02-16-2003, 01:29 PM
Hello friends,

New to this forum thing, I'm an ff7 vet with about 500+ hrs playing time under my rustic ol' belt.
My forte, as it were, are chocobos but j'adore the game in every respect.
Just thought i'd say 'hi' y'know?

Anyway-hows, what's your fave characters outfit?

- With me, It's gotta be cloud (he has a sword man!)

His outfit..

-Yoshiyuki sword (coolest ever, 'used when ally is down' novelty - does that ever work?) with 'enemy skill' (lacking only roulette :)) and 'counter' (mastered) in the two slots.

-Ziedriech armour - no slots, but great def.

-Ribbon - naturally, the best with no ill effects

(I don't 'believe' in giving the charcters 'false' hp, mp or magic power, they gotta earn it through sources)

- there you go, have fun!

(this forum is the cynic's spheres!)
:lol :lol

02-17-2003, 02:50 AM
As those on here that know me know, my favorite character is Yuffie. And her outfit is hot, hot, hot! No, seriously:

Weaponry: Conformer (Man! Not only does it work great for morphing, but it's her ultimate weapon and also works great with her limit break. Her 3/2, not 4/1. All Creation sucks.)

Armor: I forget the name of it, but it's the one that has eight linked slots and also gives decent defense.

Accessory: Ribbon

Materia: I also give everyone Master Magic, Summon and Command. Enemy Skill (with everything, why not?) is a must and Mega-All is also very good. Either Flash or Double Cut is usually in there. Morph, of course, since Yuffie rocks for morphing. Other than that, I don't really remember, but anything that will help.

02-22-2003, 12:29 PM
mine? tempting ones are Cloud with the nail bat-damn funny, or Cid with the Mop


well, basically i dont have fave, i love all of em, suppose i'll have to settle with: -

Cloud: -

Weapon = Buster Sword
Materia = Master Magic, Master Summon
Armour = Good ol' Mythril Armlet, bring back memories of the first time you play it and you think this is the best armour your gonna get!

Tears from the Sky
02-22-2003, 08:01 PM
Sephiroth with his Masamune! =D I remember he had a touph ring and a lot of mastered materia but I cant remember his armor.

02-22-2003, 09:32 PM
Cloud Strife
Weapon: Ultimate Weapon
Armor: Mythril
Accessory: Ribbon
Materia: Master summon, master magic, and then counter-4xcut combo for the rest of the slots. xD

02-23-2003, 01:47 PM
tears, Sephiroth had the gold armlet - pretty plain for such a mean mofo !

DOEs anyone know what Seph's stats were when he's in your team??

- Been dying to know that

-Oh and his weaps attack pwr too..

Vivi FF
02-23-2003, 06:58 PM
Cid Highwind
Weapon: Venus Gospel
Armor: Mystile
Acc.: Ribbon
Materia: I have NO idea... I know he has Master Magic, Master Summon, and Master Command but I dunno about the rest...

02-25-2003, 07:37 PM
Originally posted by demonjon
....DOEs anyone know what Seph's stats were when he's in your team??

- Been dying to know that

-Oh and his weaps attack pwr too........

not sure if you allowed to look at his status in that part of the game are you, or the equip screen either?
I think maybe on the PC version there may be some kind of hack for this...i dont know???

02-25-2003, 08:02 PM
I know for sure that you can look at his equipment screen and I think his stats too. It doesn't require any hacking either. I'd go take a look right now, except I don't feel like playing through that stuff right now to get to it. Maybe later.

02-25-2003, 08:36 PM
yeah, it is a bit into the game isnt it!!

02-25-2003, 08:39 PM
True, but I have save backups that should be pretty close to it. So it won't be too hard to get to it. I'll come back later with the results.

02-27-2003, 12:36 AM
thats cool, i ran outta space on my mem card!!

i still aint been assed to buy a new one yet!! :P

02-27-2003, 01:11 AM
Well, saving a lot of copies isn't a problem for me in Final Fantasy VII because I have the PC version of the game. So each save takes up like practically no memory at all and you can just save as many as you want. Just one of the many advantages of having the PC version and why I wish Square would have released the games after FFVIII for PC. But that's in the past, so no use complaining about, especially now that I have my own Playstation 2. In any case, I still haven't checked on that, but I'll go ahead and do it tonight. I'll edit this post with the results, so don't look for a new message.

Edited: All right, here's Sephiroth's information:

Level 50
HP 3264/3264
MP 529/529

Strength 78
Dexterity 65
Vitality 121
Magic 75
Spirit 121
Luck 46

Attack 177
Attack% 255
Defense 167
Defense% 20
Magic atk 75
Magic def 121
Magic def% 0

Gold Armlet
Tough Ring ("Vitality" and "Spirit" +50)

Materia (All Mastered):

Earth (Linked with All)

Ice (Linked with All)
Lightning (Linked with All)

03-01-2003, 06:28 PM
oh wow, n1 man!

Well that's a sh*t loada luck for lvl 50!

03-02-2003, 08:08 PM
46 is a lot of luck at lvl 50?

03-02-2003, 09:02 PM
Yeah, because Luck is different from the other stats, it really doesn't raise much unless you use Sources. For example, Cloud's luck at Level 50 is only around 25-30.

03-02-2003, 11:48 PM
yeah, thats cool, i got about 200 luck, is that gonna make a noticable difference to the game???

03-02-2003, 11:55 PM
It will notably increase your rate of critical hits. Other than that, it probably won't do anything. It's rumored to do all sorts of things, but I read somewhere that all of that isn't true and the only thing it affects is critical hits.

03-04-2003, 12:09 PM
Luck and dexterity, when highly raised make a real difference to the game:

My cloud is so far, 255 (power),255(dexterity),255(vitality),235(magic) 211(spirit), 255 (luck)

with these stats, he dodges about 95% of physical attacks!! which is insane! It takes sooo long for his limit to fill :)

critical hit almost every time too.

03-04-2003, 02:50 PM
aww man...that sucks about the limits!

i really like using limits in boss battles.