providing insight into the production and process.

Check out the blog to read my introductory statement, as well as listen to the very first track!

Tumblr - Project Julius: A Castlevania Fan Soundtrack (

Cheers guys, and thanks for listening.

- Geoffrey Gunn.