05-28-2011, 05:31 AM
Looking for Daft Punk's Academy Awards Promo for TRON: Legacy that Disney released around awards season. I saw it for sale on ebay a while back, and it had a picture of the tracklist on the back cover. I can't remember much, but I know there were about 10 tracks, including (I THINK) the film version of Disc Wars, and possibly the film version of C.L.U. as well. If ANYONE has this, I would love to have it, preferably in 320 please.

06-02-2011, 03:28 AM
So.....67 people have viewed this thread and no one has ANY information? Or does no one feel like sharing? Man, I thought this one would be pretty damn popular given all the demands for the film versions of Disc Wars and C.L.U. I know it is out there since I saw it for sale and I've seen the promo art for it:

Emmy has a Gun
06-02-2011, 06:33 AM
I looked around but couldn't find anything. I will keep my eyes peeled for anything that might pop up.
And just fyi, the image you posted is a fan-made image, originating on deviantART: Fan-Made For Your Consideration: Daft Punk's 'Tron Legacy' Score � FirstShowing.net (http://www.firstshowing.net/2011/fan-made-for-your-consideration-daft-punks-tron-legacy-score/)

06-02-2011, 06:54 AM
DaK....i am sure...positively sure...that if any of us had it, we'd post it. I think most of the looky loos are hoping someone posted a link....

06-02-2011, 07:01 AM
Ya I know it's a fan-made image, but I saw it for sale on eBay. Thanks, Babydoll. I've just got ants in my pants now that I know it's real. I want it so so bad!!

06-03-2011, 02:19 PM
i would love this

Emmy has a Gun
08-17-2011, 10:17 PM
So... I recently actually found this on eBay. I did try and get it but I didn't win. So idk. Just thought I'd mentione because I can say that this does exist and who knows maybe it will pop up somewhere.

08-18-2011, 03:52 AM
I highly doubt this is real.

My personal belief that the score should have been at least nominated, especially considering that the month before the film came out, the industry copy being passed around got insane reviews from composers, and other film industry people. It seems fishy that it was submitted. It may also have not qualified for whatever reason. The Academy has odd rules about what films can win and the requirements to be submitted. I have heard SHIT about an FYC promo, and absolutely nothing about a complete.

Im going to say that someone on Ebay listed a fake haha.
I'll ask tho and see if any voters got it.

08-18-2011, 04:00 AM
I highly doubt this is real.

My personal belief that the score should have been at least nominated, especially considering that the month before the film came out, the industry copy being passed around got insane reviews from composers, and other film industry people. It seems fishy that it was submitted. It may also have not qualified for whatever reason. The Academy has odd rules about what films can win and the requirements to be submitted. I have heard SHIT about an FYC promo, and absolutely nothing about a complete.

Im going to say that someone on Ebay listed a fake haha.
I'll ask tho and see if any voters got it.

Thank you very much sir. I wish it got nominated, it's one of the best scores of 2010. IMO, right next to Inception. I do hear the rules are pretty shitty. It's ridiculous that TDK couldn't get nominated. Maybe this is the same case?

08-18-2011, 04:03 AM
Thank you very much sir. I wish it got nominated, it's one of the best scores of 2010. IMO, right next to Inception. I do hear the rules are pretty shitty. It's ridiculous that TDK couldn't get nominated. Maybe this is the same case?

Well yeah.. I dont know if a 'group' can be credited for a score. Plus there was much discussion as to how much music the duo wrote and what constitutes the orchestrator's role on this.
TDK set a very public precedent so I wouldnt be surprised if Disney execs just figured it wasnt worth it.
Its insane, regardless of how much Daft Punk did (I actually think they did more than Id assume lol) that this score isnt nominated. Clearly one of the best scores of 2010.

Emmy has a Gun
08-18-2011, 04:20 PM
I'm pretty sure it wasn't a fake since it was being sold by I guess you could call it charity group of sorts (The Friends of Palo Alto Library) and they had other FYC copies of scores as well with some other random stuff that wasn't as interesting. Idk though that's just my opinion. And as an owner of legit FYC Academy copies of movies and such, to me it seemed legit.

As for it not being nominated, it's one of the few things that will always bug me. Even if it didn't win it should have at least been nominated (and personal opinion is that the winning score was crap, love Trent Reznors work and Atticus Ross's score for Book of Eli, but the social network was so forgettable a score... in my opinion).
But here are the guidelines of eligibility for Music Awards from the Academy Awards website (maybe this could shed some light?)(http://www.oscars.org/awards/academyawards/rules/rule16.html):

1. The work must be created specifically for the eligible feature-length motion picture.
2. The work must be the result of a creative interaction between the filmmaker(s) and the composer(s) and/or songwriter(s) who have been engaged to work directly on the motion picture.
3. The work�s eligibility shall be evaluated on its effectiveness, craftsmanship, creative substance and relevance to the dramatic whole.
4. The work must be recorded for use in the motion picture prior to any other usage, including public performance or exploitation through any media whatsoever.
5. Only the principal composer(s) or songwriter(s) responsible for the conception and execution of the work as a whole shall be eligible for an award.

Expressly excluded from eligibility are all of the following:
1. supervisors
2. partial contributors (i.e., any writer not responsible for the overall design of the work)
3. contributors working on speculation
6. Scores diluted by the use of tracked themes or other preexisting music, diminished in impact by the predominant use of songs, or assembled from the music of more than one composer shall not be eligible.
7. No more than one statuette will normally be given in the Original Score category. A second statuette may be awarded when two composers function as equal collaborators in producing the score, each contributing a substantial amount of original music for the film.
8. No more than two statuettes will normally be given in the Original Song category. A third statuette may be awarded when there are three essentially equal contributors to a song.
9. In the case of an original musical, the composer or adapter of the instrumental score may qualify for an award if his or her contribution is deemed relevant and substantial.
10. The Music Branch Executive Committee shall resolve all rules interpretations and all questions of eligibility.
11. It is within the sole and confidential discretion of the Board of Governors to determine what awards, if any, shall be given.

08-18-2011, 04:40 PM
Well that's helpful, thanks. I agree with you on The Social Network. While it did have an interesting score, IMO in no way did it deserve to win Best Original Score. Inception or How To Train Your Dragon? Completely ignored. That's what's wrong with the Academy today. It was nominated and won simply beacuse it's The Social Network, you know what I mean? Did you notice how many other awards it was nominated for? Jesse Eisenberg for Best Actor, are you kidding me? Best Picture? Best Director? I'm sorry, but I hate David Fincher due to him ruining Alien 3. Jesse Eisenberg is a good actor, but I really don't think he did that good a job as to get a nomination. I remember even Justin Timberlake was campaigning for Best Supporting Actor. Every year there's one movie that all the celebrities are vying to win and this year it was The Social Network. Wow I really didn't mean for this to turn into a rant. But you can see how much it bugs me that better scores didn't win, let alone weren't even nominated. Cough cough, TRON: LEGACY cough

08-18-2011, 04:44 PM
I just find it weird I have heard no mention of this, nor have friends in the academy received it.

---------- Post added at 09:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:42 AM ----------

Well that's helpful, thanks. I agree with you on The Social Network. While it did have an interesting score, IMO in no way did it deserve to win Best Original Score. Inception or How To Train Your Dragon? Completely ignored. That's what's wrong with the Academy today. It was nominated and won simply beacuse it's The Social Network, you know what I mean? Did you notice how many other awards it was nominated for? Jesse Eisenberg for Best Actor, are you kidding me? Best Picture? Best Director? I'm sorry, but I hate David Fincher due to him ruining Alien 3. Jesse Eisenberg is a good actor, but I really don't think he did that good a job as to get a nomination. I remember even Justin Timberlake was campaigning for Best Supporting Actor. Every year there's one movie that all the celebrities are vying to win and this year it was The Social Network. Wow I really didn't mean for this to turn into a rant. But you can see how much it bugs me that better scores didn't win, let alone weren't even nominated. Cough cough, TRON: LEGACY cough

lol... it wasnt Fincher that ruined Alien 3, Hes one of my favorite directors.

What happened was the studio took control of the project, demanded constant script re-writes during production and Fincher up and left from the project when he realized it was taking a huge shitdive and didnt want to soil his career on his first film.

08-18-2011, 05:09 PM

lol... it wasnt Fincher that ruined Alien 3, Hes one of my favorite directors.

What happened was the studio took control of the project, demanded constant script re-writes during production and Fincher up and left from the project when he realized it was taking a huge shitdive and didnt want to soil his career on his first film.

Well then I guess I have Fox to blame for this. It's the worst out of all 4. Here's how I rank them:

Alien Resurrection
Alien 3

08-18-2011, 05:14 PM
Well then I guess I have Fox to blame for this. It's the worst out of all 4. Here's how I rank them:

Alien Resurrection
Alien 3
Id have to say Alien + Aliens is my first.
The two are so different it would be wrong to pick one better than the other. 2 years ago I actually saw both in theaters back to back.. best filmgoing experience of my life. The two cant be compared.

08-18-2011, 05:24 PM
Id have to say Alien + Aliens is my first.
The two are so different it would be wrong to pick one better than the other. 2 years ago I actually saw both in theaters back to back.. best filmgoing experience of my life. The two cant be compared.

Ya, they're two completely different films. I would have to say the best filmgoing experience of my life (so far) was when I saw GRINDHOUSE opening night back in April of 2007. One of my favorite movies ever.

08-18-2011, 05:35 PM
Ya, they're two completely different films. I would have to say the best filmgoing experience of my life (so far) was when I saw GRINDHOUSE opening night back in April of 2007. One of my favorite movies ever.

Grindhouse is just a big bowl of fucking awesome. Definetly one of my favorite films. Death Proof cant compare to Planet Terror tho, which may or may not be the most awesome thing ever.

08-18-2011, 07:54 PM
Grindhouse is just a big bowl of fucking awesome. Definetly one of my favorite films. Death Proof cant compare to Planet Terror tho, which may or may not be the most awesome thing ever.

Damn fuckin right it's a big bowl of awesome!!! Are you saying Death Proof is better than Planet Terror, or vice versa? I can't tell. A lot of people (myself included) think Death Proof is better, but Planet Terror is still fun. A Tarantino & Rodriguez double-feature? Shit, count me in!

10-11-2011, 04:10 AM

Here it is:

TRON LEGACY (2010) Original Score FYC | eBay (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/TRON-LEGACY-2010-Original-Score-FYC-/130560563107#ht_500wt_1413)

11-16-2011, 09:34 PM
And another one, with 20 tracks:

Tron Legacy FYC Awards Promo CD Daft Punk Score | eBay (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Tron-Legacy-FYC-Awards-Promo-CD-Daft-Punk-Score-/120812030697?pt=Music_CDs&hash=item1c20f54ae9#ht_680wt_922)

Anyone wanna shell out $120 to buy it now and share? :)

11-22-2011, 07:07 AM
Winning bid - $96. With the best of luck, it will find its way here

Jack Bersis
11-25-2011, 10:21 AM
What's the difference between this and the official release? From what I can see, they look like the same tracks with different titles? (I was bidding on it but was pip'd at the post) :-\

11-25-2011, 01:28 PM
We don't know, nor will we know until someone gets their hands on it and shares it for us to hear.

01-09-2012, 06:17 PM
Thank You.

02-20-2012, 01:32 AM
1.) Legacy Open - OST "Overture"
2.) Motochase - OST "The Son of Flynn"
3.) Recognizer Capture - OST "Recognizer"
4.) Sirens - OST "Armory"
5.) Disc Game Intro - OST "Arena"
6.) Rinzler VS. Sam - OST "Rinzler"
7.) Lightbikes Battle - OST "The Game Has Changed"
8.) Quorra Saves Sam - OST "Outlands"
9.) Flynn's Flashback - ?
10.) Sam Plans Escape - ?
11.) End of Line - OST "End of Line"
12.) Party Crashers - OST "Derezzed"
13.) Flynn Drops In - OST "Fall"
14.) Solar Sailer Alt. - OST "Solar Sailer"
15.) C.L.U. Speech - OST "Rectifier"
16.) Recovering the Disc - OST "Disc Wars"
17.) Lightjets - OST "C.L.U."
18.) Portal Arrival - OST "Arrival"
19.) Portal Climax - OST "Flynn Lives"
20.) Legacy Theme - ?

Runtime: 51:46

Tracklisting and running time I got off of Ebay. That's my comparison of the FYC to the OST

02-20-2012, 02:00 AM
im perfectly fine with the bluray rip metrotokyo did... but i would be interested in hearing the FYC compared to the OST that i bought

02-20-2012, 02:04 AM
im perfectly fine with the bluray rip metrotokyo did... but i would be interested in hearing the FYC compared to the OST that i bought

I don't have to tell you I want the FYC just to have it. Everyone and their mother knows I collect FYCs. But, (next to Inception, which also has an FYC) this is my favorite film score of 2010. I'm sure the cues on it are different than the OST

02-20-2012, 02:42 AM
I don't have to tell you I want the FYC just to have it. Everyone and their mother knows I collect FYCs. But, (next to Inception, which also has an FYC) this is my favorite film score of 2010. I'm sure the cues on it are different than the OST

I agree, this would be cool to hear, 9out of 10 times the cues are usually different than the OST, wether the film takes, or mixed differently they are different and its apparent. On the only 2 FYC's I have the cues that ended up on both the FYC and the OST are drastically different listening experiences, in one case the film mix made the album mix sound dry and unappealing so yeah FYCs are the way to go lol, but in some cases like Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban it's literally the OST, same goes for the FYC of Lemony Snicket (which is actually missing "Loverly Spring" since it's a song and not a cue) but yeah, most FYCs should have unreleased music or different versions from the film versions.

05-26-2012, 01:56 AM
Has anyone seen this one?
Daft Punk Tron Legacy 2CD (Original Soundtrack/Special Edition) (5099994728927) | eBay (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Daft-Punk-Tron-Legacy-2CD-Original-Soundtrack-Special-Edition-/261028708194?_trksid=p4340.m185&_trkparms=algo%3DDLSL%252BSIC.NPJS%26its%3DI%26itu %3DUCI%252BUA%26otn%3D10%26pmod%3D130560563107%252 B130560563107%26po%3D%26ps%3D63%26clkid%3D86768153 05301270087#ht_500wt_1097)

The Dimensioner
05-26-2012, 02:12 AM
Has anyone seen this one?
Daft Punk Tron Legacy 2CD (Original Soundtrack/Special Edition) (5099994728927) | eBay (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Daft-Punk-Tron-Legacy-2CD-Original-Soundtrack-Special-Edition-/261028708194?_trksid=p4340.m185&_trkparms=algo%3DDLSL%252BSIC.NPJS%26its%3DI%26itu %3DUCI%252BUA%26otn%3D10%26pmod%3D130560563107%252 B130560563107%26po%3D%26ps%3D63%26clkid%3D86768153 05301270087#ht_500wt_1097)

I have that without actually having purchased a single thing. Judging solely from the track list, that's just the OST with some of the bonus tracks added in, and a fake "Special Edition" cover to make it look official. In fact, I think I may have seen this exact set of music on sale at a Borders bookstore once. I don't know what the last track on either disc could be, but this phrase:

Very rare deleted 2CD version. is absolutely meaningless to me. I mean if the 2CD version was deleted, then how does this guy have the music? I think it's probably just a phony trying to make money off of people who don't know that places like the Shrine exist.

Conclusion: stick with METROTOKYO's edit, and also the actual FYC promo has finally been uploaded (or rather, re-uploaded): http://forums.ffshrine.org/f92/tron-legacy-fyc-promo-cd-109592/#post2002588

05-26-2012, 02:28 AM
Has anyone seen this one?
Daft Punk Tron Legacy 2CD (Original Soundtrack/Special Edition) (5099994728927) | eBay (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Daft-Punk-Tron-Legacy-2CD-Original-Soundtrack-Special-Edition-/261028708194?_trksid=p4340.m185&_trkparms=algo%3DDLSL%252BSIC.NPJS%26its%3DI%26itu %3DUCI%252BUA%26otn%3D10%26pmod%3D130560563107%252 B130560563107%26po%3D%26ps%3D63%26clkid%3D86768153 05301270087#ht_500wt_1097)

Yes have those both. Thanks for the poop on the ebay post. :)

03-15-2014, 03:48 PM
Does any one know where to find a tron soundtrack it was one of the first ones to come when the trailer was out it only had about 4 songs.