05-11-2011, 08:31 PM
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. (

Pretty much it was a voting cast done on 2ch and nicovideo. I just rpped the videos off form nicovideo and put em up to youtube if anyone wants to listen to them (though nicovideo batched them all together besides the last 50)

Maybe we should turn this into a downloadable album or something. The song list is superb.

05-11-2011, 09:11 PM
Wow, that is a lot...

05-11-2011, 10:49 PM
here is my choice i only chose the ten most famous ever:

05-12-2011, 07:32 PM
a downloadable album would be a great idea

05-12-2011, 10:00 PM
i know it's a lot of work but would be great to have this in mp3 format in better quality form than the videos -_-

05-12-2011, 10:38 PM
An album out of this would be too good, a 1 man job for 700 songs its gonna be hard, so we should team up.
Or unless the songs are directly extracted from the youtube videos. they would have a not so good quality.

05-15-2011, 05:53 AM
Yeah I say we should do a team-up of either 7, or 14 people. 7 Would be 100 per person, 14 would be 50 per person (which would be more useful)

05-15-2011, 07:50 PM
Wow this was a great idea. Very impressed, there were some songs I didn't expect to make it, made it. Couple of observations: Never realized that Xenoblade was so popular. Small of Two Pieces is really low. No classic Sonic, only classic Mario is the original theme. I thought it was a good list until the top 50; felt it fell off a cliff there. Lots of Final Fantasy V. The Chrono Series were under represented there was like 5 total from the two games. Lots of shumps. They skipped all the Konami games. I didn't see the main theme from Zelda.

05-24-2011, 08:12 PM

Jack the Slayer
01-16-2012, 02:13 PM
I want a lossless collection of all the tracks in this list....................... Anyone want to help me compile it?