01-11-2002, 09:24 PM
If you think you're a talented artist, then post at least one reply with one of your best works. I'll post some later on.

01-12-2002, 12:59 AM
Why? So you can crush us all with your impressive God-like creations? Not a chance!

You first kiddo! :)

01-12-2002, 01:53 AM
Didn't ever think of that, man. I dunndo god-like creations at all, but if you really want something, then here's something a tad old, but I think it's nice ;)

01-12-2002, 01:55 AM
Didn't ever think of that, man. I dunndo god-like creations at all, but if you really want something, then here's something a tad old, but I think it's nice ;)

Sorry for that duble post, but got things messed up a lil -_-;

01-12-2002, 02:15 AM
Hey, I really like that drawing ShensetsuX :D It's very nice.

Ummm... I don't know if I'd consider this to be one of my "best works," but I'm pretty sure I haven't posted this one in these forums yet. Here ya go:

:D .

01-12-2002, 02:36 AM
Very nice ragnarok. But there is one downfall and which really isn't one. I personaly ain't content with comp graphics. That's all.
Keep on postin.

01-12-2002, 05:43 AM

I posted this in the other thread. It's the only pictured I scanned. I'll scan more when I have the time... or when I draw new pictures.

01-12-2002, 01:08 PM
My best works? Okies.. I draw in different styles, but here ya go --

(Duo Maxwell from GW - not CGed yet, and gotta touch it up a bit XD)
(Dark from D.N.Angel - CGed)
(Original character - Color pencils)

(Buffy/Sarah Michelle Gellar)

Yus. XD

01-12-2002, 02:56 PM
Nymphy.... thats a great pic of Buffy... its realy amazing ^_^

Black Dragon
01-14-2002, 04:01 AM
That Aeria pic is so very sweet.
What a little cutey.
Nice work, ShensetsuX.

Nymph is far too good to be allowed in here. Someone ban her please. Dammit!

My works are in another post, but here's one of my character from Nassyer. It's the latest pic I've done.

My favourite drawing I've done is this one of this warrior.

Black Dragon.
*runs away like a scared little boy*

01-14-2002, 05:05 AM
here are two nice ones. there all mine...but im onna have my sketch section up at my site soon wich is

the witchblade:

and a fan pic of vash.

and more to come...

01-14-2002, 05:15 AM
I've got good news... kind of. I've finally scanned 3 of my pictures. Here they are(I would edit my old post but then people might not see it).

As you can see I didn't scan them very well. It's hard to scan pictures from a thick sketch book. You have to press the book down so hard... At least you get an idea.

01-14-2002, 09:34 AM
You're better than I expected! (lame anime phrase -_-: )
Nymph is excellent, especially that sig-style one, I liked best.
And BD is also good. Both of them are really somethin , even more so the one with the knight.
As for yakumo, I couldn't dl the - server error XD
megalon is a great artist too. I liked his drawings very much ;). But try to make them in JPG format. BMP is too long to download.

Anyway, here's my aeria collection

BTW, those are old ones.... very old. I was 15 backthen XD

01-14-2002, 01:43 PM
Originally posted by Black Dragon
Nymph is far too good to be allowed in here. Someone ban her please. Dammit!

Can't stand not to be the best? :p ;)

I like yours, Yakumo.. The Vash piccie is cool =D

01-15-2002, 05:41 AM
<FONT SIZE="2" COLOR="#113399" FACE="mirror">Ya thanks...

the sites up..all but the message board. lots of sketches now. if you want it should work fine. i dont know about this server error....</FONT>

01-27-2002, 07:23 AM best work...hard to pick but I'll try to find something good out of the pile. hmm...this one I thought was pretty good, and it's the first time I've put it on the net so here goes...

wTf:Ed | Great Warrior ^ RoG
01-27-2002, 09:43 AM
You have all drew some wicked pictures.

You have made me wanna draw japanese manga. i have the skills to do it but i can ever be bothered to do it cos i always play cs.

Stay tuned for some master pieces, hahaha, hehehe, I WISH