Darth Revan
06-06-2011, 06:50 AM
New Nintendo console:


The current spec rumors online.

The System:

Uses a custom IBM triple-core CPU running at 3.6GHz per core
The development kit contains 1gb RAM, but Nintendo have hinted that the console will actually have 1.5gb
Nintendo will be releasing games that will run 1080p natively. Sources say that with Nintendo’s art style and the power the system has, the games look ‘stunning’.
The system does run on AMD R700 card, but the architecture is slightly different and the clock speeds are much higher.
The System resembles JPN/EU SNES machines in color only and not in shape
The development kit is about the size of a 360, not the console
Close sources say it’s as if Nintendo is in “damage control” with 3rd party developers.
Nintendo is trying really hard to get 3rd parties on board to develop games and have offered incentives such as not releasing big-title Nintendo games in holiday seasons to compete against 3rd party titles.
Nintendo went to many 3rd party developers on guidance on what they were after with the new console in terms of system specs, controller and online system.

The Controller:

Nintendo have been keeping this really quiet and have only given developers controller prototypes to start designing games. However, the final controller build with all the features have only been given to Nintendo 1st and 2nd party developers for now.
Nintendo had planned on inserting a screen on the controller back when the Gamecube was in development, but opted out due to technology not being advanced enough to be functional
The controller that’s been given to developers has a large 5.7inch hd (960x640pixel) screen, 2 analogue sticks, 4 face buttons, 3 middle buttons (select/home/start in that order), 2 shoulder buttons and 2 triggers.
The triggers aren’t as deep as the 360’s triggers, but have plenty of push
The big thing about the screen is that it’s a multi-touch screen, contains it’s own battery and is detachable from the controller unit
The screen when detached contains its own memory so developers can store data on it, so gamers can play whatever the developer designs for the screen-only use
When the screen is attached to the controller it works by streaming content directly from the console
Nintendo are giving developers ideas other than just having it function as a quick menu screen for games while attached, or as a simple tamagochi-like mini-game when detached
The controller contains a gyroscope, but motion controls isn’t the focus of the controller like it was for the Wii


Nintendo will release a Mario platformer as a launch title which hasn’t been done since the N64.
The Mario platformer looks to be the spiritual successor to Mario 64.
Gamefreak and EAD are hard at work developing a Pokemon online RPG.
The Pokemon RPG is not an MMO, but does have a large online emphasis and will be Nintendo’s flagship title when showing off the online capabilities of the console.
There will be at least one new IP Nintendo will reveal at E3.
Nintendo is working on a new Zelda, but didn’t reveal anything to developers.


Some developers have had the Wii 2 dev kit for going on 2 years now. When the Wii 2 is released in late, that’s 3 years to develop games on.
Because of such generous development time, Nintendo have pushed 3rd parties to develop high quality games to be released at or near launch.
Nintendo have sourced an external company to develop their online network, which the developer has commented, surpasses both the PS3 and 360 in terms of speed and functionality.
Nintendo is pushing for the console to be online 24/7 and have seamless online integration with many of their games
Friend codes are confirmed to be gone
Nintendo has been toying with the idea of a game where the main character is your Mii
Nintendo will be pushing their Pokemon RPG to showcase their online network
Rockstar are supposedly hard at work in bringing on of their “most popular” titles to the console.

Proposed Controller:

Spider-Man: Edge of Time (http://www.gametrailers.com/video/e3-2011-spider-man-edge/714552)

Batman Arkham City (http://www.gametrailers.com/video/e3-2011-batman-arkham/714503?type=flv)

Silent Hill Downpour (http://www.gametrailers.com/video/e3-2011-silent-hill/714598)

Tomb Raider (http://www.gametrailers.com/video/e3-2011-tomb-raider/714562)

The Witcher 2 (http://www.gametrailers.com/video/e3-2011-the-witcher/714516)

Soulcalibur V (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPQh0uPVSMI&feature=player_embedded)

Is it just me... or does this year look good for gaming?

06-06-2011, 06:55 AM
If it does have an R700 graphics card, we should see a lot of games running at 1080p on the console (I'd bet money that the wave of ports we'll see early in the console's life will just run at 720p though). It's still not a powerful enough graphics card to run games at max settings though.

Nintendo will probably have the most exciting conference this year, I think. Sony should have a very good one too, once they're done apologising for all the junk that's happened recently. I don't have high hopes for Microsoft after their awful conference last year, which really showed that their focus now is on Kinect and expanding Xbox Live.

Edit: Somebody better talk about Dragon Quest X I've been waiting years now :|

06-06-2011, 08:16 AM
Silent Hill: Downpour is the only title that makes me erect.

06-06-2011, 08:46 AM
It might only be a concept controller.. but that looks crap.
It looks like a cheap pound land game or something.

06-06-2011, 08:49 AM
The pic he posted is a pretty lame mockup man it won't look anything like that.

06-06-2011, 09:16 AM
I bet it will :P
What I would like in a controller is a small track pad for your thumb, like the ones on a laptop, instead of the thumbsticks. Thumbsticks suck.

06-06-2011, 09:38 AM
Man you got great ideas you should be an engineer or something!!

06-06-2011, 10:19 AM
Eh...I've lost 'faith' in Nintendo myself.

06-06-2011, 10:36 AM
For one, I agree with Coconut Milk and Chewey here. The controller is a poor Photoshop job of a Classic Controller Pro. Hope they have a better controller in the works.

I hope the thing comes with built-in emulators or a hypervisor to run Wii and GC discs too, and some way to transfer my Wii saves over if it does. Because if it can replace the Wii, it's replacing my Wii.

06-06-2011, 01:35 PM
Here's another rumor about the new Nintendo controller, which makes more sense.

Swedish site Loading.se has one of the most interesting rumors yet, which it claims came from "a source close to Nintendo." According to a translation posted on gaming forum NeoGAF, the new console - referred to as Nintendo Feel - will be formally unveiled on June 7th at E3.

Loading.se's source claims that with the Feel, Nintendo "wants to change the way we play - again." With the Wii, says the source, Nintendo proved that the controller was every bit as important to a game as its graphics, and will be carrying this philosophy into its next console. "The revolutionary aspect will once again be found in the controller itself."

Most sources seem to agree that Project Cafe's controller will have a touchscreen, leading to comparisons with Apple's iPad or even Nintendo's own GBA/GameCube experiment with games like Zelda: Four Swords Adventures. The source says that the Feel will bring yet another dimension to the forefront - touch (hence the name).

The Feel's touchscreen will take advantage of newly-developed haptic technology in order to simulate "the experience of touching different objects shown on screen," says the source. A player running his finger across the screen will "clearly feel the difference between soft, smooth or rugged textures." While other electronics companies are researching this technology too - Apple and Toshiba among them - the source says this is a natural progression of the technologies used in both the wildly popular DS and wildly popular Wii.

The aforementioned Toshiba has actually demonstrated this technology in public, by the way, so it isn't just a pipe dream - far-fetched though it might sound.

The source says that work has been progressing on the Feel for years now, with Nintendo trying to create a console with a core concept as simple to understand as the Wii's motion control - for core gamers and newcomers alike. "You have to try Nintendo Feel to really understand," claims the source, "[but] the idea itself is very easy to sell, no matter if you are aiming for hardcore players or the wider audience that was first introduced to games through DS, Wii or Kinect."

As Loading.se points out, being able to feel the fur on your Nintendogs could be potentially mindblowing, as could drawing a symbol in "sand" with your finger in a Zelda game. This is also a convergence of many of Nintendo's different philosophies - you have the force feedback introduced by the N64's Rumble Pak, the touch/movement espoused by the DS and Wii, and the connectivity of the GBA/GameCube connection.

The source also claims that Nintendo's bizarre Vitality Sensor will be making a reappearance at E3, but it will be for the Feel, not the Wii.

Even if this rumor were to be true, I'm still not impressed. A controller with a touch screen that makes you feel is nothing to make your jaw drop to the ground or buy a new console, in that matter. if a whole controller was able to make you feel when you hold it and the touchscreen was for other purposes like drawing symbols as an example, now that's something I would be interested to see.

06-06-2011, 01:48 PM
Looking forward to what Nintendo will come up with this year. Not really taking any rumors at face value at the moment, but if some of the specs Revan mentioned are true, then it should be pretty exciting for them. Sony and Nintendo have always had a special place in my gaming world and my standards aren't too high for gaming, so I'm pretty sure I'll like whatever they have.

Silent Hill Downpour is definitely something I'm looking forward to this year. Hopefully E3 will have some more info regarding Kingdom Hearts 3 as well as that Square "Masterpiece Collections" which I'm really hoping turns out to be a collection of KH games in their Final Mix formats (especially KH2).

06-06-2011, 04:13 PM
Looks like Halo 4 and the HD remake of Halo 1 are confirmed. This isn't very surprising news.

06-06-2011, 05:48 PM
Silent Hill Downpour is a little bit too bright compared to what I'm used to in previous Silent Hill games. I'm skeptical, but I'm definitely going to try it out eventually.

And of course Mircosoft's conference starts with Call of Duty. Shocking.

Edit: I would really like to see 1 person take Mass Effect 3 seriously while playing it Kinect like they showed.

06-06-2011, 05:51 PM
Hopefully E3 will have some more info regarding Kingdom Hearts 3 as well as that Square "Masterpiece Collections" which I'm really hoping turns out to be a collection of KH games in their Final Mix formats (especially KH2).

I thought the 'SE Masterpiece Collections' has already been revealed to be nothing more than mostly re-releases of old Eidos PC titles?

Either way, so far this E3 hasn't revealed much of interest to me. Nintendo basically lost me since the Gamecube, and this new console project they're working on just doesn't excite me, Microsoft seems to be more or less dedicating themselves to whoring out the Kinetic, and Sony.. well, seeing as the new PSP still lacks UMD support I have no reason to invest in that eventually either.

As for games, none of those games Revan linked interest me either, but then, I'm of much of a gamer these days as far as new releases are concerned. :p

06-06-2011, 07:15 PM
Holy moly the Microsoft conference sucked.

06-06-2011, 07:39 PM
I thought the 'SE Masterpiece Collections' has already been revealed to be nothing more than mostly re-releases of old Eidos PC titles?

Another thread here mentioned it and it was all mere speculation. I was hoping for it to be re-releases of KH games, but if it's what you said is true... that makes me quite sad. :(

06-06-2011, 08:14 PM
God, I hope Sony's and Nintendo's conferences won't be as "epic" as Microsoft's.

06-06-2011, 09:06 PM
Sony will spend at least 30 minutes apologizing, but other than that I think their conference will be decent. If they show The Last Guardian and a few other kind of long forgotten exclusives like Agent and FFvXIII, it'll be fine. Plus they have NGP (or Vita or whatever they decide to call it). That's more than enough. Nintendo's is probably going to be the best one, since, you know, they have a new console to show. And a 3 month old 3DS, with an utter and total lack of half-decent software. Yeah, they better show stuff.

Chocolate Misu
06-06-2011, 09:36 PM
I bet it will :P
What I would like in a controller is a small track pad for your thumb, like the ones on a laptop, instead of the thumbsticks. Thumbsticks suck.

This would make me cry T___T I don't want to have to clip my nails every time I pick up my controller.

06-06-2011, 10:34 PM
Interesting controller design :) A Mario launch title would be decent, too ^^ It's funny, Super Mario 64 effectively launched two titles; the N64, and the NDS :p

Darth Revan
06-07-2011, 01:36 AM
E3 2011: Mass Effect 3 Will Use Kinect

During Microsoft's press conference at E3 2011 BioWare revealed that Mass Effect 3 will feature Kinect-functionality. The device isn't meant to be used as a primary input, you'll still use the gamepad to play, but instead to "augment" the experience as you speak during in-game conversations.

Mass Effect 3 is the next anticipated installment in BioWare's highly regarded science-fiction role-playing series. Be sure to check out our prior coverage from E3 2011 about Mass Effect 3's combat and story.

WHAT THE FUCK?!?! Ok... I 'was' excited for Mass Effect 3.... but now? GDI BioWare, jumping onboard the whole gimmick that is the kinect.

Chocolate Misu
06-07-2011, 01:45 AM
Using the kinect to 'enhance' conversations? Then what's a headset for now-a-days?

06-07-2011, 02:20 AM
Sony is shitting all over Microsoft so far. Their Playstation brand 3D TV looks cool.

06-07-2011, 02:28 AM
Looks like Halo 4 and the HD remake of Halo 1 are confirmed. This isn't very surprising news.

Halo 4...
Halo 4...
Halo 4...
Halo 4...
Halo 4...
Halo 4...
Halo 4...
Halo 4...
Halo 4...
Halo 4...
Halo 4...
Halo 4...
Halo 4...
Halo 4...
Halo 4...
Halo 4...

Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4...Halo 4... YES!! There is a God and he does still love us all!!!

Check the sig niggas!

06-07-2011, 02:42 AM
Whatever, Halo is overrated. Mass effect 3 all the fucking way.

06-07-2011, 02:50 AM

06-07-2011, 03:01 AM
PSVita $249.99 and we're getting Uncharted, ModNation Racers, AND LittleBigPlanet!

06-07-2011, 03:06 AM
Those games aren't nearly as exciting as Monster Hunter sorry

06-07-2011, 03:10 AM
Yeah, but this is america.


06-07-2011, 07:42 AM
its gonna be weird that my character is female and speaking with a male voice. (for ME3)

06-07-2011, 09:24 AM
Some cool pics I found.


Nintendo better have an awesome conference.

06-07-2011, 11:39 AM
sesame street is the definite GOTY of 2011.
fuck la noire and cod 8.. this is sesame street we're talking about.

06-07-2011, 12:21 PM
Microsoft's Conference was absolutely terrible.

New Blazblue for Vita yay.

06-07-2011, 03:05 PM
sesame street is the definite GOTY of 2011.
fuck la noire and cod 8.. this is sesame street we're talking about.

I'm not so sure about that, I mean, they have a virtual Disney Land coming to Kinect. It even let's you pretend hug Disney mascots. PRETEND HUG!!!

06-07-2011, 05:22 PM
Hmm... apparently Skyward Sword will have a special promotion by including a "gold" Wii Controller.

06-07-2011, 05:37 PM
So, the new Mario game will have the tanooki suit, and not just his tail/ear combo? That's kinda lame.

06-07-2011, 05:46 PM
WiiU... interesting.

Hmm... doesn't seem all that special to me. It looks more like an add-on to the Nintendo Wii than a new system... a portable version.

06-07-2011, 05:52 PM
I keep wanting to call it Wii University.

It looks more like an add-on to the Nintendo Wii than a new system... a portable version.

I thought the same thing until kotaku posted this.

06-07-2011, 06:00 PM
I keep wanting to call it Wii University.

I thought the same thing until kotaku posted this.

Yeah, I did notice in the video that the main system looked a bit different, but I couldn't really tell. Interesting.

06-07-2011, 06:01 PM
Yeah, I'm actually still a little confused as to what exactly this thing is. :/

06-07-2011, 06:02 PM
At least they could have named it better... What the hell is WiiU? Who thought of this?

Edit: Batman Arkham City?!?!

Very impressive 3rd party support.

06-07-2011, 06:10 PM
High definition display, up to 1080p resolution via HDMI output
6.2" touchscreen on New Controller, running in non-HD resolution
Internal flash-based media storage, upgradeable via USB and SD carts
Games ship on proprietary iDensity discs of unspecified, but "large capacity"
Games will also be available as downloadable content
Console compatible with Wii games and devices
Release date between April 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012; or after the end of Nintendo's fiscal year

Hey, listen! Thanks, Nintendo, for addressing how online play will work!

06-07-2011, 07:21 PM
Not sure how I feel about Nintendo's conference yet. I'm going to wait until after people have had some hands on time with it, so I know whether it's a good idea or not.

06-07-2011, 08:23 PM
I keep wanting to call it Wii University.

I thought the same thing until kotaku posted this.

Thats the controller?

06-07-2011, 08:25 PM
Well, Microsoft had Sesame Street and virtual Disney Land so they clearly won this years E3.

06-07-2011, 09:01 PM
Thats the controller?

It's "a" controller. I think the Wii motion remotes will still be compatible.

Jitan Toraibaru
06-07-2011, 09:05 PM
Indeed - the videos showed off Wiimote/Wii-U conjunction gameplay...which could actually be a neat idea!

06-07-2011, 09:47 PM
So in the end it's just an enhanced Wii with a DS as a controller.

06-07-2011, 10:09 PM
No I don't think so.

06-07-2011, 10:23 PM
Then what do you think?

06-07-2011, 10:40 PM
The only thing that looked good to me was Elder Scrolls Skyrim. All the other games look boring or the same as the ones before it, mw3/bf3/ME3/ the mass effect one annoyed me, i liked the exploring and the feeling of ancient alien civilisations. It looks like its being turned into a action game focusing on big effects and explosions. boring to me.

Jitan Toraibaru
06-07-2011, 10:43 PM
Isn't that the state of video gaming in general these days though?

Chocolate Misu
06-08-2011, 03:18 AM
I keep wanting to call it Wii University.

I thought the same thing until kotaku posted this.

gawd that looks like such a frikin' pain to hold >.< Stupid tablet trend. Just put a damn stick on it and make it an arcade pad.

Argus Zephyrus
06-08-2011, 04:28 AM
That looks awesome. I hope the Wii U is awesome. Sad that the tablet thing looks so clumsy. They should have made it smaller if they really wanted to go with that.

What the hell is this seemingly hated "Kinect"?

Lastly, I too, look forward to Skyrim.
And especially Skyward Sword!

Darth Revan
06-08-2011, 05:03 AM
What the hell is this seemingly hated "Kinect"?

This is the Kinect (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinect):

Kinect for Xbox 360, or simply Kinect (originally known by the code name Project Natal), is a "controller-free gaming and entertainment experience" by Microsoft for the Xbox 360 video game platform. Based around a webcam-style add-on peripheral for the Xbox 360 console, it enables users to control and interact with the Xbox 360 without the need to touch a game controller, through a natural user interface using gestures and spoken commands. The project is aimed at broadening the Xbox 360's audience beyond its typical gamer base. Kinect competes with the Wii Remote Plus and PlayStation Move and PlayStation Eye motion control systems for the Wii and PlayStation 3 home consoles, respectively.

Kinect was launched in North America on November 4, 2010, in Europe on November 10, 2010, in Australia, New Zealand and Singapore on November 18, 2010 and in Japan on November 20, 2010. Purchase options for the sensor peripheral include a bundle with the game Kinect Adventures and console bundles with either a 4 GB or 250 GB Xbox 360 console and Kinect Adventures.

Kinect holds the Guinness World Record of being the "fastest selling consumer electronics device". It sold an average of 133,333 units per day with a total of 8 million units in its first 60 days. 10 million units of the Kinect sensor have been shipped as of March 9, 2011.

Microsoft has announced the release of a non-commercial Kinect software development kit for Windows in spring 2011, with a commercial version following at a later date.

In short, a bastardized version of the Wii mote and the PS3 Eyetoy, having a candlelit dinner, then unprotected sex... 9 months later, this thing was born. Nuff said.

06-08-2011, 10:10 AM
gawd that looks like such a frikin' pain to hold >.< Stupid tablet trend. Just put a damn stick on it and make it an arcade pad.

Journalists who've had time with the controller are saying it isn't as awkward to use as it looks.

Jitan Toraibaru
06-08-2011, 03:48 PM
Admittedly, all we are is looking at it from this position...those who are using this stuff RIGHT now have more insight on us over how it feels than just from what it looks like.

06-08-2011, 04:34 PM
gawd that looks like such a frikin' pain to hold >.< Stupid tablet trend. Just put a damn stick on it and make it an arcade pad.

You have small hands too, right? Stuff like this is really awkward for me as well.

Disappointed by Nintendo stuff so far, but they've turned my expectations around in the past, so hopefully they'll do it again.

06-08-2011, 05:12 PM
The only thing that looked good to me was Elder Scrolls Skyrim. All the other games look boring or the same as the ones before it, mw3/bf3/ME3/ the mass effect one annoyed me, i liked the exploring and the feeling of ancient alien civilisations. It looks like its being turned into a action game focusing on big effects and explosions. boring to me.

Aren't we getting that by visiting the home worlds of the various races to rally them? Like a insight to their culture and shit? I have no idea, but if that's the case, it seems just as cool to me as landing on Ilos from ME1 for the first time.

Also at this point, I am just so ready to fucking lay down some fucking beatdown on some Reaper shit, that I don't mind (in this one case for a game) a lot of action and explosions. For me ME3, is like Part 3 of a journey, and I won't consider it as a standalone game and that is strictly my opinion ofc. I mean I read all the codexes, know all the histories, read all the planet bios as I explored all of Mass Effect 2, and I am just so pumped to whoop ass right now that I wouldnt mind if they focused more on action than the ancient civs. On MAH TURF? SUP REAPER BITCH MEET THE PIMPHAND of the PEOPLES FCKInG CHAMPION CAN U SMELL WUT SHEPARD IS COOKING. Ima slay some bitches nuff said.

06-08-2011, 05:15 PM
Aren't we getting that by visiting the home worlds of the various races to rally them? Like a insight to their culture and shit? I have no idea, but if that's the case, it seems just as cool to me as landing on Ilos from ME1 for the first time.
Yeah, but they are not focusing on that kinda stuff. Mostly action as far as I can tell.

06-08-2011, 05:26 PM
Ah okay, I feel ya. If this was ME2, or some other game I would completely agree with you. I normally don't enjoy games that sacrifice story for action (Dragonfuckinggarbageage2), but I don't know what it is about Mass Effect. Shepard is just so G, he makes me all bubbly and weak at the knees and Liara is so nerdcute and the headshot sound just so satisfying, I just love it for no good reason. My friend got bored of the repetitive battle system and the focus on action rather than the story in ME2 (he liked exploring too), but iono to me it's all one game and it's about time I layed down the whoop ass.

Darth Revan
06-08-2011, 06:01 PM
Mass Effect 3 N7 Collector's Edition (http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/Mass_Effect_3_N7_Collector%27s_Edition) Announced:

The Mass Effect 3 N7 Collector's Edition offers exclusive content for Mass Effect 3.
The Mass Effect 3 N7 Collector's Edition includes the following bonuses:

■A 70 page hardcover art book with illustrations from the Development Team
■A unique Mass Effect Comic by Dark Horse Comics with unique Cover Art
■A premium N7 fabric patch
■Exclusive 4x6 lithographic print featuring a one-of-a-kind piece of artwork.
■A number of Free Downloadable Content Packs:
■N7 Arsenal Pack: Contains the N7 Sniper Rifle, Shotgun, SMG, and Pistol.
■A Robotic Dog: A faithful sidekick to keep you company on board the Normandy.
■Squadmate Alternate Outfit Pack: New outfits for Ashley, Kaiden, James, and Liara.
■N7 Hoodie: Outfit item for Shepard while onboard the Normandy.
■An additional downloadable mission and character.
■Free digital soundtrack.
■Xbox 360 Only: An Xbox LIVE Normandy prop for your Avatar.
■Display your initiation in the N7 ranks with a collection of forum and social badges, avatars, and perks.
■All of that is contained in a premium metal case featuring commemorative artwork of both male and female versions of Commander Shepard.

The Mass Effect 3 N7 Collector's Edition will cost $79.99 and is slated for a March 6, 2012 release.

Source: E3 2011: Mass Effect 3 N7 Collector's Edition Announced

Not bad... not bad at all.... Glad I've preordered...

06-08-2011, 06:15 PM
Ah okay, I feel ya. If this was ME2, or some other game I would completely agree with you. I normally don't enjoy games that sacrifice story for action (Dragonfuckinggarbageage2), but I don't know what it is about Mass Effect. Shepard is just so G, he makes me all bubbly and weak at the knees and Liara is so nerdcute and the headshot sound just so satisfying, I just love it for no good reason. My friend got bored of the repetitive battle system and the focus on action rather than the story in ME2 (he liked exploring too), but iono to me it's all one game and it's about time I layed down the whoop ass.

The story was the strongest part of DA2. Just because they made the combat system more action-oriented doesn't mean they stopped focusing on story.

I think coconut milk is just being paranoid. All they're doing is continuing in the direction they went with ME2. If you were one of the ones who liked 2 I have a hard time imagining you won't like 3.

06-08-2011, 07:03 PM
Does anyone have all 3 motion sensors and need one of these? lol

06-08-2011, 07:14 PM
Does anyone have all 3 motion sensors and need one of these? lol

I only have a PS3Eye and a Wii Sensor bar (fitted with a Wii Speak mic). No Kinect yet, sorry.

06-08-2011, 07:16 PM
I've pretty much completely lost interest in Mass Effect at this point and I don't know why. :)

06-08-2011, 07:29 PM
Mass Effect 3 looks good. I didn't like Mass Effect 2 as much as the first one, but I'll play 3 at some point and I'm sure I'll enjoy it more or less. I kind of hate that they're only showing Male Shepard, though. FemShep is the best way to play any ME, tbh.

06-08-2011, 08:22 PM
The story was the strongest part of DA2. Just because they made the combat system more action-oriented doesn't mean they stopped focusing on story.

I think coconut milk is just being paranoid. All they're doing is continuing in the direction they went with ME2. If you were one of the ones who liked 2 I have a hard time imagining you won't like 3.
No I'm not, I liked the first one, the second was more action to me, and it looks like it going to be even more action in 3. It's over the top, "EPIC" as they like to say is just silly to me..
I want a subtle game, it makes a bigger impact like that. Like if you've not eaten all day, food tastes better. And if you've not had a big firefight every 5 min, the fue you have had seem better.

---------- Post added at 01:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:15 PM ----------

Kinda like how resident evil went from being subtle to over the top. Both versions are good. but it's not really the same game then, and I'm forced to find or wait for others.

Chocolate Misu
06-09-2011, 04:19 AM
You have small hands too, right? Stuff like this is really awkward for me as well.

Disappointed by Nintendo stuff so far, but they've turned my expectations around in the past, so hopefully they'll do it again.

Indeed I do. T___T

Nintendo broke my heart when they unveiled the Wii..... They made me love them again with Arc Rise Fantasia and announcing Skyward Sword....... And now they've broken my heart again the WiiU....... They'll probably reel me back in a few years......

---------- Post added at 11:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:45 PM ----------

AND THE WiiU DOESN'T DO GC?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why you break my heart more Nintendo?! Why you gotta do that?

06-09-2011, 04:28 AM
I'm not gonna say the Kinect doesn't look interesting, but it's too gimmicky like the Wii (though the Wii does have good games here and there; I will get a new Wii one of these days if solely for Zelda: Skyward Sword and the RE exclusives). I'm thrilled I was able to get a 360 without it :p

I think Nintendo should put more focus on the 3DS right now, honestly. I'm anxious to see what else is in store for it. Resident Evil Mercenaries and Zelda: Ocarina of Time already have my interest highly piqued (no others for it right now really interest me, TBH) and after seeing the kind of graphics this thing is capable of (yes, yes, I'm a sucker for great graphics, and proud of it!!! :D), I'm anxious to see what else is on the horizon for this thing. I got the chance about a week ago to try out a 3DS at Walmart. This guy was giving a demonstration of it and I got to play this incredible . . . game? program? Whatever you'd call it, it was activated with cards that the DS unit could read, prompting the card to morph on screen into a variety of different interactive games utilizing the motion technology they attributed to the system. Must say, very impressed :) But the 3-d hurts my already bad eyes after not a whole lot of time has elapsed, plus the system is still early in its lifespan and still has the propensity for faults in the hardware so I may hold off for another few months yet (even though Ocarina of Time is set to release this month). I'm gonna wait for it to come down in price and for a few more good games to come out, I think :p It's been my custom with every new system to hit shelves since I got my very first N64 way back when.

06-09-2011, 05:52 PM
No I'm not, I liked the first one, the second was more action to me, and it looks like it going to be even more action in 3. It's over the top, "EPIC" as they like to say is just silly to me..
I want a subtle game, it makes a bigger impact like that. Like if you've not eaten all day, food tastes better. And if you've not had a big firefight every 5 min, the fue you have had seem better.[COLOR="Silver"]

I don't think mass effect 1 was a "subtle" game either. Its story was about a soldier shooting a lot of aliens.

I'm sure if you didn't like the transition to ME2 you won't like 3 either, but I'm not sure why you think ME3 is going to be "even more" action based. I think the EPIC they are proclaiming will have just as much to do with the story as the fights. They have also been raving about how because this is the end of the trilogy, they don't have to worry about sequels and so they can make your decisions affect the outcome more drastically.

Like I said, anyone who liked ME2 will probably like this one just as much. There's no reason to think it's going to trim anything ME2 had, as far as I'm aware.

---------- Post added at 04:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:50 PM ----------

I've pretty much completely lost interest in Mass Effect at this point and I don't know why. :)

I think because of the compartmentalized story in ME2 and the excess of characters, there's less urgency to see what happens next, for me at least. Also all the DLC missions were kind of lame except shadow broker which didn't help my enthusiasm too much. Hopefully 3 will change that.

06-09-2011, 11:35 PM
The story was the strongest part of DA2.

Don't mean to derail the thread, and I can make a thread about it separately, but I disagree. Games that don't get moving till Act 3 don't really cut it for me, especially ones that use gimmicks like collect X amount of gold to continue to part 2. I won't go into more depth than that for now.

I think because of the compartmentalized story in ME2 and the excess of characters, there's less urgency to see what happens next, for me at least. Also all the DLC missions were kind of lame except shadow broker which didn't help my enthusiasm too much. Hopefully 3 will change that.

I actually couldn't agree more. There was definitely an excess of characters and I didn't like any of the DLCs except shadow broker. Also along the lines of what TK said, I don't think subtle is the mood they want to set for Mass Effect 3. If they pace it properly, they will have quiet moments for you to reflect rather than do what Uncharted or God of War does and keep pushing the action so hard that after a while, you're numb to all the explosions.

That's my biggest fear tbh. I don't want to get to the end of the game, and the final boss fight be just "ugh so tired of slaying giant reapers" that the appreciation for the epicness just goes away. However, on the contrary, I don't think it's good to make the game quiet until you see a epic final level/boss fight (such as what happened in Mass Effect 1) because it's supposed to be more exciting than that. They have to pull off good action, good reflective sections and a final battle that really tops everything, then they will have made the perfect game for me (stressing for me). I also wish they would vary the level predictability. Getting to the end of a level and WHOOPS, more enemies coming kill them and walk out is kind if lame. If they added different things (like Shepard having to find an escape route without as much fighting), it would keep the action over the top but still varied.

EDIT: Also when you guys quote other people, how do you make it so it says "originally posted by so and so"?

Darth Revan
06-10-2011, 01:00 AM
Here's footage from E3 showing the Kinect's use in Mass Effect 3 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBjoi5BiKoc).

Like someone there on Youtube posted, wouldn't the headset be a more viable option than the Kinect? I mean, I think I recall a lot of older online titles, where the use of a headset was used in the same vein as Kinect is for ME3... so why not use that, instead of a gimmick?

Aside from that... what was shown is gorgeous I have to admit.

06-10-2011, 05:46 AM
EDIT: Also when you guys quote other people, how do you make it so it says "originally posted by so and so"?

you just click "reply with quote" how are you doing it? Just putting the [quote] code around it?

06-10-2011, 08:16 PM
Yeah haha xD

06-10-2011, 09:22 PM
YouTube - &#x202a;Wii U touching it!&#x202c;&rlm; (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koA2019T9k0)

06-10-2011, 09:23 PM
EDIT: Also when you guys quote other people, how do you make it so it says "originally posted by so and so"?

Darth Revan
06-11-2011, 04:49 AM
Some more trailers from E3:

Mass Effect 3 - The Invasion Begins live action (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2XbVdjsmwM)

Mass Effect 3 Fall of Earth Trailer (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBNqlcDTIjM&feature=related)

Saints Row The Third E3 2011 Trailer (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlmSzZKeExY)

Assassins Creed Revelations E3 2011 Trailer (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wo6Q14vBB1c&feature=relmfu)

Silent Hill: Downpour - E3 2011 Trailer (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLruIB8fZpY&feature=related)

Tomb Raider: E3 2011 Trailer (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFBrgeSjj-0&feature=relmfu)

Prototype 2: E3 2011 - Action Trailer (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llBLN9bXb3I&feature=relmfu)

Halo 4 E3 2011 Debut Trailer (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TC2yMKMENdg&feature=related)

Soul Calibur V E3 2011 Gameplay Trailer (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKngO0GUGLM&feature=related)

Aliens Colonial Marines E3 2011 Teaser Trailer (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cFMMQie5RU&feature=related)

The Darkness 2 E3 2011 Trailer (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2quaj3iTSyY&feature=relmfu)

Starcraft 2 Heart of the Swarm E3 2011 Trailer (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wyxg5SWgAMM&feature=related)

Star Wars The Old Republic E3 2011 Opening Cinematic Trailer (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfNhs6sh3_Q&feature=related)

Final Fantasy XIII-2 E3 2011 Trailer (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPPuHHfUwOc&feature=relmfu)

Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City E3 2011 Trailer (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7kMQeV33Xg&feature=relmfu)

Armored Core V E3 2011 Trailer (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4aimv4YjT0&feature=related)

Dead Island E3 Exclusive 2011 Trailer (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0p8kGRM0Nis&feature=related)

... Dammit... not enough money to get what I want >.<

06-11-2011, 05:52 AM
Armored Core Fan, hopefully this next one is okay...

06-11-2011, 09:02 AM
There is seriously maybe two games in that list that I am interested in. This year's E3 sucked.

06-11-2011, 09:16 AM
Mass Effect 3 Fall of Earth Trailer
Saints Row The Third E3 2011 Trailer
Silent Hill: Downpour - E3 2011 Trailer
Soul Calibur V E3 2011 Gameplay Trailer
Aliens Colonial Marines E3 2011 Teaser Trailer
Starcraft 2 Heart of the Swarm E3 2011 Trailer
Armored Core V E3 2011 Trailer
Dead Island E3 Exclusive 2011 Trailer

^A mix of interests.

06-11-2011, 10:04 AM
Serious Sam 3 plz

Darth Revan
06-11-2011, 10:38 AM
Serious Sam 3 plz

Serious Sam 3 BFE E3 2011 Teaser Trailer (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoNFAynzrI4)

Ask and ye shall receive TM.

Out of the list I posted above...

Mass Effect 3, Saints Row The Third, Assassin's Creed Revelations, Aliens Colonial Marines, Star Wars The Old Republic and Armored Core V are the only ones which have my interest... Dead Island looked ok, but after playing one survival horror game, pretty much played them all and tbh, I can't really get into that genre of game.

06-11-2011, 10:51 AM
Well I meant that I wanted it, I already had seen the trailer but thanks anyway.

06-15-2011, 10:42 PM
Nintendo really hit the ball out of the park. Amazing, because they never do anything good, and I thought their conference sucked until the Wii U was shown.

06-16-2011, 05:06 AM
This year's E3 was kind of lackluster overall.

There was literally nothing interesting for me on Microsoft's side, except for a mild interest in Forza 4. The rest was a real snore fest to me. Every year, it's all about either a new Halo title, a new Gears title, a new Forza title or a new Fable title... There's no exclusive on their console that I'm looking forward to this year. And it's been like that for quite some time now, as the last exclusive game that really interested me was Alan Wake.

Nintendo did ok overall. Their lineup for 3DS is shaping up well, with lots of their IPs getting revivals for it, like Icarus and Luigi's Mansion. But overall, I thought they played it safe again when it comes to their existing hardware. As for the Wii U, I can't say I got hyped for it after watching their presentation. The way they presented the console was really badly put together and left many viewers confused. As far as interactivity is concerned, they bring innovation to the table again, like they did with the Wii, but in this age, a new controller may not be enough anymore. They'll need a strong online presence to back it up and great social features. They've been lagging behind for quite some time now. Now, I must say that I do hope that this Zelda tech demo will become an actual game. As in, I want the next Zelda game on that console to LOOK like what they've shown (as much as I love Wind Waker and how great it looks even to this day, please Nintendo, no shoker like that again, ok?).

Which finally brings me to Sony's presentation. I think they're the ones who gave the better E3 presentation this year. Not much was shown that we didn't already know about, but there were a few new exclusives announcement atop the ones we already knew about that made it clear to me that the PS3 was still going to be my most used console this year. But the real show stealer was the PSPita. The content that was shown for it was just awesome. From Uncharted, to how intuitive the Play Create Share lineup of games are gonna be on that system (Mod Nation Racers and Little Big Planet, so far), and of course, one mustn't forget Gravity Daze and the cleverly designed Sound Shapes... it got me really hyped for that handheld. But what really made Sony win this year over the other 2, even if overall, just the fact that their presentation was just better paced, better presented, more to the point and didn't rely on cheesy stunts like one other conference I won't mention... was the announcement of the Vita's price point. At 250, it's really difficult now to justify the 3DS's price. When you consider all that is packed inside the Vita, it feels like a steal at this price! I'm really looking forward to it. All that is left to make me really �ber happy, is the announcement of a few RPGs from Level 5, Konami, and/or Square-Enix.

All in all though, it was a rather boring E3. Nintendo still have to convince me for the Wii U, but I'm all ears. The concept is interesting, but it will be the content that will seal the deal or not for me.

06-16-2011, 05:58 AM
There is seriously maybe two games in that list that I am interested in. This year's E3 sucked.

06-16-2011, 06:13 AM
Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City E3 2011 Trailer (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7kMQeV33Xg&feature=relmfu)

This does look promising; glad to see zombies making their return. It just looks kinda Call of Duty:Black Ops-ish; hope it's just my eyes playing tricks on me.