pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
02-15-2003, 08:20 AM
Now, back when the PS2 first came out, there were brief mentions of updates to the drivers for the hardware. Bug fixes for the backward-compatibility and such.

Where can I see a list of these releases (if any), and how difficult are they to order?

Evad D'Aragon
02-17-2003, 04:15 PM
As far as I know, the "only" driver update there is out there in America is the driver update for the DVD player that is included with the DVD remote. It upgrades your DVD driver to version 2.10 US. But if you have a recent PlayStation 2 (US v5 or above I think) you already have that version.

That brings me to one major gripe towards Sony :

Why the hell they don't use their damn network adaptor to its fullest ? I mean, Sega designed its own browser for the Dreamcast. Why couldn't Sony do the same ? So that you can use the network adaptor to surf the net as well ? It would be simple, just plug a USB keyboard and use the analog sticks on the controller as a mouse, just like the Dreamcast. Then, create a website where you can download upgrades to your damn memory card or better yet, the HDD that's SUPPOSED to have been released since a while ago already, and that puts the release of Final Fantasy XI here into jeopardy.It really wouldn't have been that hard, plus PS2 owners would feel a bit more cared about, AND Sony would also sell a lot more network adaptors IF they were also smart enough to produce more to meet the demand.

I mean, let's face it, my network adaptor only attracts dust since I have it. I have Twisted Metal Black:Online only because I received it for free with the network adaptor but I've only played once because of the narrowband limitation that's limiting you to a two-player game, which makes the game boring. I did try that Everquest Online Adventures Beta and had fun, but since now you have to pay monthly fees to play it, I probably won't get the game. The fact that I only had gotten myself a new job recently also helps, plus Xenosaga, .hack//INFECTION and probably Breath of Fire:Dragon Quarter would come before Everquest in my book.

So, Sony, come on, wake up. It's about time you realized what potential you have and use it. And this applies to both Nintendo and Microsoft. Hell, it ought to be even easier for Microsoft, they have the world's number one browser. Don't go telling me they're not capable of making a IE version for X-Box...

02-18-2003, 03:56 AM
Well, it don't know if it's true or not, but when I read this I recalled a rumor that I heard that Sony was going to release the PS-3 in 2005. Anybody know if thats true? I sure don't, not yet anyways.

Darth Revan
02-22-2003, 05:54 PM

The only driver updates I heard of, was 1 the DVD driver upgrade, and 2 the modem device for the PS2. I heard a rumour a while ago on another forum, that FFXI was going to have the modem attachment with it, but if that's the case, the cost for it would be expensive. As far as I'm concerned, the PS2 is a good console, but I prefer the Sega Dreamcast.

In regards to the so-called PS3, I had heard late 2005-2006. Each console has a basic 'life' of about 5 years, then the company brings a newer one on the market (The Dreamcast was only around for 2-3 years, but while it was with us, it kicked Sony's ass.).

To summarise, all the driver's and the modem Sony 'promised', has been nothing more than a rumour going round (cept for the DVD driver though.). As far as I'm concerned, I'm going to discount anything I hear about drivers and such for the PS2, unless it has been released and I have seen it with my own eyes.