06-04-2011, 03:15 PM

Running Time: 3"43'23
Extracted from .FSB and .USM files and converted .WAV to .MP3 with -V0 320 quality.!qVhxiKST!3UWyA5mlX2oD7iLo6WFHC4Ujlh2bdwepoc2_qpcNepc

About the Music:

If one was to use a single word to describe the keen differences between “The Witcher” and its sequel, “Assassins of Kings”, the word would be bigger. The amp has been pumped up in just about every way. The budget has been increased – from “The Witcher’s” mere 10 million to 25 million for “Assassins”, to the epic scale. The music has also grown up as well. The composers, featuring the return of Adam Skorupa and Krzysytof Wierzynkiewicz replacing Pawel Blaszczak, had written a large grandiose score. The scales are bigger now and the music reflects that. “Assassins” abandons the folklorish tone of the original with a much more epic score, while holding onto that grim tone that was so prevalent in “Witcher”.

It is debatable on if the second score is inferior to the first. After all, the folklore-ish texture that made the first so unique and interesting is hidden here amongst all of the chorus, strong strings and pounding drums. The sequel is heading in the direction of the Lord of the Rings, although even then it is not by much.

One advantage that the sequel holds over the original is the narrative cohesion. There are some motifs hidden throughout the score. The most prominent, and easiest to recognize by its long, foreboding chorus, is the “sorceresses” theme. First heard in the Solar that King Foltest’s children is held in, whose rescue is the goal of the Prologue, it is heard mostly whenever some act of magic is occurring. It is not much, but it is the step in the right direction.

Overall, “Assassins of Kings” is a still in the category of “good, maybe great, but not excellent”, just like its predecessor. It may have motifs and some measure of the narrative cohesion that its predecessor so sorely lacked, but it has sacrificed originality in the process.

About the Rip:

I would say that “Assassins of Kings” rip was a little bit harder than mine for the first game. The main reason is that none of the battles have a specific name (it’s all battle_#, with some variation) and more than a fair amount of the cinematics were embedded in .usm archive files. I had to use a mixture of VGM Toolbox and PES Sound File Converter in order to get an .mp3 out of them.

Then again, this rip is shorter by about an hour. So more technical work, but less arranging and renaming of files. I had also just finished my second play through of the game when I started work on the rip, so with approximately 60 hours of exposure to the music I was able to do some very educated guesswork to satisfactory results.

06-04-2011, 08:01 PM
Thank you ! Was looking forward to this.

06-05-2011, 01:39 AM
Thanks for your Witcher I/II game rips. I'm really a big fan of this series.:)

08-01-2011, 12:17 AM
Great Work, even though I wished, some of the tracks would be longer than 1:30 (like "Enter the Prologue - A Stupid War") because they are so epic :)

08-01-2011, 12:46 AM
I often agree on that idea, even though those types of tracks are often scored to cinematics so they HAVE to be short(ish). Still, that's why we have repeat options for our media players. :D

10-23-2011, 07:41 AM
Love this series. Thanks for this release.

Static Veins
04-17-2012, 02:37 PM
Just picked this game up today for the Xbox and would love the soundtrack (sadly the CD that comes with the Enhanced Edition is lacking in both content and any form of ID tags for the tracks...). Does anyone have this to re-upload?


04-17-2012, 05:14 PM
My MP3-copy (2-hour long) has full ID tags. Here, guys, if you need 'em:

1. Adam Skorupa & Krzysztof Wierzynkiewicz - In Temeria (Intro) (1:31)
2. Adam Skorupa & Krzysztof Wierzynkiewicz - Assassins of Kings (2:06)
3. Krzysztof Wierzynkiewicz - A Nearly Peaceful Place (4:06)
4. Adam Skorupa & Krzysztof Wierzynkiewicz - Arena of Rage (1:11)
5. Adam Skorupa - Dwarven Stone Upon Dwarven Stone (7:33)
6. Krzysztof Wierzynkiewicz - Through the Underworld (3:46)
7. Adam Skorupa & Krzysztof Wierzynkiewicz - Tough Times (1:45)
8. Adam Skorupa - Into the Fields (5:47)
9. Krzysztof Wierzynkiewicz - An Army Lying in Wait (3:53)
10. Adam Skorupa - A Watering Hole in the Harbor (2:36)
11. Adam Skorupa & Krzysztof Wierzynkiewicz - Blue Mountains (3:44)
12. Adam Skorupa & Krzysztof Wierzynkiewicz - The Path of a Kingslayer (1:26)
13. Adam Skorupa - Within the Mist (3:02)
14. Krzysztof Wierzynkiewicz - Regicide (1:47)
15. Krzysztof Wierzynkiewicz - The Wild Hunt (1:18)
16. Krzysztof Wierzynkiewicz - Vergen by Night (5:16)
17. Adam Skorupa - Souls in Ruin (4:45)
18. Krzysztof Wierzynkiewicz - A Quiet Corner (3:14)
19. Adam Skorupa - The Assassin Looms (1:04)
20. Krzysztof Wierzynkieiwcz - Dreary Stronghold (4:11)
21. Adam Skorupa & Krzysztof Wierzynkiewicz - Howl of the White Wolf (1:54)
22. Krzysztof Wierzynkiewicz - Sorceresses (2:00)
23. Krzysztof Wierzynkiewicz - The End is Never the Same (3:16)
24. Adam Skorupa & Krzysztof Wierzynkiewicz - War Approaches (Outro) (2:00)
25. Adam Skorupa & Krzysztof Wierzynkiewicz - A Tavern on the Riverbank (1:43)
26. Marcin Przybyłowicz - Cave Theme (2:10)
27. Michał Cielecki - Completing the Contract (1:08)
28. Adam Skorupa - The Sewers (3:48)
29. Krzysztof Wierzynkiewicz - The Lone Survivor (1:16)
30. Krzysztof Wierzynkiewicz - Night in Loc Muinne (4:01)
31. Marcin Przybyłowicz - Harpy Lair (2:28)
32. Michał Cielecki - Ambush (1:09)
33. Adam Skorupa - The Scent of Battle (1:04)
34. Adam Skorupa & Krzysztof Wierzynkiewicz - Flotsam at Sunrise (2:12)
35. Krzysztof Wierzynkiewicz - Easier Said Than Killed (1:09)
36. Marcin Przybyłowicz - Shadows and Conspiracies (2:30)
37. Krzysztof Wierzynkiewicz - Trapped (1:21)
38. Krzysztof Wierzynkiewicz - Harbor Town (5:01)
39. Krzysztof Wierzynkiewicz & Marcin Przybyłowicz - Practice Makes Perfect (1:17)
40. Krzysztof Wierzynkiewicz - The Camp by Night (3:17)
41. Marcin Przybyłowicz - Nilfgaard (3:04)
42. Marcin Przybyłowicz - The Tournament (1:15)
43. Adam Skorupa & Krzysztof Wierzynkiewicz - For a Higher Cause (1:13)
44. Krzysztof Wierzynkiewicz - Nocturnal Forest (3:41)
45. Krzysztof Wierzynkiewicz - Violence (1:06)
46. Adam Skorupa - Ladybug (3:01)

Plus, 4 GoG untitled bonus tracks. I think, launch trailer music is one of them.

04-18-2012, 06:58 PM
Okay guys, update time. The Enhanced Edition was released yesterday, and with it some new music. I am working on finding them and arranging them into my release. The music from the Arena addition will also be included!

Can't give an est as to when to expect this. Just know it is happening.

Static Veins
04-18-2012, 10:36 PM
Okay guys, update time. The Enhanced Edition was released yesterday, and with it some new music. I am working on finding them and arranging them into my release. The music from the Arena addition will also be included!

Can't give an est as to when to expect this. Just know it is happening.

Great news, can't wait to hear it :)

04-19-2012, 10:04 PM
Okay guys, update time. The Enhanced Edition was released yesterday, and with it some new music. I am working on finding them and arranging them into my release. The music from the Arena addition will also be included!

Can't give an est as to when to expect this. Just know it is happening.

Awesome man, thanks a head of time!

05-07-2012, 10:50 PM
Eagerly awaiting the results.

05-12-2012, 12:46 PM
Any chance of reup for this as well? Or is cooljacker's rip superior?

08-19-2012, 06:21 AM
Well, I finally finished adding in all of the Enhanced Edition music. In total, 30~ minutes of music has been added to the release. I am uploading now.

08-19-2012, 09:43 AM
Looking forward to it!

08-21-2012, 08:01 PM
Thank you.

08-21-2012, 10:56 PM

many thanks for the tracks!!!!!

b s y

08-22-2012, 02:10 AM
Do you plan to upload a FLAC rip?

09-30-2012, 01:20 AM
Thank you for this.

09-30-2012, 01:52 AM
Do you plan to upload a FLAC rip?

Not possible - the quality of the files in the game are not even close to FLAC quality.

12-24-2012, 08:45 PM
I wouldn't get the FLAC even if it were shared, if the non-lossless is already over 400 megas. I've become something of a collector as I've gotten more and more OSTs, but I'm really gonna have to start picking favorites and tossing any I don't particularly like or I'm gonna have a free space-depleted HDD.

Also, thanks loads for your efforts, Doublehex-o.

06-14-2013, 08:42 AM

11-29-2013, 12:37 AM
Amazing music! Thanks a lot

12-18-2013, 04:29 PM
does this have the track with the vocals from the beginning of chapter 2 against the wraiths ?

06-06-2014, 08:02 PM
Thank you!! LOVE this soundtrack very much!!

03-10-2015, 05:50 PM
Thanks for the upload!

05-15-2015, 11:11 AM
Any chance of a lossless release of this version?

05-15-2015, 12:37 PM
Any chance of a lossless release of this version?

You know, instead of being a greedy asshole, you could be happy with what you got.

No, there is no chance. Game files are (almost) NEVER in lossless quality.

I should just put a disclaimer somewhere: never fucking ask for losslesss game files. It takes me forever to these mp3 versions, and I would need to backtrack and essentially redo the entire goddamn thing to make it in .flac, and that is just not worth it.

Son of Kalas
05-29-2015, 07:16 AM
I have a couple questions
do your rips include cutscene audio, or should i rip that myself
does the witcher 1 Expanded ost include the audio added by the Enhanced edition patch?
and are you doing the wild hunt or should i start working on it myself

05-29-2015, 04:16 PM
Yes to all of the above.

Son of Kalas
05-29-2015, 10:17 PM
Yes to all of the above.

Really? Sweeeeeet
you're awesome

07-08-2015, 06:45 PM
Thanks for this, but having some issues, mainly with iTunes importing it. All seems fine, but "War Approaches (Outro)" and "Geralt Enters the Amphitheatre" are imported to my IPod at only 1 second. Anyone know why? Using VLC the songs play to their full length.
Also, "Geralt Takes Shilard Hostage" has a audio burp 2 seconds in, then a blip a second later. Haven't listened to them all fully through yet.

Son of Kalas
08-25-2015, 02:19 AM
Yes to all of the above.

Are you still doing 3, or are you waiting for it's enhanced edition patch to drop?

06-03-2016, 01:39 PM
Thanks like always Dubble! But you make mistake with composer name
Its Krzysztof not "KrzysYtof". In tags it is not problem but cover... that one letter hurts me :D

04-05-2018, 11:39 AM
If possible I would very much appreciate a re-uo.

06-16-2019, 07:37 AM
If possible I would very much appreciate a re-uo.

i agree please reupload.