05-16-2011, 10:32 AM
Has anyone ever seen the promo that's floating around out there for Chas Jankel's score to the movie "K2"... not the Hans Zimmer one, that I guess was later re-edited into the film on video (or so i've heard, haven't seen it on video)...

Jankel's score is very...Pink Floyd like if I recall (Although it has been like what, 15 or 20 years since I saw the film), very reminiscent of "Wish you were Here"

"has anyone ever seen"...more appropriately asked as "does anyone have...and can they upload if they do...PLEEEEEEEZE! :)
Thanks in advance

11-21-2013, 03:47 AM
not the best clip as you hear some dialogue, but this is the version of k2 with jankel's score with the guitar....i've never heard of a promo for this work.
