02-16-2003, 02:11 AM
(Contains some swearing, adult themes, and stupidity)

Prologue: Tommy

In other news, Vampire sightings are at an all time high in the south Metropoliton areas. The West-Side mall is now home to a powerful dragon that calls itself Jim...

Tommy turned down the radio and put his hands back on the wheel, he loved driving, the wind in his hair. His hair by the way, was black, short and black, just thought I'd tell you that.

"Damn dragons, just when you thought they were gone, they come back..." Tommy cursed as he felt around the seat for his gun.

Tommy put his foot down on the accelerator, speeding ahead of the other cars in an attmept to break out of the traffic. But before long he put his foot down on the brakes, swerving the car to the side. He climbed out of his seat and stood up, before him stood a gigantic spider, not any spider this was Sheila; a huge tarantula with a pink bow on her head.

Tommy loaded his colt and adjusted his hawaiin T-Shirt.

"Who would have known... Sheila..." He flicked his gun up and fired at Sheila, the bullet just ricotched (Sp?) off the hard skin of Sheila. "Ah crap..."

Sheila hissed, then turned around and shot webbing onto Tommy.

"Ah, double crap, I guess I'll be sticking around then..." Haha, get it? Web? Sticky? Haaa... Well that is what he said...

Suddenly, out of no where appeared a tall and skinny man with long black hair and a long thin sword. He pranced around on Sheila, stabbing her repeatedly.

"AHA! Take that foul fiend!" He shouted.

Eventually Sheila ran away and the man jumped down and freed Tommy.

"I am free at last! Who is the maiden that has saved me?" Tommy shouted in a rather old english tone.

"MAIDEN!? I am no maiden, I am... I am... Oh, they haven't given me a name, probably to make me sound mysterious but really it's just because they haven't thought of one yet. But until then I'll give you some strange codename or something..." The man said as he filed his nails.

"So. Uh, what's your codename?" Tommy scratched his head.

"Oh, yeah, it's Bish..." Bish smiled as he went back to filing.

"Okay, so Bish... let's get out of here..." Tommy calmly said.

"Why? I'm busy." Bish scolded.

"Well, because there's a horde of angry giant spiders being led by Sheila, and they're heading straight for us." Tommy smiled.

"Okay, let's go!"

They jumped into Tommy's car and he revved up the engine. In almost no time they were cruising down the highway, they were also over the legal speed-limit. So not too long after they started up their car, they were pulled over by the cops...

02-16-2003, 10:39 AM
Good story Kaspar~ That spider Sheila seemed unnecessary in the story along with the additional narrative. You should change that and the story doesn't really seem to be going anywhere, no offence :X

Edit it slightly, post it up again and I'm sure it will be fine ^_^

02-16-2003, 11:01 AM
It's pretty much just making fun of RPG stereotypes. I'm trying to make it just about as stupid as possible, and no it isn't going anywhere :�