06-03-2011, 12:38 AM
Hey Everyone!

I'm looking for a group of rebels in the art world to create an RPG game the likes of many traditional 2-D/3-D rpg games that so many of us grew up with! I'm a musician and have had a long lasting relationship with the jingles and BGM that featured in these games (I even collect them!) so I'll work on the music..I'll even contribute with the storyline! I

f you can draw in a manga/anime style - then you'd be perfect for the project! Anyone else who can find a way to help make this collaboration a reality (i.e. if you know the ins and outs of development, voice acting, management) then please send me a message for consideration.

I'm currently in Chicago now, but plan on making a move to the UK in Sept. so friends, I won't let distance become the enemy in any way. Let's work together to make something great!

PS- I can't honestly pay anyone for this but I'm willing to split any profits equally if we can get this out and in game stores!

Who's to join my party??

08-29-2011, 09:05 PM
Are you still trying to do this? Sounds like a good idea.

12-06-2011, 04:38 PM
Yep! Still! But it seems like this community is full of people that just want to draw and download..not attempt something this adventurous. :(

12-18-2011, 11:48 AM
Seems to me you want to make a game without actually making it. Instead, you'll just be doing music. I suggest just simply asking around if people are looking to hire a musician for their game, if they're making one.

I do admit I have tinkered around with the idea myself with a buddy of mine regarding an RPG-style game, but we're first going to make little episodes for youtube that deals with 2D animation and then go from there since we'll be new to anything regarding any kind of animation. We aren't looking for musicians for it because we both make our own music (you can find my link in the right music section of the forum) but after I get a drawing tablet, I'll be more dealing with that kinda stuff with him making most of the music and us both writing the script/story before going ahead and learning what we need to make a game.

12-22-2011, 03:46 PM
2 years of Game Design/Programming, mate. Also took a 12 month course on cell-shading...so making it is not outside of my reach like you think.

I also have a few preliminary sketches on deviantart but I'd rather bring in more talent from others to work with as I feel it would be more rewarding and make for some good banter along the way.

Thanks for the help anyway and good luck with your project.

Seems to me you want to make a game without actually making it. Instead, you'll just be doing music. I suggest just simply asking around if people are looking to hire a musician for their game, if they're making one.

I do admit I have tinkered around with the idea myself with a buddy of mine regarding an RPG-style game, but we're first going to make little episodes for youtube that deals with 2D animation and then go from there since we'll be new to anything regarding any kind of animation. We aren't looking for musicians for it because we both make our own music (you can find my link in the right music section of the forum) but after I get a drawing tablet, I'll be more dealing with that kinda stuff with him making most of the music and us both writing the script/story before going ahead and learning what we need to make a game.

12-24-2011, 07:20 AM
Going by your original post, anyone would've rationally came to the same conclusion I did. But either way, good luck.

06-16-2012, 11:33 AM
I have honestly been thinking of doing this for a long time!
Great idea!