05-19-2011, 12:27 PM
Only available with DVD/Blu-Ray Vol. 1

FLAC / 320 kbps CBR | 99 Tracks | 21:57 Min. | 84 / 47 MB


01. お名前は?
02. 学年を教えてください
03. 学年順位は……?
04. 二つ名を教えてください
05. 趣味を教えてください
06. 編み物……ですか
07. - いえっ別に! 他には?
08. ……っぷ (笑)
09. そ、そうなんですか?
10. では、好きな食べ物は?
11. それはどんなものなんでしょう?
12. とってもおいしいんでしょうね
13. 他には何かありますか?
14. 理由はなんですか?
15. では触られると弱いところを教えてください
16. はい!
17. 死んでも構いません! ぜひ教えてください!!
18. 聞こえなかったのでもう一度お願いします!!
19. 触られたらどうなりますか?
20. はいっ!!!!
21. し、失礼致しました、では最後の質問です!
22. あなたのリミッターは?
23. そうです
24. 居ないのでしたら僕をリミッターにしませんか?
25. はいいいい!!!!!!
26. ボルトテクスチャ装着時
27. ボルトウェポン展開時
28. パンドラモード起動時
29. 挑発
30. 技名 1
31. 技名 2
32. 技名 3
33. 技名 4
34. 技名 5
35. 勝利 1
36. 勝利 2
37. 攻撃
38. 強攻撃
39. ダメージ
40. 大ダメージ
41. 敗北
42. 身長、体重、年齢、血液型
43. スリーサイズ
44. 下着の色
45. メガネが無い!
46. 告白
47. ツンデレ
48. お名前は?
49. 学年を教えてください
50. では、学年順位は……?
51. ほぅ~、では二つ名は?
52. 趣味はなんでしょう?
53. 随分と年寄りくさいですね (笑)
54. だってそうじゃないですか~
55. へぇ~~~~~~~
56. はぁ……
57. では、え~次の質問です。好きな食べ物はなんですか?
58. おお~、食べてる姿が絵になりますね~
59. ふむふむ
60. やっぱり “盆栽” が残念ですね~
61. だって本当のことじゃないですか
62. ああ、そう言われると確かにおかしくもないかも……
63. あ、そうか! んじゃ盆栽で……
64. 食い意地が張ってますね~ (爆)
65. はい、では次の質問! 触られると弱いところは?
66. そうそう、つまり弱点ですかね~
67. あれ?
68. そういう意味じゃないのですが……
69. えっとですね~
70. わー! すいません、ではこれで……
71. いろいろありがとうございました
72. いやいや…
73. ボルトテクスチャ装着時
74. ボルトウェポン展開時
75. パンドラモード起動時
76. 挑発
77. 技名 1
78. 襲撃 1
79. 襲撃 2
80. 襲撃 3
81. 攻撃
82. 勝利 1
83. 勝利 2
84. 攻撃
85. 強攻撃
86. ダメージ
87. 大ダメージ
88. 敗北
89. 身長、体重、年齢、血液型
90. スリーサイズ
91. 下着の色について 1
92. 下着の色について 2
93. 告白
94. ツンデレ
95. M01
96. M09
97. M14
98. M19
99. M27

Tracks 01-94 are voice clips of the shows main female protagonists. Whatever the purpose of this may be...
Tracks 95-99 are the score by Masaru Yokoyama (~ 13 minutes). The score is surprisingly good.


06-15-2011, 12:07 AM
They made freezing into a anime series ?

06-15-2011, 09:53 AM
They did.
It has (melon sized) boobs and violence...I would have been shocked if they HADN'T made it into an anime series :D

06-18-2011, 03:44 PM
Do you know any website that show it online?

06-18-2011, 05:49 PM
Do you know any website that show it online?

You can get the uncensored episodes from this site: Hiryuu Fansubs (

06-26-2011, 12:02 AM
Thanks XD

07-14-2013, 04:09 PM
I have the complete soundtrack.

It is just a stupid and a shame the his (Masaru Yokoyama) music was released scattered in the stupid BD releases. So if I want to have music of Masaru I have to spend my money in an anime I dont like?
Anyway, I collected from the 6 Vols, 30 tracks of good music, and 1h and 13 minutes.

Boogie, you were not introduced to Queen's Blade music before? That is where I first heard Masaru Yokoyama music, and I was in love. Right now I am listening to Freezing and I am so loving it. <3 Masaru is soon to be in my top. If he is not there already.

I collected the tracks and Organized in a Proper way. Some people put them tracks like a soundtrack solo but in random...
I like puzzles....
You see the track names?

95. M01
96. M09
97. M14
98. M19
99. M27

all other "numbers" are like, lost in the other bd releases, so I went to puzzle it and put together in the order of those numbers.
I must say... hearing the soundtrack like this, makes a lot more sense. Has you feel a certain idea and vibe going through the album. If you hear it the way they are in the Bd releases... you wont get the "thing".

I will up as soon as I can :)

07-14-2013, 04:21 PM
Yeah this is really an hidden gem soundtrack that many people don't know about because of the stupid Blueray bundle thing. Did you know they are doing that to Takanashi's work on Fantasia Doll too? We won't get the complete collection until like march next year...........i hate it when my favorite artists have this happen to their great music.

07-14-2013, 04:26 PM
Blame the Labels. They are the ones making that. They hide behind a Genius or a Famous person, like Takanashi in this case, to make people buy their shit, whether you like or not. One thing is certain. People will buy just because of Takanashi music. They are not even caring if people get the cd and throw up the BDs. They want to see money as much as they can get. Aniplex did it with Takanashi in Shiki. Guess... what? The stand alone soundtrack ... is incomplete. It's missing many tracks which are exclusive in the DVDs.

07-15-2013, 06:26 AM
I actually also collected the rest of the bonus CDs of Freezing too, scrapped the (to me) senseless voice clips and bundled the score tracks to form one soundtrack.
I'm really impressed by the music. Never thought that such a stupid show would have such wonderful music. The same with Queen's Blade. Crappy show (although the animation quality is very high...guess why ;) ) but beautiful music. Seems like stupid boob shows bring the best out in Yokoyama. Let's call it inspiration :D

I'm also not a fan of those BluRay/DVD bonus only soundtrack CDs but on the other hand sometimes it's the only chance to get a soundtrack.
This "every DVD gets a CD with like 5 tracks" is awful though. It happened with Deadman Wonderland. In the end it wasn't even a full hour of music which is a shame since NARASAKI's music is pretty good. Never thought this would happen to Yasuharu Takanashi but obviously even the big names are not spared (like Kouhei Tanaka's Hyouka soundtrack). I prefer if they add 1 or 2 (or 3) full length soundtracks as bonus.
Even worse is when they do this DVD/BluRay only crap first and release a standalone soundtrack a half year later like with Star Driver, Bakemonogatari, Anohana or Shiki. I mean, wtf?

I kinda can live with this soundtrack treatment as long as the CDs keep popping up online but unfortunately some never surface. I'm still looking for the Munto TV Soundtracks and OST 2 & 3 of Zetman. No luck so far.

07-15-2013, 07:58 AM
Freezing is getting another season this autumn aka shit continues lol but hopefully Yokoyama will do the music again.

07-15-2013, 10:04 PM
Boogie I share your pain. It is stupid and no sense at all those craps of exclusive of music scattered around by bits. >_<

So you already knew Masaru? :p
Yesterday while I was working I as hearing freezing soundtrack. It was so ... addictive. I really love Masaru works. They all sound so...
Cooljacker... repeat what I told you about his music 2 days ago, please. XD

Here is may treatment for Freezing soundtrack.


Release date: 2013.07.15 (Custom Soundtrack)
2011.03.30 to 2011.07.27 (Original BD releases)
Catalogue number: N/a
Label: Media Factory

Music by: Masaru Yokoyama[/B]

07-15-2013, 11:31 PM
wut, this? :D

Once a pervert.... always a pervert-

also nice noticing M-26 & M-27 are piano versions of Color/Kimi wo Mamoritai (unrelated - don't know why but Kimi wo Mamoritai sounds catchy as hell)

07-15-2013, 11:43 PM
it was not that .... but ... i can work on deviating the conversation here. XD

and yes they are catchy as hell.

Is freezing from the same people of Ikkitousen? :/

07-15-2013, 11:57 PM
it is that, like boogiepop.phantom said - boob inspiration hahaha

seriously though, after listening qb rebellion and freezing I completely agree with this:

Marvelous! Gorgeous! Pretty! Awesome! Epic! Catchy! BEAUTIFUL

As for ikkitousen, I have no idea, I think it's another boob show, right? Other than that I know nothing else of it.

07-16-2013, 12:18 AM
it is that, like boogiepop.phantom said - boob inspiration hahaha

seriously though, after listening qb rebellion and freezing I completely agree with this:

As for ikkitousen, I have no idea, I think it's another boob show, right? Other than that I know nothing else of it.

Oh yeah it's probably the boob show of all boob shows. But Takanashi composed for it (not the first series don't listen to that crap) so of course it's awesome :)

07-16-2013, 09:05 AM
But wasn't Ikkitousen just a rip-off of Tenjou Tenge? I remember the author of the manga being sued for copying panels from TT.

Yep, the music of Queen's Blade Rebellion is also excellent...and it was also released the Freezing way :(

07-16-2013, 02:08 PM
it is that, like boogiepop.phantom said - boob inspiration hahaha

seriously though, after listening qb rebellion and freezing I completely agree with this:

Marvelous! Gorgeous! Pretty! Awesome! Epic! Catchy! BEAUTIFUL

As for ikkitousen, I have no idea, I think it's another boob show, right? Other than that I know nothing else of it.

Tha is whatt I was originally talking about. you mutley. XD

But wasn't Ikkitousen just a rip-off of Tenjou Tenge? I remember the author of the manga being sued for copying panels from TT.

Yep, the music of Queen's Blade Rebellion is also excellent...and it was also released the Freezing way :(

I never saw tenjou tenge. I have been watching Ikkitousen because of the missing tracks that were not released in the soundtracks.
First series of Ikkitousen... is okayish. Nothing out of the ordinary. it's from 2003... in where the anime in those was always having the same character design. It was one of the first moments my soul for anime was going down a bit. And yes, the soundtrack is crap.
Ikkitousen Dragon Destiny.... I LOVE IT! I felt like I was watching and old 80ts mature ova. Turns out, the first series was just to make the set of events to be ready for Dragon Destiny
Ikkitousen Great Guardians... is horrible.... 12 episodes, and you really start to have a decent plot in episode 6, then stops again, and the plot continues in the 2 last episodes. All other episodes were just pervert excuse and comedy like for no logical reason. You will only need to see at least 4 episodes of Great Guradians, and you know the story already.... which is still crappy. Great Guardians had an epic start on the first episode in martial arts scene... but that is the best you will ever see in 12 episodes.
Xtreme Xecutor, ignores Great Guardians events. Seems like the production knew how fuckt up and time wasting was GG. In first episode you have a resume very fast of the first series, passing to Dragon Destiny, and then... Xtreme Xecutor starts there.
I have not yet finished xtreme xecutor (there are a lot of missing tracks, an no.. I have all BD bonus discs, and none has the soundtrack). In Xtreme Xecutor, I felt a bit the pervert way of the 1994 OVA of Cutey Honey, meaning... it may have boobs, but it looks more helathy in the way it was done, and like Dragon Destiny, they are more concern with plot itself. But I only saw 4 episodes or 3. I need to finish it.

Back to Masaru Yokoyama.

Boogie Says:

Seems like stupid boob shows bring the best out in Yokoyama. Let's call it inspiration

Orie says to Cooljacky, and Cooljacky reproduce the words for everyone:

Once a pervert.... always a pervert-

But in the end I define Masaru Yokoyama (Orie Says):

Marvelous! Gorgeous! Pretty! Awesome! Epic! Catchy! BEAUTIFUL