05-06-2011, 06:14 PM
so theres the WII fc, xbox 360 GT and ps3 PSN threads, but what about the wii games?
as any who owns at least one online game, nintendo made the stupid desicion to implement not only a FC for the system, but FCs for each individual game.

so in this thread we post our online games and their respective FCs. who knows, maybe we can visit each other in animal crossing? kill people in goldenye? red shell spam on mario kart?

so yeah, post away!

since the wii (system) FC thread is gone to oblivion or was eaten by cthulhu, this will also double as the wii FC thread.

WII SYSTEM FRIEND CODE (posting as they come, no alphabetical order for now)

ROKUSHO: pending
Maxx skywalker: 1110 4991 4080 8413
RAMChYLD: 4968-4025-1172-0261



Animal crossing city folk (rokusho): pending
Animal Crossing: City Folk (ramchyld): 1977-3721-5651


CALL OF DUTY BLACK OPS (rokusho): 3200 5537 6135

Dr. Mario Online Rx (Maxx Skywalker): 5724 1907 7984



GOLDENEYE 007 (rokusho): 1493-0074-5700





MARIO KART (rokusho): 1375-8650-5007
MARIO KART (Maxx Skywalker):
NiGHTS journey of dreams (rokusho): 3955 0129 5337





SUPER SMASH BROS BRAWL (rokusho): pending
Super Smash Bros. Brawl (ramchyld): 0388-2240-9170
Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Maxx Skywalker): 4339 2208 6915
Super smash bros. Brawl (melonofwater): 3093-6739-8596

The Conduit (Maxx Skywalker): 2407 7798 2078








since the wii (system) FC thread is gone to oblivion or was eaten by cthulhu, this will also double as the wii FC thread.

05-07-2011, 03:22 AM
Possibly maybe probably not relevant, still active poster info from the old thread:

Here's all mine, including my DS titles with Wi-Fi support. If you add me to your friends list, pm me so I know to add you too. Basically if you don't add me, I won't take the liberty to add your's. I did this already and I have a bunch of unactivated friend codes hiding in my Wii's Messageboard center.

Wii Friend Code: 1110 4991 4080 8413


Super Smash Bros. Brawl
4339 2208 6915

MarioKart Wii
3394 3987 0201

The Conduit
2407 7798 2078

Dr. Mario Online Rx
5724 1907 7984

Wii Code: 4968-4025-1172-0261 - RAMChYLD

Animal Crossing: City Folk:
Name: David
Town: Daveburg

Super Smash Bros. Brawl:
(If it matters, I regularly play as Ness and Lucas).

Click here to level up my card! (

Alright, if you want my DS codes as well:
Animal Crossing: Wild World: 3738-0601-2038 - David, Gokuton
Tetris DS: 785382-443283

PM me if you add me so I can add you back.

PS: If you choose to Brawl with me, unless you're in Malaysia, please make sure you can tolerate very bad lags (as in, game runs in 1/2 fps). Also, my Animal Crossing towns are in shambles since I haven't touched them in months. You've been warned.

If you gentlemen want something changed/added/whatever, just let him know.

05-09-2011, 02:02 AM
ill wait for them to verify their info or post any changes.

07-25-2011, 08:24 AM
I confirm that my creds shouldn't have changed one bit. I haven't bought any new games for my Wii in ages.

I should probably go hunt down a copy of Mario Kart Wii tho...

09-07-2011, 07:14 AM
I just started to play the game,The future Exchange

01-10-2012, 05:27 PM
Brawl Friend Code 3093-6739-8596 ROKUSHO i added u
anyone else wanna add me?

01-12-2012, 11:39 PM
you may want to retract your invite. my wiis laser is busted, dont know when i will fix it.

06-18-2014, 11:12 PM
Years late, but I'm pretty sure Tatsunoko vs Capcom had online functionality :P

02-07-2015, 04:35 PM
There was a project to get Mario Kart Wii online-multiplayer back working after the wifi-shutdown - does anybody try it out yet? Requires homebrew, though.

08-27-2017, 09:56 PM
There was a project to get Mario Kart Wii online-multiplayer back working after the wifi-shutdown - does anybody try it out yet? Requires homebrew, though.

it's alive and running! though I imagine you might have figured that out by now :P