ultima weapon
02-13-2003, 03:08 AM
OMG OMG this i c00l

You can watch TV , listen to the radio , play PS/2 and DVD's

the joys of technology

i might aswell sell my TV (http://www.gamegizmo.com/products.php?sysID=5&catID=4&pID=54)

02-13-2003, 03:19 AM
Although it's a cool feature, I'm beginning to get sick of the game companies producing something, and then 4 months later, come out with something better. And don't even say they're not doing this kind of thing on purpose, because they are. It's a lot about the money.

I remember when I got a GBC....finally, a Game Boy! And it can play Game Boy games in color!

...A few months later, GBA comes out.

Y'know how sick that makes some people? it certainly disgusts me. I can't stand buying one thing, then the the next thing you know, they already have something better.

So, blantantly, yeah, I like the idea...but the fact that they just keep coming out with better and better stuff....in too short of time....it's annoying the hell out of me...:mad:


02-13-2003, 11:23 PM
It doesn't really look that good to me. When I want to watch TV, I don't want to watch it on some 3 inch screen. I'm also betting that the reception on that thing sux too. Plus to play a DVD you probably have to have a DVD player with you to watch it. The only time I would use this is when I'm traveling, and most likely there won't be an outlet anywhere near to plug the DVD player or the GBA into. Even if you do use batteries for the thing, it sucks them dry in a few hours. Its a waste of money if you ask me.

David F
02-14-2003, 07:33 AM
Hey pretty good money making scheme though.

02-14-2003, 07:54 AM
People are stupid to say at least when they fall for that :eye: Looks fun though xD