05-06-2011, 05:43 PM
So I was watching Shuffle! Memories, and episode 2 had a bgm that really stood out to me. So, I decided to download the OST.
I then realized it was not on the Shuffle! Memories OST.
So I downloaded all of the special character BGMs, the game OSTs, the drama CDs, everything- and have yet to find it. I just cannot find it anywhere!
If someone knows where to find it, has it, or knows which album has it hidden away, the name of the song, or anything, I would appreciate it greatly <:3...

Here, it starts at about 0:06 and ends at about 1:12
YouTube - Shuffle Memories episode 2 english sub part 2 (

The song is also in episode 7, when Kaede is asking Rin to stay with her, and episode 11, when she's screaming at Asa to leave.

Please help me \( ; w ; )/