02-12-2003, 02:16 AM

Year by year the danger grows
It twists and entwines
It writhes and squirms
I breathe it in
It makes me feel alive
I can not stop
The danger consumes me
Through my veins
Through my mind
And when each day is done
The danger never dies
It is always there
Waiting for the next day
And for days to come
Until the day I die

02-12-2003, 02:25 AM
As always, a great poem. And nice and short to read. Very good.

02-12-2003, 04:43 AM
Fading trust

I don�t know
I don�t even try to
I just want you to see who I am
All my life I have tried to be someone
Someone who is not me
It fights back like a cornered wolf
No matter how hard I fight
It fights harder
No matter what I say
The words just melt into thin air
If only you could see
If only you could hear
Trust is what holds us together
That tight bond
Now the bond is weakening
Loosening all reason for which I do not understand
How can I pull you back the way we were before?
I must know
I must, before I fall into that deep dark hole again
With no way out
I need you now more than ever
I will never forget you if you leave me
Your song will always sing in my mind

02-13-2003, 06:01 AM

I am lost
I am lonely
I am crying out for someone
No one will answer
Why won�t they answer?
Does anyone care?
Do they want to care?

I dream of greatness
Of things I will never be
Yet I dream
Then I wake
Reality comes flooding back

I am still alone
Without love
But this time I have faith in my heart
I am not alone
I am free!

02-13-2003, 06:04 AM
Good as always, but don't double post XD Bad Phill! *Fwaps Phill*

02-14-2003, 09:40 AM
Good poems Phill~ Full of emotion and it's easy for people to relate to. Keep it up! =D

02-14-2003, 10:46 AM
I keep on thinking
What if I were famous?
What if I were a legend?
Would you love me more or less?

I struggle through my life
Digging, crawling my way on
Looking for that light
The light is hope
But I only see gray clouds
Rolling plumes of sullenness
Never breaking for the sun

I need the feel of your warmth
Your affection
Your love
I need it more than life itself
If only just this once
To feel your heart
To go without words
Without reason

I've lost all but hope
I've fought the battles
Many I have lost
Yet I remain
Here with you
And here I will stay

02-14-2003, 11:59 PM
Great poem Phill~ I have often thought about the questions that you asked in your poem so it's good to see you doing so in that poem. Well done! ^_^

02-15-2003, 04:10 AM
In the deep recesses of my mind I run
In my own little world
It is all I can do
All I can see

I hear music as I run
The music is all
Deeper I go
Without rest
Miles I travel


And on until all is over
The world changes as I run
With every stride
Every breath

I see the end
Yet the end is always far
Always out of reach
For there is no real end in my world
Only illusions of an ending

In my world
You would love it here
The freedom
The excitement
It is what I live for
What I strive for
The meaning of everything

Everything has a meaning
Some things you just can not explain
They just happen

I will share this world
So you can see what I see
And when you see it
You may never want to leave

02-15-2003, 09:49 AM
wow... i really liked the last poem you posted there, pappy. The rythm in the end of it goes perfectly well. I am so proud... I have a pappy who can write poetry! yay! ^_^

02-15-2003, 10:53 PM
Good poem Phill~ Like Ann said the rhyming in the poem is perfect even if the poem does seem maybe a bit too long. Keep it up! ^_^

02-16-2003, 12:24 AM
Good, as always, good flow. Keep it up.

02-18-2003, 06:34 AM
Ok this one has a little more rhyming in it.

Lying on the green grass
I listen to the world around me
It sounds like endless a symphony
Never ending
Never fading

Lying on the green grass
I see the people walking by
Some even stop to say �hi�
Always smiling
Always laughing

Lying on the green grass
I feel the earth vibrating with life
Struggling though fear and strife
In this wide world we live in
Ever since time began
Ever since we first walked these lands

Life goes on
And on it will go
Until the end comes
When will that be?
We may never really know.

02-19-2003, 04:21 AM
Great poem Phill~ It really makes you think about the world we live in. I thought the poem could do with more rhyming but oh well.. ^_~

02-19-2003, 11:20 PM
Inner Darkness

From the dark of night
To the light of day
The tears fall down
Never ending tears
Why am I crying?
What brought me to the state?
The only answer lies within
But it must be reached
The more I reach, the farther it goes
The farther it goes, the harder it gets
I know I must fight it
These demons inside me
Eating me from the inside
I must fight it
I must
Before the world falls into eternal darkness
Before the evil takes hold of all that is good
Evil is dark, and light is its enemy
So, the way is there
The end will come
The only question is: What will the end be?

02-20-2003, 08:27 AM
Like always, great poem Phill~ I know a lot of people can relate to the themes in the poem and you write on the matter so well. Keep it up! ^_^

02-20-2003, 09:35 AM
I hate this situation
I don�t know how to tell you
How to make you see
I must know what you feel, so I can make it right
I never wanted this to happen
It was just some silly game
Let me take you back, my love
So we can start again

I�ll show you things you�ve never dreamed of
Take you places you�ve never known
I will make your world a happy one
As long as you are willing
I only ask for your heart and forgiveness
Nothing else matters
All I need is you
And all you have to do is say �yes��</center>


Finding the words to write
It is the hardest thing I�ve ever done
By the time you read this
I will be gone
When you see what�s inside them
You will know why
Only you can understand

Do not let your heart break
Find the strength within you
You will find a new love
And all will be fine once more
Just as it was when we first met

Do not cry for me
I have shed enough tears to drown a mountain
You must walk with your head high
People will goggle at your beauty
Let them
Let them see you
Watch their jaws drop with awe

Do not come for me
You will never find me
Just send me your words in the wind
And I shall catch them
Never lose faith
Never give in
And always look ahead
Never look back</center>

Bahamut ZERO
02-21-2003, 11:26 PM
Wow, I really like the second poem you've just posted. Strong, and emotionally charged. Reminds me of all those films where the hero has to leave his love interest behind because he can't give her what she needs...

Great work Phill. Keep it up buddy.

02-24-2003, 08:20 AM
All my life is wonderful
But it is also doubtful
I think I�ll go for a walk
Maybe find someone who can talk

Lights fading
Thoughts changing
Never stopping on a whim

Creation in pain
Systems in chains
Linking our ties
Pulling in our eyes

Blinded by madness
Corruptions of grandness
The world screams for mercy
Living the life so blustery

I forgot where I began
Now I have to find out where I stand
In this pile of dirt we call �land�</center>


I�ve been trying to tell you
You�ve never seen me for who I am
Never noticed the way I look at you
I have secrets I can no longer hide
I confess my life and soul to you

I was once bound and broken
But you brought me back
I thought my life was over
I thought the darkness would never end
I thought the world would swallow me up
I thought a lot of things at those times

I only hope one day we can fix what was broken
Live on as we should
As two souls bonded with love
It is hardly consequential
It was always meant to be
And will be
For the horns have blown their tunes
And the signs are carried with the wind

My heart is yours, and yours mine
And when we are finished in this world
We shall live on as bodiless souls
Forever in the light
Never to fight those demons again</center>

03-02-2003, 11:59 AM
Well, here we go, I'm running out of things to say. Your poems are always excellent and of high quality. And the same applies to these two.

03-02-2003, 12:04 PM
This last poem is not bad by any stretch of the imagination. However, I like the previous poems in this thread a lot better. They flow wonderfully, whereas this last one feels a little forced. That said, it is a good poem. I like this part in particular.

Lights fading
Thoughts changing
Never stopping on a whim</I>

03-15-2003, 02:22 AM
Your eyes shine like the moon
I get lost inside
Swimming in your ocean
My heart beats with yours
I have nowhere else to go
No one else to go to
You are my life force
The reason why I live
I breathe you in with every breath
Your energy is my energy
Our souls welded like iron
Every thought you make
Every move
I feel it stronger than anything else in this world
Do not forget who it was who found you
Beaten and broken in that river bank
Remember those eyes looking down at you
You will never forget