05-27-2011, 06:06 PM
I just DL'ed the FF13 OST and gawd the battle theme rules. I never thought there was someone that could stand up to Uematsu but i was wrong. This guys music is good, and this battle theme presents the right kind of mood for the game without having to go all rock and synth. The violins were the right touch for the battles. It hyped you up but also helped you keep focus. So what does anyone else thing. I think the composer of the battle theme is Ryo Yamazaki. But I'm not totally sure.

05-31-2011, 05:32 PM
Are you serious? You should at least know that Masashi Hamauzu did the score for FF XIII.

06-01-2011, 09:12 AM
Yamazaki did the arrangement for "Blinded by Light" though.

It is indeed just what I would have hoped for out of a new Final Fantasy normal battle theme. I'm not the biggest fan of Hamauzu's work before FFXIII, aside from Chocobo's Mysterious Dungeon and Sigma Harmonics is also pretty good, but he knocked it out of the park with FFXIII. Fantastic soundtrack, and I spent a weekend watching a playthrough of the whole game on YouTube and it made me appreciate the music even more. However, it should be said that Hamauzu only handled slightly less than half of the tracks on his own without the aid of another arranger or orchestrator, so he's not as independently responsible for it as the OST packaging (and omission of crediting Uematsu for the chocobo themes) would lead you to believe.