02-11-2003, 01:34 PM
vote away.....if a end boss isn't mentioned...please say so

02-11-2003, 07:28 PM
I voted for Kefka. Kefka is my favourite FF villian, and his final-boss form is the culmulnation of his insanity and evil, and also incidently provided the basis for Safer Sephiroth in FFVII.

Considering how long it takes to scale his tower, then, you have to take out the Three Goddesses before you can even get to the insane clown! Then, once the goddesses are down, you face Kefka himself, who's now totally lost it. Becoming some kind of evil angel, with six angel wings and one demon wing, as if he's some kind of dark messenger out to destroy what little good that's left in the world. And his insane taunts! Who can forget his now famous "I'm going to create a monuement to non-existence!"?

And don't get me started on his final boss theme - Dancing mad - all 18 minutes of it!! Kefka is without a doubt, the greatest FF villian, and his final-boss form only conforms it!

02-11-2003, 07:33 PM
I voted for Kefka as well, because i think his final form looks great.

02-11-2003, 08:07 PM
Kuja. Then again, I'm all about FFIX :P

You get to fight him more than once, and he always puts up a good fight.

I found him harder than Necron actually. I didn't get my competition out of Necron.

02-11-2003, 09:40 PM
i never played the one's with kefka in it. I like sephiroth. on top of that, he's sexy.

02-12-2003, 12:36 AM
I vote for Sephiroth cause he's one of my most favourite vilin and he's kool.

Nanaki XIII
02-12-2003, 04:06 AM
Kefkas my favorite villian but I think Sephiroth is the best final boss, hes cool looking, awesome spells, and coolest final villian music. OF course I like Dancing Mad too but OWA tops all.

Tears from the Sky
02-12-2003, 04:43 AM
Alright I admit that Kuja, Seph, and Kefka are all great villains and bosses but you HAVE TO ADMIT! Griever was da bomb in ff8. o o
How many times do you see a giant silver winged lion with the messed up form of human with cool moves and an all around bad ass look? Once in every ff8!! o.o;;; I loved Griever he was the basis for my former name on the shrine "Winged Emerald Lion." He was fairly easy to beat but I still loved him anyway. He sooo should have been our summon! He was the coolest! Better than Eden!! Nooo! Griever wee loooove yooouuu! *falls in a hole and cries* O.o;

02-12-2003, 10:41 AM
Sephiroth (bizarro & safer) gets my vote, why you ask??? well because FF7 was a really cool game, Sephiroth was cool and i used knights of the round table on him Hee hee, plus you used everyone in the Group of people which was a change cos u could switch between partys to see how they was doing, anyone do that though?

02-13-2003, 04:27 AM
I voted for Ulitimecia because I thought the first time I fought her she was pretty tough and she fits the evil role perfectly >=D

02-13-2003, 07:16 AM
I voted for Kefka, cause once you understand his reasons its really easy to relate to the guy. He would have been a good guy if just never got that sand in his boots, that's what pushed him over the edge, damn sand. But then again everyone hates it when they get sand in their boots.

02-13-2003, 07:56 AM
Who would NOT vote for Kefka? Wow. The other bosses did stuff. Or had the world screwed for a week or something. But KEFKA. He reshaped the whole planet and ruled it for...A while. I forgot how long. But a while! So...


02-14-2003, 04:07 PM
Originally posted by Enkidoh
I voted for Kefka. Kefka is my favourite FF villian, and his final-boss form is the culmulnation of his insanity and evil, and also incidently provided the basis for Safer Sephiroth in FFVII.

Considering how long it takes to scale his tower, then, you have to take out the Three Goddesses before you can even get to the insane clown! Then, once the goddesses are down, you face Kefka himself, who's now totally lost it. Becoming some kind of evil angel, with six angel wings and one demon wing, as if he's some kind of dark messenger out to destroy what little good that's left in the world. And his insane taunts! Who can forget his now famous "I'm going to create a monuement to non-existence!"?

And don't get me started on his final boss theme - Dancing mad - all 18 minutes of it!! Kefka is without a doubt, the greatest FF villian, and his final-boss form only conforms it!

My thoughts exactly. Not only was it tough the first time, it was hella fun unlike other FF's.

Kefka's battling music is the best ever!

I also gives props to X-death battling music...it is very good as well.

02-16-2003, 08:09 PM
Kefka ofcourse =D He's the best FF villian all time. A pure evil genius and Sephi isn't only semi evil compared to Kefka.
Cool boss form, great music... but he was such a pushover ;_;
(I thought he was easy... the guardians before him where more diffucult for me)

Still, Kefka has it all :D

02-17-2003, 04:48 AM
Long thread name. I vote for Trance Kuja cause he destroys the evilish Terra and kick the crap outta you.

02-17-2003, 05:40 PM
Its gotta be Kuja/Trance Kuja!he is so hot! and i do not own the game but my freind Cygnus does and kuja was so hot and evil. But from what i saw with kuja was great and i loved it.:D i am a crazed kuja fan and i'm proud of it!;)

03-07-2003, 12:44 PM
HAD TO BE THE END BOSSES FROM FF8.....it took me bloody hours to kill'em ...drove me nuts! And although it made me hate those characters forever,it made me appreciate the ending even more.......god bless final fantasy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

03-07-2003, 04:25 PM
Kefka! Sephiroth was a pansy who you could beat at weak levels, Ultimecia you could decimate with limit breaks and Jecht was a joke. I haven't finished FFIX yet, so can't comment on that and let's not even talk about the FFs before VI. Kefka was awesome. He had some ruly theme music and took some work to beat.

Edit: Okay, beat the game now and Trance Kuja/Necron both sucked, so forget about them.

Alice Wonderbra
03-20-2003, 01:59 PM

Geez, he was just sooo funny. I loved his lines ("Grr...Argh" "'Wait' he says. Do I look like a waiter" "Run run or you'll be well done!" just to name a few).

he was also so freakin insane that u cant help but love that villain. whats not 2 love about a guy that


backstabs the emperor and rules for just one year in a ruined land of his making?

he had a kEwL costume to top it all off. did anybody else think that it resembled christina aquilera's in the lady marmalade video for moulin rouge?