02-14-2003, 07:52 AM
Well...over the course of my life there has only been one singular game that has always kept my interest...
I remember back when my dad got the first computer we was at top of the line 133 mhrz 8 speed CD drive with a 17 inch moniter (it wasn't a flat top! Think of it!) anyway, that's besides the point, the peice of crap also came with some of the best game I've ever played, including the never dying classic, Mechwarrior 2. Mech' 2 was made by FASA and Activision. Mechwarrior 3 Was made by FASA Microprose and Microsoft. Mechwarrior 4 was made by FASA and Microsoft. I've played all of them and beaten two of them.
By now you're porbably wondering why someone hasn't closed this...
This is just a mechwarrior thread where peeps can babble about how much they hate/love Mechwarrior.
Personally I've played Mechwarrior 1-4 Vengeance and I thought that they were all good until the corporately evil minds of Microsoft slowly murdered the once interesting game-play and small detail put into Mech 1, 2, and 3...from the demonic minds of Microsoft comes...Mechwarrior 4: Vengeance...
With graphics hardly, if at all, better than Mech 3, and a more blow everything up without even think ing about it kind of gameplay...I think that it wasn't that good.

In case anyone really cares, *Mechwarrior 2 and 4 Spoilers*

Mech 2 was an incredible game, and in my opinion, still is. You, the mercenary with no heart, eventually ends up at the beggining of the clan wars. After switching sides between the major factions of the inner sphere, you are eventually praised and gladiators go to the boot camp that you started from. You slowly advance your way and relize that the factions are uniting to destory the common enemy found in the clans. I also believe that the music in Mech 2 was some of the greates action game music I've ever heard.

In Mech 3, which I am in the process of beating, you find yourself stranded on the Clan Smoke Jaguar Planet of Tranquil, where you go through a long process of gaining you lancemates back from the destroyed dropship you are on and screwing up the proud minds of the natives...Mech 3 could've been better with a few things like a few more mechs (like the Masakari) and maybe more music.

In Mech 4 Vengeance you are the duke of Dresari and you're trying to avenge your families death. You fight against Steiner, meaning, that now that you worked so hard as a mercenary in Mech 2, all that peace and happiness to defeat a common enemy has been iradicated and now it's faction against faction again.
I think that this game was somewhat boring and that they should have kept the Mech system from Mech 3; targeting parts, missiles that do some good, mechs that don't have unlimited armor, and the moblie target retical, giving you the ability to move your arms independant from the torso.

02-18-2003, 04:00 AM
Well, I once did love the MechWarrior, that is single player. I started to hate the series when I would play online. Everybody had a lingo that I wasn't up-to-date with, that made me feel left out. Then evey game I would play I would just be pumabed.