05-15-2011, 06:20 PM
So, Ezio got another game, and me likes it! It is his last though, but that's ok, I didn't expect he would get another one at all. He's pushing fifty, but he'll still kick some @ss! Anyway, the game is set in Constantinople, and Altair returns too. Ezio will discover some secret stuff, so he will experience some events in Altair's life just like Desmond is doing with his ancestors. Ezio's and Altair's story will both take place in Constantinople, but obviously in different time frames and circumstances, which is awesome (Altair's time: the city is ruled by Christians, in Ezio's by Muslims). Desmond will "lock" himself up in Black Room, which is safe mode of Animus and search for his own lost memories. Ezio gets a hook, so the buildings that can't be scaled normally, now become accessible.
I'm sure we'll get some sweet looking CGI trailer at E3 as usual and maybe some gameplay. I also hope they won't make Ezio die at the end of Revelations, because that would suck. According to its name, developers are promising a lot of answers to come, story-wise. The game has a November (2011) release date.

Master Rebellion
05-16-2011, 07:54 PM
Yes. I look forward to this as well. They're bringing back the multiplayer as well, with new characters! Can't wait.