02-12-2003, 07:16 AM
Is anime/manga too graphic?

judging from certain pics i have seen of anime, manga, hentai, yaoi...i begin to wonder if these are immoral or just somewhat "bizarre"

let me know what ya think pls.


The following attachment contains graphic violence...it is strongly recommended that if you are under the age of 15, you should not view it.

Misao: I better remove the picture since nobody seems to be too fond of it and it is really heavy stuff. I suppose it is not too necessary for this discussion anyway...

02-12-2003, 07:18 AM
Uhm no, it's got a rating and they should be looked at before purchasing a product... This thread however does not have a rating and that's quite an explicit picture there that depicts Hentai, and explicit violence. I suggest you remove it from the post.

ultima weapon
02-12-2003, 07:35 AM
Yeah hentai is porn and thats kinda banned in FFS.

Besides it scares me. *shudders* so many nightmares


Enigmatic Angel
02-12-2003, 08:09 AM
i'll never see anime as being to explicit mostly coz they aren't real......

so i think hentai is stupid...and violience in anime is always okay....because to me it is just not the same if it were a real person.....

but other's feel that they are both worng...so...what can i say?

oh and remove the piccy i guess....coz i dun't think mods would like to see that....or at least try to censor it....

David F
02-12-2003, 08:10 AM
Please the same can be said for any other form of media, there�s always quality work and some that are tasteless.

02-12-2003, 01:54 PM
thats kinda creepy and I think I want to vomit.

02-12-2003, 02:01 PM
HOLY HELL?!.:eye: What the hell is that!? its not hentai at all its just a chick who is naked and is being ripped apart by some guy. my god...thats just not right..not right at all..:notgood:i think i need to go and cleanse my eyes for they have seen to much...:erm:

02-12-2003, 03:22 PM
Originally posted by Reanimated Spirit
Uhm no, it's got a rating and they should be looked at before purchasing a product... This thread however does not have a rating and that's quite an explicit picture there that depicts Hentai, and explicit violence. I suggest you remove it from the post.

Yup, true that...We should look at the rating before we buy it and know what's in the Anime before we buy it.

Hehe and you think Anime shows explicit material...

Ever try turning on a American television??? You got real life violence on T.V everyday... I saw CNN shows very violent fighting from the war's, dead/naked bodies and other nasty stuff.

Anime is something different. We did not create it and we have no control what comes out of Japan...I bet most Anime fans are not interested in extreme stuff like on the pic you showed...And as for Hentai, it's a form of entertainment for the older folks...Just like XXX video from the local movie store but with Anime characters. It's just not widely discussed and is not allowed at a public fourm like this one.

02-12-2003, 04:50 PM
First off, I would like to say that is the most disgusting and disturbing drawing I have ever seen. Whoever drew that seriously needs some mental help or something like that.

For anime, I think that it tends to be a bit more graphic than some would come to expect. I have seen my fair share of bloody and gory anime and it usually doesn't bother me. However, if any picture depicts torture, I really don't like that. Such as the picture shown above. Same thing as some rape scenes in anime. When I first started to look around at hentai, I would come across girls being raped. I never have liked those pictures and never will. Anyone who can get horny off girls being put through mental and physical pain needs some mental help. Rape is never good. No matter how you look at it. The same with torture. That is why the picture above is really REALLY disturbing.

02-12-2003, 11:26 PM
hey i didnt get to see that pic! let me see! i wanna see!! lol

anyway. if you consider anime/manga a form of art, you can't really say anything. art seems to be excempt from the "bad and immoral" type of judging or what not. :p

02-13-2003, 01:45 AM
Nope. Hentai is hentai, and anime is anime. That's like accusing movies to be too graphic because there are adult movies.:notgood:

02-13-2003, 03:33 AM
I don't think so at all. While there are some plotless anime out there that seems to just be random violence, there are those TV series, OVAs, and movies that have a plot that can actually open your eyes. Many times these plots open your eyes because the themes they contain are those that are normally censored or never put in to keep some people from getting confused. Anime when uncensored is as close to the same experience you can get from books as you'll ever get through advanced technology at this time.

I never read anything about it, but I wouldn't be surprised if some religious groups wanted Neon Genesis Evangelion banned because of some of the religious refrences it makes while completely defying what the corresponding religions teach. No doubt that this anime was gory at times and even had some suggestive themes, enough so that people would be shocked by it.

And lets not forget Xenogears (anime art in a videogame). Not only did it do the same thing as Neon Genesis over the religious refrences, but in fact the game plot is so complex, deep, and realistic (it takes place in anything but an idealistic world), that it made me question how valid all these religions in the world are...the game is pratically a bible in itself because it is so long. This game featured hand drawn anime scenes that were gory, and some of the FMVs included nudity.

Then in Outlaw Star we can't forget how Melfina is naked 50% of the time. While some people wouldn't be able to look past it and immediately say, "it's porn", it in fact was a perfectly okay (to me) detail to have in the series. Yes, Melfina was naked, but it was required for her to be able to interface with the ship. Seeing Gene's and Jim's reactions to the first time Melfina took her role as navigator was funny. They could have left out the detail, but then it would have taken away from the fact that Melfina was in fact designed as part of the ship, and in the end taken away from the story.

While this thread is more about how graphic and gory anime can be, I think that what even more conservatives are afraid of are the themes that they carry with them. Afterall, I told one person that in Japan people make less of a deal about sexual orientation than we do in the US...and he almost started preaching the bible to me...

Yeah, anime can be graphic, but sometimes that's what we need to be shocked by something or get an extra sense of symbolism that we otherwise never get in most other video presentations.

02-13-2003, 05:06 PM
Good I waited with posting till today. OnlySquares said some things I�d have said, too.

I absolutely dislike it when nudity or violence is shown only for the sake of showing nudity and violence.

An example:
Agent Aika. Ever heard the term "panty-shots"? I forgot the exact number of how many times you get to see a girl�s underwear because of camera angles and really short skirts.
If this is supposed to be erotic, the producers failed: It�s simply annoying after two minutes.
The effect wears off.

Another example that jumps into my mind because of last year�s discussions in Germany is Naru Taru. (Nobody ever heard of this, right?)
The author Mohiro Kitoh has a very exact style. When something happens, he shows it. Most of the time events in Naru Taru are more or less unbloody and calm. But in volume 6 it comes to one especially shocking scene, quite cruel, and very graphic. It got censored for the German version, but the censored pictures combined with my ever active imagination are totally enough for my taste. (I am not going into details...)
This scene is shocking. Because it is graphic, but also because the rest of the manga is more or less peaceful. It sticks out.
If it had been less drastic, the effect on the readers (shock, terror, disgust) would not have been that strong.
I am content that these scenes are shown in the way they are. They�re a vital part of the story.
In some cases, I don�t mind this being graphic and all, I�m glad for it.
It depends. Anime/manga is such a wide field...

02-13-2003, 11:11 PM
Originally posted by Misao

An example:
Agent Aika. Ever heard the term "panty-shots"? I forgot the exact number of how many times you get to see a girl�s underwear because of camera angles and really short skirts.
If this is supposed to be erotic, the producers failed: It�s simply annoying after two minutes.
The effect wears off.

It seems that the only reason they do that is so that fanboys will buy the anime just to see some panties. Another example is "Bastard". I dunno how many times there were pantie shots, topless chicks, and sexual references. I've noticed that this tends to draw alot of guys to it because of the nudity.

OnlySquared stated a very important reason of why anime is so popular. Anime doesn't have any boundaries. You have Neon Genesis which some say goes over the "religious boundary" that has been set up in America. It almost seems as if you can't really talk about religion or question religious priciples because someone may become offended. While, America wants to hide sex, violence, religion, ect. from their eyes, anime questions and explores these topics through their animation. This is probably a big reason why I love to watch anime. Anime discards the rulebook of what not to show. Like I said before, anime allows the viewer a more broad range of topics to choose from.

02-18-2003, 05:01 AM
Yeah...I guess it's a bit too graphic to our American audience. But thats only because most of us are used to censorship.

02-19-2003, 04:15 AM
Well, seeing as I can't see the image Purrr posted up I can't pass judgement on that (would I want to? o.o) but I think anime is getting too graphic with the female characters wearing really short skirts it can always lead to something else... :X