02-17-2003, 11:50 AM

Before we start, here are a few definitions you should know. Although some are self-explanatory I will explain it to those that don't know.


n. A non-luminous celestial body larger than an asteroid or comet, illuminated by light from a star, such as the sun, around which it revolves. In the solar system there are nine known planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.

One of the seven celestial bodies, Mercury, Venus, the moon, the sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, visible to the naked eye and thought by ancient astronomers to revolve in the heavens about a fixed Earth and among fixed stars.

One of the seven revolving astrological celestial bodies that in conjunction with the stars are believed to influence human affairs and personalities.

X __

n. pl. x's or X's also xs or Xs

The 24th letter of the modern English alphabet.
Any of the speech sounds represented by the letter x.
The 24th in a series.
Something shaped like the letter X.
A mark inscribed to represent the signature of one who is unable to sign one's name.
An unknown or unnamed factor, thing, or person.

At first read one could dismiss this as a cheap rip-off of Neon Genesis Evangelion, but I will stress to you right now that I am one of the few anim� fans that has not viewed the entire Neon Genesis series. All ideas on this have been based entirely on Sumerian religion of the planet-shaped spaceship called 'Nibiru' that is located where scientists discovered 'Planet X'. Planet X is supposedly heading for a collision course with Earth in a matter of just over a decade. So on we go...

Earth; 2015

"Destruction of object X complete." Sighed a scientist as he moved his face away from his computer monitor, it was showing a live feed of the incoming Planet X, the danger had been avoided as several AFB [Atomic Fusion Bombs] had been fired straight at it. If the disaster had not been avoided, it would have been minutes before Planet X hit the Earth, wiping out most of humanity.

"Excellent. I'll report to head office immediately." Came a reply through the scientist's headpiece.

"Sir! I'm going to have to take back that last statement! X is still heading for us, there has been no apparent damage to the exterior. Wait! It's glowing!" The scientist started sweating as he screamed into his headpiece.

"WHAT!? Feed the images onto my screen right away! Shit. Send a flurry of AFBs up there stat!" Came the reply, the stress was starting to show as sweat dripped down the men's faces.

"But sir! Firing AFBs at such a close proximity to Earth would cause massive damage to the atmosphere!" The scientist's fight had absolutely no logic towards it as his commander pointed out.

"We're going to die if we don't try! Send up the AFBs, that's an order!"

"Yes sir! I'll get them up there now!" The man yelled back as he sent in the request, within minutes the live feed showed a flurry of gigantic explosions all over X.

"Good, is it over?" The commander asked.

"Well... no... it's picking up speed, and has almost entered Earth's atmosphere. I guess this is it sir."

"Not yet, send up the experimental mechanoids..." The commander sternly ordered.

"They're still in prototype testing stage, it would be stupid to send them up to attack that thing!"

"Send them up... now."

The military had been experimenting with mechanoid technology for ten years, what they came up with were highly versatile mechs, capable of mass destruction. They called them 'Angels' as they where the apparent saviors of Earth. They entered the live feed and attacked the Planet head on. There were seven of them. Named after the creators; Takeshi, Hiro, Sadiko, Tanashio, Tekashiro, Hiron and Terinoshi. They were controlled by pilots that stayed at a main base, they were operated by headsets placed on the 'pilots' heads, whatever they willed the mechs to do, they did. All seven of them launched themselves straight at the comet, suddenly back at the control center the lights dimmed and all seven of the pilots fell into a deep coma... The Angels hit the Planet, it glowed a bright white which spread to the Angels, before they disappeared...

"And so the Angels return to God..." Muttered the commander.

"X has entered Earth's atmosphere. Prepare for impact in... 10 seconds and counting." Blared the computer.

"Shit. Commander nothing's harming this thing! Not even the Angels put up a fight!" Screamed the scientist.

"I guess this is it. Prepare for impact..."

"Impact in; 2, 1... Impact immanent."

X landed with a crash but there was no flood, no destruction. It just sat there in the snow, glowing and pulsating.

"What!? What's going on commander?"

"I... don't know. Send in a research team stat!"

The research team scuttled into the van and sped off to the scene. What they saw was to change their lives forever, the meteor was pulsating and growing slowly.

"I'm gonna go check it out." Yelled one of the men as he sprinted towards X, he was wearing a protective suit so he was relatively safe from anything that X had carried in with it.

He slowly lowered his hand onto it, X turned a nasty red colour then flickered insanely. Three of the men collapsed into seizures as the others started blankly at the light show. Within a split second a huge circle of light blew off in all directions, sweeping across the face of the earth, destroying all in it's wake...

"SHIT! What is that thing COMMA..." The research center was vaporized instantaneously. As were almost all of the buildings.

"Mum, can I have that one..." A young child smiled at his mother as she stared out into the street, looking in awe at the incoming ray of light. Within seconds the shopping center had been demolished and the child lay dead.