The RPGenius
05-10-2011, 04:23 AM
Alright, there are some famous missing tracks for the SquareEnix DS title The World Ends with You, but every place I've searched only has the same 6 or so, and not the one I want, which is also missing from the game's OST as far as I can tell. It's a slower, more sad and wistful background tune that plays at a few times during the game, but most notably during most of the ending dialogue after beating the final boss. You can hear it here: YouTube - The World Ends With You Walkthrough - Part 62: Beat - Seventh Day[6 of 8] - FINAL BOSS ( at around 6:04. Does ANYONE know where I could find this tune? I'd be very appreciative of any assistance on this.

05-16-2011, 04:39 PM
The track is called "Amnesia", and is on the Original Soundtrack as track 18 of the soundtrack. You can buy the soundtrack off of Play-Asia. Hope this helps.

The RPGenius
05-18-2011, 01:26 AM
My God, I feel a proper fool indeed. Apparently, the source I downloaded the soundtrack from had this one tune inexplicably missing, and I didn't notice the jump in numbers that would indicate its absence. I never actually looked at the regular soundtrack anywhere else, just assumed it must be a missing song and tried to find it under a search for such. Thanks a lot for pointing this out to me. Sorry for my dumb mistake!